Saturday, May 9, 2009

Someone on their blog said "it's been a boring week". I was thinking, I would like a boring week. I'd like a whole lot of boring right about now.

We buried PK's dad on Friday. It was interesting to see his family, most of whom we haven't seen for many years. He has 6 siblings and they all have multiple children. These children are all adults. All of these young people kept coming up and introducing themselves ( a fine crop of next generation). Good thing, because without name tags, I was lost. Ray was 93 and had lived a good long life. He buried two wives and had a girlfriend. He was a lucky man. His girlfriend (strange word for a woman in her 90's) did the reading at the funeral mass. She is the grandmother of one of Em's high school friends. Yes, it is a very small world.

When the lunch was over, we went and got a dryer. Yay! No more sitting in the laundramat while children run around me as I fold my underwear. No more showing my underwear to the world!

Then we came home and my cousin phoned to let me know her sister had died. Joanie has been sick on and off for about a year and less than a week ago, they diagnosed her (finally) with pancreatic cancer. She died peacefully, with her family around her. So, this week there will be another funeral. This is the second cousin I have lost in the last two years who is younger than me. I don't think the reality has hit and probably won't until I have to go to work and request another bereavement day.

So, today, I did the grocery shopping and managed to get some extra so I can give it to Em and I am in the process of washing all of the summer clothes. It takes forever but the closets and drawers get cleaned out and that's a good feeling. It also is fairly mindless and that's what I needed. I cleaned the bathroom and nowI am knitting Pk's brown striped sock because I can handle a k3 p1 rib but not much else. I am so tired.

I just want some boring.


Galad said...

Here's hoping for a little bit of boring. You certainly deserve a break from stress.

Knitting and rest sounds like a good plan.

Rose Red said...

I'm sorry to hear about your cousin in the same week as your father in law. Hope you get some boring this week. And some lovely knitting.

Julie said...

Oh, hugs. I'm wishing you a little boring. Maybe you can have mine when we start to move, since I won't be using it any more.

If you get any crap from your employers about another bereavement day, you just let me know. I'll come on up there with my ball bat and a list of names, and to hell with alibis and legalities and such pesky things.

All I can say is, hang in there. Dig in and just get through. We're all digging our own trenches alongside yours.

Alwen said...

Yeah, there is a lot to be said for the boring.

My grandfather is 88 and has a lady friend, and I agree, it's hard to know what to call her.

gay said...

please enjoy some boring on mothers day. hope everything settles down in your life.

Dianne said...

So sorry to hear about your father-in-law and cousin. That's rough. Hopefully you get a bit of boring for Mother's Day!

Jeanne said...

I'm sorry to hear about all your losses - I hope that you get some boring weeks coming up.

Happy Mother's Day!

roxie said...

Big, loving hugs! Bless your dear, dear heart!! May you live in boring times.

Bezzie said...

Oops. That was me!

I find your FIL's funeral fascinating. Dr. MS is not close at all w/his father. We often muse if we would bother going to his funeral when he dies. I try to flip the question on him. If he were to die, does he expect his father to show up? Chances are he wouldn't. So sad.

I'm sorry to hear about your cousin. I hope the old saying doesn't happen for you and you get that boring week.

Bells said...

oh yes, i'm sure boring sounds absolutely heavenly to you right now. You've all had more than your fair share of not-boring.

Sheepish Annie said...

I'll think good thoughts for a nice, boring week. You've earned it!

My sympathies on the loss of PK's dad and your cousin.

Amy Lane said...

I read ahead--and sweetheart, I'm SO glad it was boring--and peaceful, and lovely. So sorry to hear about the deaths--even if they're not people you were particularly close to, it still hurts...

Well, hello friend. It’s almost Hallowe’en and I am looking forward to it.   this year we have a new addition to our family.  Well, actually...