Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Well, we were supposed to get some snow today. Emphasis on the supposed to get. I know snow makes it hard for people to get around and I never wish for ice or freezing rain. Which is what we are having right now. There is sleet and cold, cold water falling from the sky and freezing on whatever surface it hits. The weather forcast for overnight is for rising temperatures and for the ice to go away. We'll see. I don't think I would mind a "snow day" even if there is no snow.

I wanted to share some photos of the craft project that I have been working on for over 10 years and still have not half completed. It is an embroidered Christmas table cover. The joke in our house is which grandchild will get to inherit it and finish it because I don't think anyone thinks I will ever finish it. I will finish it one day. It's just that I can't work on it for a long time. I seem to work on it in chunks of time. And this past Sunday, there occurred one such chunk. The cloth has an angel on each corner. I have finished two and am about one third of the way through the third. There is a design around the middle of the table which I haven't even started. It's evergreens and ribbons and musical instruments. Nothing too complicated. I love the angels. I enjoy embroidery and don't know why don't do it more often. I used to but that was before I began to Knit. As I worked on the tablecloth, I realized that I am just as picky about the finished work as I am when I am knitting something. Which brings me to my lovely shawl. I think the center line is off, no, if we're being honest here, I know the center line is off. I think once I finish the lace edging, I will take out the center and do it again. Kate tells me when it's blocked no one will know but I will know and I think it will bother me. Since this is a gift for myself I think I deserve my best work. The same way I would make sure that a gift I gave someone else was my best work. Fortunately, the way it's constructed, I can finish the part I am currently working on and then take out the offending part and re-knit it.
So, the thing I like about myself (no. 6) is that I can be meticulous when it counts. I am trying to live up to the Four Agreements (Be meticulous with your word, Never take anything personally, Always do your best, Never make assumptions) so only my best work will do. It's hard because the tendency is to do something quickly just to get it done. I am a work in progress and sometimes I have to sit myself down and remind myself that shoddy work is not acceptable.
If you've never read The Four Agreements, I recommend it. I am not one for 'self help' books. Most of the time I think we have what we need inside of us (there's that potential thing) and just need reminding. This book reminds me of some fundamental things that are easily forgotten in the rush to get through the day. I have posted the agreements in front of my face at work to help me remember.
Well, I'm off to read some more Stephen King. I am enjoying this one. (Duma Key) No monsters, just weird stuff. Good stuff for when the sleet is hitting the windows and the branches are hitting the side of the house.....and it's dark. Very dark.


amy said...

Those are beautiful angels. I never had the patience for embroidery and haven't tried it since I was young.

Those agreements are so very simple, yet so important. I think I am usually successful with only two, to be meticulous with my word and always do my best. I have a hard time with taking things personally and making assumptions, often at the same time. Thank you for the reminder.

TinkingBell said...

How beautiful - I've always been just awful at embroidery and have the utmost admiration for anyone who can do it as well as you!

Lucky grandchild!

Rose Red said...

Your angels are beautiful - I'm not surprised it is a long-term project.

I haven't heard of the four agreements - but I like them very much.

Anonymous said...

It's exquisite. Your work is very beautiful. I'm sure it will be cherished by many generations.

Sheepish Annie said...

It is snowing here...snowing a great deal, if you want the truth. Then we will get sleet. Then it will rain. We've got it all up here in the great state of Maine. We like a little "variety" in our weather.

I do love that tablecloth! Here's hoping you can finish it someday and enjoy a lovely Christmas dinner on it. Or not...I think I'd hate to spill anything on an angel!

Dianne said...

The angels are so lovely. I tried to embroider once, but it just came out looking warped and wonky.

Amy Lane said...

The angels made my breath catch! How wonderful. Even if you hand it to a grandchild to finish, you will have left such a marvelous work in their hands!

Bells said...

wow. That is a long term project and I can see why. Not exactly TV friendly, is it? But stunning all the same. Keep going!

I dont' know the four agreements but I'm very keen to find out. Thanks for the tip. You're a wealth of information Donna Lee!

roxie said...

Oh, that table cover is glorious! What an heirloom. Donna, you are a kick-ass embroiderer! Good, good on you!

Peace to you and felicitations of the day.

Olivia said...

The angels are beautiful, and its heirloom only grows the longer it takes to get done.

I am a Stephen King fan since high school. He is a little hit and miss these days but I still really enjoy his books. Looking forward to reading Duma Key soon.

Olivia said...

Oops! I meant, 'its heirloom VALUE only grows the longer it takes'


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...