It’s almost Hallowe’en and I am looking forward to it.
We decorated our front window with witches and bats and ghosts (and skeleton lights). In a week when the holiday is gone, we’ll take all of the specifically Hallowe’en decorations down and leave the leaves and plain pumpkins up until after Thanksgiving.
We’ll go and get our tree the day after Thanksgiving and then have our family over for dinner (Chinese, not turkey!). My girls cook and eat with their inlaws. If I want us to be together, we’ll have to do it the day after. I don’t shop on Black Friday, except for our tree.
I like cooking dinner on Thanksgiving. Nothing fancy, just the same foods lovingly prepared. I once suggested a change in the menu and you’d have thought I’d suggested we run naked around the block.
Fortunately, if I use the oven on convection, the turkey will cook in a few hours and I can watch the parades. I love to see marching bands (I was a majorette in high school. I can still twirl somewhat) and I wait for them.
I voted a few weeks ago and now feel perfectly justified turning off the speeches and newscasters interpreting polls. I don’t remember feeling as apprehensive for an election. The last time Trump ran, I was sure he would lose. It goes to show why I am not an election interpreter. Now that I know it can happen, my anxiety goes up often.
We went last weekend to Johnson’s farm for hay rides, corn mazes and pumpkin picking. We had a good time! We got there early and beat most of the crowds. This coming weekend we’re planning to take a picnic lunch to Allaire state part and ride the Pine Creek RR. They also have a flea market. And I just found out James will be here with us so it will be extra fun.
Tomorrow is my regular work from home day. I love it. This week I can work from home on Wed and Thurs since my group is having a party and I don’t have to be there. I can sleep almost an extra hour and not have to travel. I do my laundry on Wed since I am home and working anyway. I’ll also order our groceries for Thursday so we won’t have to do the putting away over the weekend. I will be having a long weekend because I took off Monday for my 67th birthday. This year I am giving myself the gift of a day off. I feel like I could use it.
Well, time to sign off so I can hold the hand of the love of my life. He says he falls asleep better (and who am I to argue?). I hope you are all doing well and are having a peaceful autumn.
See you soon.
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