Good morning! Happy Sunday. I hope your day is going well. It’s the last week of summer here and the weather is up and down and all over. We haven’t had much rain lately and our garden was almost a complete bust. We got a small handful of cherry tomatoes that were delicious but Pk planted so much more. It all went to the local deer and rabbits. Next year, we will try an electric fence. It’s a last resort
The show was amazing. What you can do with plastic bricks! This is one of my favorites
It is called Decisions and is made with 112, 363 individual bricks. I think a better name might be Hope. The hands rising from below to touch the forms suspended above. I can’t imagine how much time it must have taken.
It is called Decisions and is made with 112, 363 individual bricks. I think a better name might be Hope. The hands rising from below to touch the forms suspended above. I can’t imagine how much time it must have taken.
I have a fondness for audio books. Most books that I “read”, I download and listen to. Chirp is a good service if you want an audio book and don’t want to join a subscription service or pay a lot of money. Chirp has a daily email listing some bargains for the day. They are usually older books or an author’s lesser known selections. I have quite a collection. At the moment I am listening to Here one Moment by Liane Moriarty. I love her stories. Big Little Lies is one of my favorites. When I find an author I like, I look for their back list. Most of the time, I am rewarded with new stories that I am already inclined to like. That’s how I read all of Steven King’s books. One after another. I enjoy some more that others but am always entertained.
One of the things I like best about audiobooks is that I am a visual learner. When I hear a story, I remember most of the story (or some bits of it) but often forget a lot of the details. I can listen to them repeatedly and not be bored. I mostly listen to fiction but a few non fiction books have caught my interest. One is Women in Clothes by Sheila Heti et al. It is a fascinating look at why people have favorite clothes and how we learn about fashion.
This was an interesting week. I had a routine dr appt and got my flu shot (I have to get one for work). It knocked me off my feet. I always have a strong reaction to vaccines. Last year, I got a covid shot along with my flu shot and was a mess for a few days.
My oldest daughter will be 41 this week ( I KNOW I am not old enough to be her mom). We are going to Green Dragon Farmer’s Market. It’s supposed to be “the number 2 farmer’s market in the US” and only opened on Fridays. I love a good farmers market! This one is in Ephrata, PA which is the heart of Amish country so I know the baked goods and meats will be exceptional. It meant taking a day off of work but I think will be well worth it. I’ll let you know!
I hope you have a good, satisfying week.
See you next week!