Halleluiah!! (I'm never sure exactly how to spell that) I finished the last bit of the holiday knitting, (well at least the stuff I had planned on). What a relief that is. I had no idea how it was bothering me until I cast off on Pk's sock. He told me I should make two more facecloths so I can give my aunts each two but I'm not sure I want to. I have my lace shawl (two, if you count Wildflower which is still waiting for it's edging to be finished and grafted on or for me to fi
gure out how to do a knitted on edging), and the thrummed mittens and I started a new pair of socks with this (I borrowed the image from Roxanne at Arwtalk Sock Club because I seemed to have deleted mine). This is the October yarn based on a painting by Dali called Girl at a Window. As soon as it came, I knew it would be socks for me. I loved the blues and browns together. I started Go With the Flow socks (fro
m 25 Favorites by IK). I think I've used this pattern two or three times and have always given them away. Not this time. These babies are for me. I like the way the colors fall into the pattern. No striping or pooling just blue and brown with an occasional bit of white. This is one of those easy patterns that you memorize and the socks fly off the needles. And the yarn is soft and squishy and I stop every once in a while and just squeeze the sock. An overall pleasurable thing to knit.

I think I'll pull Wildflower out of her bag today and see if I can figure out this whole edging thing. The last time I tried, I couldn't seem to get it despite all of the videos and directions I could find. Maybe I'm smarter now than I was then. Sometimes when I don't get something and I put it away, when I come back to it, I find that I somehow understand it. I think my brain is always working on something in the background and sometimes it figures out things I have not thought of in a while. Maybe this will be one of those times.
The sun is out for the time being. The temps are comfortable, well above freezing. Looking at the forecast for the week, it'll be wet and fairly warm. This last three days of rain left us with some minor flooding in the basement. It happens when the ground is frozen and it rains a lot.
Tomorrow I get my computer training for our new program. We're supposed to go "live" on Jan. 12. I expect chaos. I work with some really nice, warm, compassionate and caring people. Computer literate they are not. This should be good.
I hope you are all having a good weekend. Pk is cleaning out the refrigerator and then I'm making breakfast. Gotta love a man who cleans out the refrigerator!
I like blue and brown together too. Sounds like it's absolutely time you knit something for yourself! I just discovered I walked through my blue and brown Wollmeise socks. I'm so sad. Right at the balls of my feet. :(
I'm keeping a good thought for your edging and love the new socks.
There are men that clean out the refrigerator? Who knew!
Sometimes letting the project perculate helps when you come back to them!
Congrats on getting the xmas knitting done w/over a week to spare!
OKay-- you've about got me sold on the 'go with the flow' socks--and I like the blues and browns (always one of my most surprising favorites!)
Let's hear it for the end of Christmas knitting!
I think that the knitting should be fun not a chore. But, I still feel kind of sad when I don't have more knitted gifts for people. I think they expect to get more of that sort of thing from me. (some more dread it than expect it, but whatever...)
Brown and blue together is one of my favorite combos!
I love the brown and blue.
I have to admit, I've done knitted on edgings, and yet sometimes when I try to start them I can't figure them out at all.
It's just like getting slightly stuck at the top of my driveway - sometimes I have to just set the handbrake and walk away before I get mad. Then when I come back I can drive it out.
I've given away both my Go with the Flows too. It's a lovely pattern and I think I need to have some for myself. It's working up beautifully in that yarn!
Congrats on finishing your holiday knitting! Love the new socks - gorgeous colors.
Yes, those are clearly YOUR socks! Good job. Give PK a kiss on the nose for me. He's almost worthy of you.
Love the socks - I'm going to add that to my queue on Ravelry - along with about a gazillion other things...
The socks look lovely - I might try some of them next...
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