Tonight I am going to attend my first ever knit night (not sure what it's actually called) at our local Borders. Someone on a ravelry group board mentioned that there is a group the third tuesday of the month. I'm always reluctant to go to new places alone. I like to have someone with me to talk to in case no one else wants to. You'd think by age 51 I'd be over this , but I'm not. I hate going into new situations by myself. I am self conscious and nervous. But I want to go. I want to find others around me I can talk to in person and share my hobby with. I am looking forward to this but with trepidation. Pk says it's 'good for me' and he is encouraging me to go. I wonder if he'd want to go?
Busy day today. Meetings, clinic and a suicide training. And I have a whopper of a sinus headache. I have finished one of Pk's socks and almost one of another pair that are destined to be a christmas gift. I think I'll be able to finish in time for the holidays. The cold weather is hard on my hands. I had to pull out the mittens today. When it's cold, the arthritis flares up. I'm taking socks with me to the knit night. I can work on them and socialize.
This is a very disjointed post. Sinus headaches do that. They disrupt thought. I think I have a sinus infection but am determined to lay off the antibiotics if I can help it. Studies are showing that they go away just as fast (or slow) with as without antibiotics. And my system does not need anymore antibiotics.
Have a great Tuesday.
There's an 89 percent chance my cat is plotting to kill me. Funny, it seems higher.
What I do in one of those nervous, new-kid-in-class situations is look around to find someone else who seems timid and nervous, and go be kind to her. When you are being kind to someone else, you don't have time to worry about yourself, and you wind up having a better time at the event.
I find myself more shy of groups of new people now than I used to be. I try to cope with it by finding someone who's doing something interesting I've never seen before and ask them about it. Asking questions opens people right up, usually. And if that doesn't work, I start discussing the virtues of zombie preparedness with someone, whether they like it or not.
That is funny, because I just heard about a knit night at my local Barnes and Noble, and was wondering if I'd be brave enough to go, for all the same reasons you mentioned. Let me know how it works out, and maybe that'll help me make my decision! Feel better soon!
I'm always nervous before I go someplace new, but usually wind up enjoying myself.
Sorry about the sinus infection. I held off going to the doctor because of that same research and waited too long. I'm sure the underlying cause was my allergies which had previously been under good control.
Enjoy your knitting and get better soon.
It's really hard to put yourself out there in new situations but lots of great things often come of it. I hope you have a great time and that the sinus infection is gone soon. Horrible things they are.
I know exactly how you feel about knit night - I try never to go somewhere "new" like that unless I have a friend. It's funny isn't it, because what's the worst that could happen? Hope you went along and it was good!
yep, I think you're not alone on that feeling. I've felt that way too. I wonder if PK is right and it is good for you?
Hope you feel better soon.
Crap. I've got an 83% chance (do you think anyone scores less than 80%?? Ha ha!)
I hate those new situations too. But at a Borders you have it made. If no one shows up or you don't like the looks of it, just pretend your shopping for books!
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