I'm not really all that upset about what they call my job. I know what I do is valuable and that's what's important.
We were planning to go to the flea market today but the weather was yucky. Again. If I took a photo of the Saturday sky, it would have looked just like the Thurs sky and the Fri sky and now the Sun sky. And the weather folks say that the sky will look this way until Thurs or Fri of this coming week. It's humid like August but not as hot. Everything feels sticky. Chairs stick to the wood floors and linens are limp. And not a breath of air is moving.
So what does one do in weather like this? If one is bored with the Saucy sock, (well, not really bored but I found out it doesn't fit the intended recipient and that has bummed me out. I know someone else with very thin feet and ankles so I will change recipients. If I were to make it again, I would use much larger needles as there is not much give in the pattern and it is
very narrow.), one might start a new project. A small project. Just enough to keep one busy for a few days. Something like these baby socks. I have a coworker who is having a baby soon. I don't know her well but we've worked together a little and I'd like to give her something for the baby. I took some leftover sock yarn and made two pairs of baby socks. They're unbelievably cute.
As is Hobbes. He's keeping me company. Calvin is on the back of the couch and has fallen off once right onto Hobbes. Needless to say, Hobbes was not thrilled with that maneuver.

I'm pretty sure the antibiotics are working. The soreness in my jaw is mostly gone. One more day and then my system can get back to normal. I'm glad it worked. My insurance company rejected the claim to have the crown re-made because it hasn't been 5 years and I don't want to spend 1500 dollars if I don't have to. If I can last three more years, I can resubmit the claim.
Kate and I pulled out what we affectionately call "the orange stuff". It's our various bits and bobs of fall/halloween stuff. It not only brightens up the house, it's a signal that the holiday season is coming up soon. I love this time of year. It's full of celebrations. Our anniversary is in October and then it's Halloween and then my birthday and then Thanksgiving and then Christmas. It's busy but in a good way.
Tomorrow it's back to work with a full schedule. Why are weekends so short?
So glad you're feeling better! I know what you mean about iccky weather--it's been hot and dry here--nearing the 100ds, and not nearly as much fun as the cool autumn I love. The socks are adorable--but then, all knitted things look better with kitties:-)
awww, look at Hobbes - I just want to pick him up and pet him and love him and (he'd probably hate me!)
The baby socks are so very cute too!
Cute socks!! That's what I knit for babies whose parents I really don't know well either ;-)
I think we're supposed to be getting a couple days of nice weather before it gets ugly and damp again. But we had such a dry summer, I'm cool with some rain.
I'm so glad to hear that your mouth is feeling better. I'm bummed that the insurance isn't covering the crown, though. That seems a little unfair since it's not like you did it on purpose, for heaven's sake!
Love, love love the kitty pix!!!
Hobbes is a cutie! And that is a great picture of him...
Glad your mouth is feeling better. You just reminded me to get my bits of orange out. It is still so warm here I tend it to forget it is October.
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