Saturday, February 5, 2011

There's sickness in our house.  Wet, icky sickness.  I stayed home on Thursday and Friday due to feeling exhausted and just generally run down with sinus headaches and stuffiness and fever.  Pk texted me from work to say his throat was feeling raw.  I went down to the freezer and took out a small chicken and put it into the inverter defroster (I still had to wrestle the bits stuck inside out, it took a bit of finagling under some running water) and then into a large pot to make some chicken noodle soup.

It was wonderful.  We had a real comfort food meal.  Soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.  Today, I have a sore throat (thanks, dearest) and Pk is coughing and sniffling.  House o' Plague, that's us.

I'll do our laundry since the importance of clean underwear can not be overestimated, but little else.  I'll give the bathroom enough attention to keep us from catching any odd illnesses but the rest of the house will just have to wait.  I think we can stand to take a week off and not dust/vaccuum.

Instead, I'm going to park myself in front of the front window in my favorite chair with the first clue of the mystery shawl kal and see how that goes.  If my brain is too fuzzy (a very destinct possiblity), I have some nice, easy socks otn and I can play around with those or I could spin.  Or sleep. 

It's raining and with a foot of snow still on the ground, we are in for some possible flooding so we'll have to keep an eye on the crawl space and keep the pump ready.  It's not supposed to rain much, but the temps are high enough to allow the snow to start melting. 

We watched the third episode of Sherlock last night and were once again bowled over at the quality of the show.  And hated the fact that there are no more episodes to watch.  I figure if new ones come out in August, they'll be on dvd in about a year from now.  Such a long wait.

I need to go and eat some breakfast.  I think I'd like oatmeal but since I dropped the container that held the oatmeal and the lid came off and oats went all over, I don't have any today.  I do have Cheerios and bananas and I love that, too.  And did you hear that there is a fungus that is affecting the bananas that we most commonly see in the store?  If the scientists can't figure out how to deal with it, bananas as we know them could disappear.This fungus is spreading at an alarming rate.    There are other folks trying to come up with another type of banana that ships as well and has the same flavor.  Bananas are one of my favorite fruits and I can't imagine not being able to have them. 

Well, you can imagine our weekend, here.  Not a lot of movement, just resting and eating and sleeping.  I hope you all are having more fun. 


roxie said...

Ah, welcome to my world. Lie around flat as a piece of paper with just your li'l eyes bugging out, and when you can finally scrape enough energy together, get up, go to the bathroom, get another cup of hot broth, and lie down before you fall down. Hope you feel better soon!

Rose Red said...

Ugh, sorry about the wet icky sickness. Hope you both are feeling better soon.

I hope the banana thing is sorted too. I haven't heard anything about the fungus, hopefully we are isolated from it in Australia (thank goodness for our strict quarantine laws), because bananas are my favourite fruit.

Galad said...

Stay warm, drink your fluids and get plenty of rest. Fiber therapy is also recommended :-) Feel better soon!

Louiz said...

Oh no, I hope you both recover quickly. Doesn't sound like a whole heap of fun:(

Anonymous said...

yuck indeed. i hope it passes quickly, these sicknesses seem to get worse and take longer to cure every year. happy recuperating!

Saren Johnson said...

Hope the plague ends soon. It really sucks being that sick.

Amy Lane said...

More fun, but probably not as much contentment...

Bells said...

you're doing another mystery shawl! Hooray! I'll watch you do that happily! Get well soon!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...