I thought I would show you what happens when you take monkeys to the beach: they play in the sand! This is monkey number 2. I have turned the heel and am working on the foot. Monkey number one is finished and is destined to be a belated graduation gift for Kate. She has been admiring the socks since I started them so I will be once again turning over a hand knitted pair of socks. Eventually I will make a pair for me!
But, today starts the Tour de France kal! I am ashamed to say I thought TOMOROW was the big day and have just now at 8 pm cast on for the first of my hiking socks that I am making for my project. The pattern is the EEsti Hiking Socks from 25 Favorite Socks by Interweave. The yarn is brown and white variegated worsted weight on size 3 dpns. I did a swatch and I like the way the yarn knits up. It will make nice, warm, soft socks to keep my honey's feet warm while he is hiking the wilds of New Jersey.
Bon chance tout le monde!
Your Monkeys are far better behaved than mine! Monkey and I are still not on speaking terms. Maybe I should take them to the beach...
Imagine what havoc those monkeys could have wreaked at home unsupervised--even with one half finished!
I wish you had time to finish them, but I can wait. I'm patient. Mostly. Sometimes.
Bon chance pour le Tour!
oh look! Sand monkeys!
You are like me - making them for others first. I made two pairs for others before i made a pair for myself. I longed for them!
I'm afraid of the Monkeys - maybe I'll try them after I'm sure I can do some good solid sock-wrangling.
Oh, I STILL love that yarn - Those will be beautiful monkeys! How do you keep them from getting all yucky at the beach? Don't they start playing in all the sand and water, whining when the sunscreen gets in their eyes?
Jeez, lady. First you teach us to knit wrong, now you tell us the wrong date to start our projects! What next? Oh, the Ben Murphyness of it all!
The sock for Dad looks lovely, and I'm quite jealous, as it took me eternity to do even a few inches of Ash's socks.
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