Here we are a week later. A week during which much napping has taken place and some spinning and some more napping. There has been some knitting and then once again, napping.
But I'll start at the last time we visited.
Dec 23rd, Pk finished the wiring but three of the outlets didn't work. He tried to troubleshoot them but to no avail. He had shopping to finish and headed out to do that with Elanor in tow. This left me to finish decorating and putting the final touches on our space and to bake some cookies. I had no success (the butter horns spread all over the pan instead of holding their shape which happens some years) and decided I must be too tired so I stopped and went to bed early. The pfefferneuse came out wonderfully perfect. They have a tsp of black pepper as well as other spices in the dough and are very tasty, especially when consumed with a cup of tea.
Dec 24th we got up very early and I started the babka so it would have ample time to rise since I was not using the breadmaker to make the dough but doing it by hand (which means I let the Kitchenaid mixer do its thing which it does in a magnificent manner). I made butter horns (and they came out) and coconut meringues and sugar cookies and a chocolate torte. The babka rose admirably and came out picture perfect. So, the baking got done.
We had quesadillas for dinner and Pk put the lights on the tree while we waited for Em and Jim to arrive. They were at his sister's and were running late. "Mistakes were made" (their words) and they were going to be hungry. I whipped up some quesadillas when they got here and all was well.
I got out the punch bowl and made our traditional wine punch, and we had coquina (Puerto Rican egg nog-oh my god- the best ever) and munchies while we dressed the tree in her finery.
Dec. 25th:
And fine she looked. The insulation kept the room at a comfy 68-70 degrees and we all sat around drinking hot cocoa and eating babka as pollyannas were revealed and presents were opened.
Pk pulled a fast one on me by saying words like Schact and Louet within my hearing for the past two weeks, knowing that I had put a drum carder on my list (although I was pretty sure I wouldn't get one-those things are expensive). Instead he got me technology in the form of an iPad (with a pink case and my name engraved on the back). I was absolutely floored. He managed to really surprise me. I have spent the last week reading a book and putting a few of my favorite knitting reference guides on it. I think I love it even though I would have sworn I didn't need it.
They stayed over 6 hours. I had forgotten they are known for marathon visits. It was getting a bit much in the end but overall, I'm glad they came.(Pk kept saying "Oh, look at the time! It's 8 o'clock already!) I set the table with the holiday china and Christmas crackers and it was all very festive.
I think I slept for most of the next few days. I sat in my favorite chair and did some spinning for my sweater. I did tell you Joan sent me the roving she dyed for me and it's almost a perfect match? It'll make the yoke of my sweater look just slightly different but like it was planned that way. I sat in my chair next to the Christmas tree and slept on and off for almost 2 days (and still slept at night). I figured all of the past three weeks had finally caught up to me and my body gave in.
I didn't leave the house for almost a week. We went out yesterday to go grocery shopping and then to see the Hobbit. We were 50% successful. We got food. We bought tickets for the movie and then got in an immensely long line. We heard the ticket seller say the movie was sold out and we were at the end of the line. This did not bode well for our movie enjoyment. I saw a man and his son get turned away and we decided to give them our tickets ("Merry Christmas") and we'll try to see it another day. I think everyone had cabin fever. The last two days had been filled with torrential rain fall (over 2 inches in 24 hours) and very high winds (a good test of our new roof-which passed with flying colors) and people needed to get out of the house.
We compromised by going to the bookstore and consuming beverages and perusing books and then buying a new clock for the kitchen.
Today, I am going to figure out how to fit 9 people around my table(s) and bake some Knock You Naked Brownies and do laundry. My brother and his kids and Kate and Patrick are coming for dinner. I'm serving Chicken of the Good Woman (chicken/bacon/potatoes) so it's easy and tasty. I am going to work on my sock (aren't the colors great?) and spin a bit more and watch the SNOW!!! fall. It's only supposed to be a couple of inches but it's so pretty.
This sock pattern is called the SKYP sock because of the stitch in the middle of the rib. It's a Skip, Knit, Yo, Psso. It's one of those patterns that seems to move along rather quickly and I really like the look of it.
All in all, I've had such a low key holiday week off but it was just what I needed. I have to go to work on Monday for half a day. Pk is coming over to have lunch and then I'll leave for the day. I didn't have enough time to take the day off since I had to use time when the hurricane came through (you know, when they closed off the bridges and I couldn't get in to work and I had to use my vacation time). I don't mind too much. We'll have a nice lunch and then come home together.
As you can see, the tree fills up the middle of the room. I didn't pull out all of the holiday stuff since we seriously didn't have places to put it and I didn't have time to figure out alternate spots to show it off. It all worked out ok and the room looks joyful and Christmasy. We decorated with some live garland since it was only going to be up for a short while and Pk did get the lights up on front of the house. It's a small display compared to our neighbor's extravaganza but I am not a fan of 5 blow up things on the front lawn......(they look like dead cartoon characters during the day!)
So, there you have it. Christmas week 2012. It was quiet and lovely and filled with just what we needed, sleep and rest. For the first few days, Pk and I limped around like two ancient beings but by now our bodies have had time to recuperate somewhat. We had a new dumpster delivered yesterday to get the rest of the debris from the front of the house. I'm sure the neighbors will be pleased. We'll start filling it next weekend and then get it removed. There's still work to be done outside and inside but we have time to take it a bit easier now that we can actually live in the space safely. It'll probably be a year until I get to replace the kitchen cabinets and such but I'm perfectly ok with that.
In case I don't see you or talk to you before the 31st, I wish everyone a Happy Healthy New Year. I hope it's filled with joy and hope and love and friendship.
im not surprised you're tired, all that baking. i can almost smell your babka from here! im glad you've had a good time with family, and plenty of rest and crafting time. hopefully the new year will bring more of it.
What a wonderful sounding week(end). When you make it back to work, it will be hard on you.
Sounds like you had a lovely restful Christmas break, after all that hard work, you deserved lots of napping time.
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