Thursday, July 5, 2007

We spent our Fourth very quietly. The weather forcast was for increasingly nasty weather so there were no great plans. I love unplanned days like this. All five of us, for once all the girls were home at the same time, watched Star Wars. We have been slowly working our way through all 6 movies (except for no. 1 which no one likes) and we are now on the "good ones". I have such fond memories of standing in line to see this movie and seeing it 12 or so times in the theater (no vcrs in 1977). It was the most amazing film I had ever seen and still remains one of my all time favorites (although the Lord of the Rings has pushed it aside just a bit). On July 3rd our town had it fireworks display. We gathered at the school at 6:30 and ate a picnic dinner and just enjoyed the outdoors. It also gives us a chance to see some of the children we watched grow up into lovely young men and women as the whole town gathers for this event. One of Emily's friends is in Bagdad and we miss him. We were just talking about what kind of care package to send and decided he needed some hand made socks. So we got some nice warm wool (it's cold in the winter!) and will start shortly. The Red Cross has an interesting web site where you can read patterns from both world wars for socks, hats and sweaters for soldiers.
My monkey socks are tooling along. I am almost finished the first one and it looks great. No progress shot, the weather is lousy today and the light is nonexistent. I plan to spend much of the next couple of days finishing it and getting as much done on number 2 as I can before the Tour de France kal begins.
Thanks to everyone who offered tips and info on proper knitting technique. I am doing ok with the "new" way but once in a while, if I am not paying attention, I slip. Much cursing and ripping ensues!


Rose Red said...

Hey Donna - my sock is from Nancy Bush's Knitting on the Road - a great book if you love knitting socks!

Kate said...

I hope they don't fit you so that I can get them! I love the monkey socks and were it not for the knitting "correctly" part, I would make a pair of my own.

I'm putting the Halloween yarn to use, but you would think it was silly. About as silly as my head ornaments, right? Yeah, I thought so.

Can't wait for more Star Wars today (hopefully before work).

MadMad said...

What's wrong with a little cursing, I want to know? (Or, for that matter, with knitting the way you're most comfortable with?) Anyway. Your Fourth sounds lovely - I love those small town get-togethers and also movies at home with the kids! I sent my stepbrother candy and cookies when he was in Iraq (he's home now, safe and sound, thank goodness). Socks would be much harder...!

Sheepish Annie said...

I refused to see another Star Wars after the first. (which I also saw in the theater after my mom drove me there with my friends and all our feathered hair) It was so amazing that I decided to leave it at that. What if the next one was bad??? It would kill me! Some day I'll break down and just watch them all...

Meg said...

one of the TDF KAL participants mentioned she's working on a project for the 'Socks for Soldiers' organisation... I will try to find out what that is for you!

Anonymous said...

Isn't the Red Cross site fascinating? I have a WWII sock pattern of my grandmother's, which I truly treasure.

Olivia said...

Hi Donna
Thanks for your lovely comment on my felted pots. If you do want the pink and purple one it's yours, contact me by email and we can work it out!

Olivia said...

oops. It's

Well, hello friend. It’s almost Hallowe’en and I am looking forward to it.   this year we have a new addition to our family.  Well, actually...