Wednesday, December 31, 2008

There are only 15 and 1/2 hours left in 2008. I know it's traditional for people to look back and see what they've accomplished or look forward to what they'd like to accomplish in the coming year. My memory is not good enough to remember what I did this past year. I know I made several pairs of socks. I'm wearing a pair now and I often see them on the feet of my family. I learned the frustration that is lace knitting and the wonder that is blocking said lace knitting. I have completed one thrummed mitten and started another (both hands need to be warm).

I have learned to spin in a rudimentary way. It IS hypnotic and peaceful and calming, once you get the hang of it and get into a rhythmn (before that it is all about the cursing).

I have learned that I have infinite patience with people but inanimate objects piss me off easily.

I have learned that I know a lot of things and I am generally good at what I do, but, boy, do I have a lot to learn.

I have learned that getting old is not for the faint of heart.

I have learned that most people just want someone to listen to them and know that they are being heard. They don't always want you to solve their problems, just to listen to them.

I have learned to keep little bits of happiness around me so when things are tough, I can look at them and smile. Thus, the wind-up toys on my desk. I got two new ones for Christmas. A ladybug that runs around and does somersaults and a robot who walks around menacingly.

New Year's has never been one of my favorite holidays. I find it a melancholy time and used to resent being made to feel like I had to celebrate. I don't begrudge those people who want to party and drink themselves silly. I just want to opt out. The girls have plans with friends and Pk and I will probably start the Lord of the Rings marathon he traditionally likes to do this time of year. And I'll be ok with that.

I hope that 2009 brings you sharp needles, soft yarn, challenging but doable patterns and the time to sit and knit.

Happy New Year everyone!


roxie said...

Right back atcha, dear, with health and peace and much laughter!

amy said...

Happy New Year, Donna Lee! I think if we ever stop learning we may as well just give up on this life thing. Here's to a 2009 full of more valuable learning experiences! :)

teabird said...

Same for you, with health, serenity, and fun!

Bezzie said...

Yeah it's a bit melacholy for me too--it reminds me of the beginning of the new school year or semester. It always seems so daunting in the beginning, but blink and it will be over soon!

Galad said...

Happy New Year to you, PK and your family! Have a relaxing and peaceful holiday and much knitting to make 2009 even more fun than 2008 :-)

Sheepish Annie said...

Excellent reflections! May you and yours have a wonderful New Year!

Bells said...

See, the way you describe your feelings about NYE is how I feel about Christmas! I just want to opt out mostly. I like NYE. I don't feel the need to party hard but i like to mark it in some way, even if it's just hanging with a couple of friends as I did last night.

Happy new year to you Donna Lee! Here's to another great year of blogging and all things good.

Amy Lane said...

Happy New Years, Donna Lee-- when I grow up, I want to be your older sister--because you will never grow up in only the best of ways:-)


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...