I did it. I did a bad thing. Even though Pk reminds me almost every day not to volunteer at work, I did it. In my defense, the work group I volunteered for is one that I am actually well qualified for. It's to investigate ways to make our agency more 'recovery' oriented. I have taken many trainings in recovery and recovery oriented treatment. I know this subject.
They don't want me.
Yep, they don't want me. It seems I was the only one to volunteer. In the whole building! I don't think it's that they don't want me but they want other people to volunteer for things. I always do it. I can't seem to help it. If I see a need, I have to try to meet it. It's what helps make me good at my job. But the admin wants other people to volunteer to be part of committees and things. So, my supervisors (in another double-team session), told me I would not be part of this work group. This is really getting hard. I can however, be taught. Even a thick headed, stubborn woman like me can learn. So, I'm back to keeping my head down and my arm at my side (no raising it to volunteer). I can't afford to lose my job and in this economic climate it would be tough to find another.
On a lighter note. I discovered what my cats do all day. When I left in the morning, they were asleep on my bed. When I came home, they were asle
ep on my bed. In the same spots. Hobbes stretches out and Calvin huddles in a ball. They have the life. If it weren't for the whole 'licking your butt' thing, I would love to be a cat.
Did you see the full moon on Monday? I tried to take a photo because it was so bright and right after moonrise, it was just there. I tried to take a photo and didn't realize how much the electrical wires were in the way.....
We were having some electrical troubles last week. Our power kept fluctuating. Now, we have an old house and some fluctuation is inevitable but this was alarming. Pk (who knows a thing or two about electricity) investigated and decided it was either the freezer or the outlet the freezer was plugged into. He un -plugged the freezer and it stopped. When he plugged it back in, it still didn't cause fluctuation. We scratched our heads and figured it was an anomaly. Then I went out to get hot dogs from the freezer because he wanted chili dogs (ewww). The hot dogs were not hard. I checked the other frozen items and discovered that some of them were beginning to thaw. The freezer had given up the ghost and the fluctuations were it's death throes. Tonight after work, we went to our local Home Depot and found a chest freezer to replace it. We can't complain. Our old one was a gift from my parents over 25 years ago and it was 15 years old then. I googled appliance life expectancy and freezers should last 14 years so that one really gave us our money's worth! We put a few nights of meals in our inside freezer and gave the rest of the stuff to Em and Jim. Since he is still unemployed, it'll help ease my mind that they are eating. (I can't help it. I'm a mom. I worry about them). Tomorrow when the new one is cold enough, I'll put some of the things from our inside freezer in it and then I'll shop over the weekend.
I can't believe how fast the day flew by. It's bed time already and I haven't done any knitting. I have to go and rectify that. A couple of rows, I swear. Just a couple of rows.....
I hope you can focus on what you CAN do and let them try to get others to volunteer. Sometimes people need to learn the hard way to appreciate what they have.
Hear's to a long and happy life for the new freezer!
*laughs* yeah-- just a couple of rows... I know that song! Sing it all the time:-) I know it's hard to sit idle, but it's probably good that other people are being made to volunteer--everybody needs to pull the spirt weight, you know? (As my principal just pointed out, 24,000 people running the same marathon are NOT a team!) Besides--more time to spend harassing your lovely kitties! (I can't see my daughter's cat lying like that without walking up to him and telling him the most outrageous lies:-)
Did you have a ceremony for the freezer? I'm just wondering... Since Mr. Washie gave up the ghost for the Yarn Harlot, I'm wondering if there's a service for these things...
It's funny isn't it, that in order to try to get people to volunteer, they basically forbid you from volunteering. So the job doesn't get done at all. Sigh.
My mum still has a fridge her and dad bought not long after they were married - 50 years ago!! I'm pretty sure it is not very environmentally efficient any more but it just won't give up the ghost!
Your bosses are probably afraid that you will burn out with over-volunteering. Be patient. Other people WILL learn to step up to the plate in time.
I'm in a group where the same people volunteer over and over: we call that "helium hand"!
How very odd that you have to protect your job by doing less. And that it takes two people to tell you that...
Working environments just befuddle me sometimes. It's best to not think about it too much, I suppose. Good thing for knitting...
Sorry about work - I know how frustrating it is to work in that kind of environment. I hope it gets better.
The kitties are too cute - and mine do the same thing all day too!
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