It's Monday morning and I'm sitting at my desk. No, scratch that. It's a Monday Holiday Morning and I'm sitting at my desk. For those of you who are not here in the US, it's the day we celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It's a federal holiday. That means the post office is closed, banks are closed and schools are closed. Community Mental Health centers are open.
It's normally quiet here on the second floor at 8 o'clock. Things don't really get hopping until 9. I enjoy this quiet time. I catch up on blogs and listen to phone messages and put myself into work mode.
Today, it's more than quiet. I think I'm the only one up here. A lot of people take federal holidays off. Pk is off and was sleeping soundly when I left. As I leaned over to kiss him goodbye, he smiled but didn't wake up. The train was running on a holiday schedule and was not crowded. One could even say it was empty. Weird.
Tomorrow is election day. There's a lot of pressure on Obama to make good and I hope he's up to it. Bush is a tough act to follow. Not because he was so good, but because he made such a mess. I hope the critics give Obama a chance to settle in and find his bearings.
My weekend was a good one. I started making a long overdue gift and did quite a bit of spinning. If you are a spinner/knitter, I'd like to recommend Crown Mountain Farms. I placed an order on Thursday and by Saturday I had a box of fiber in my hands. And it's lovely hand dyed merino. There is a ravelry group called Ply by Night. We are all spinning the same fiber and knitting the same thing (morning surf scarf) to see the differences. I am not fond of the color this round. It's all yellow and purple and some red/orange. It's called Sunshine of Your Love. It is definitely out of my comfort zone. I spun half of it to get a good feel for it and then last night started spinning it thin to make a fingering weight. I also ordered In A Gadda Da Vida for Pk. It's one of his favorite songs. (probably the only song Iron Butterfly ever did). It's green/blue/brown/purple.
That's it. A quiet weekend in a quiet life. Em wants to have a meeting of the Succulent Wild Knitters tonight but I'll wait to see how the day goes. Mondays are tough for me and sometimes I don't have much energy left at the end of the day.
Have a good monday.
We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.
eta: blogger keeps taking away the paragraph breaks today. I bolded the beginnings to break up the large block of test.
Chris doesn't get today off either, although he had to go in late because we got more snow last night. So he had to shovel again, since he'd already shoveled the snow we got yesterday. I'm so done with winter. I bet the quiet train was nice. I'm at the point where I'd take a train ride to nowhere just for a break...
I sometimes liked working a holiday that most people were off for. I could actually work on projects without interruption and the building was quiet.
The color combination your were spinning doesn't sound like something I would like either. I'm heavy on the purples, blues and greens in my stash. It will be interesting to see pictures of your finished scarf.
It's a floating holiday at my firm. You either show your alliance to Dr. King, or Christopher Columbus and take one or the other day off--not both. CCD I never thought was such a big deal til I moved here. I didn't realize the Italian pride surrounding him.
I'll get the best of both worlds since I'm technically on maternity leave right now. ;-)
Love catching the train when it's quiet. Not so much the going to work part though!
Hope your Monday is not too stressful.
Oh, a quiet day at work can be nice in its way - but I hope they pay you extra to be there.
naughty blogger-- but a nice post of a "It's too quiet" sort of day...
And I've got to say, "Sunshine of your love" sounds EXACTLY like my kind of fiber;-)
You sound quite sanguine about working when hardly anyone else is. Good for you!
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