Happy New Year! We survived another New Year's Eve and it is a beautiful, clear, su
nny day. It was so windy last night that it felt like invisible monster was hitting the house with great big invisible pillows. I thought we'd wake up and find trees down but found only run away trash cans. I think it might be a problem for the Mummers today. Some of their costumes have large, feathered backpieces that catch the wind and would make it really hard to march.

You know, I've always said I was married to a good man. Well, I want to show you how good. 30 years ago (or thereabouts), he was in the Navy. Being the good girlfriend I was, I made him cookies and crocheted him a scarf. Now, we were young and he had given
me a poem that said, "You are yellow, I am blue. Together we make green. Green is my favorite color" (Sappy, I know but we were teen agers). So, I made him a yellow, blue and green scarf. Bright, primary colors with fringe. Made of indestructible acrylic yarn. How indestructible? Here it is in the early morning sunshine today. It's in perfect shape. He's worn it for 30 years and still wears it. It is the Scarf That Will Not Die. I'd like to replace it with something a little nicer. So I am using this
yarn that I spun myself to make him
this. This is about 7 inches of the yarn harlot's one row scarf. The yarn is a two ply that I spun this past week. It's the best yarn I've done so far and I'm really proud of it. There is a subtle random striping going on. I have a large cake (138 g) and it's about 17 wpi which makes it a fingering weight. The scarf is soft but not limp and not scratchy. I love the natural colors of the wool and the idea that I spun it. I also have another skein drying that I think I'll turn into a hat or maybe some gloves. I'm not sure about the gloves. The whole idea of ten little finger tubes turns me right off.

I am more of a mitten person and here is my first thrummed mitten. I've made mittens before but the thrumming was new.
The insides look like this. It feels like your hand is surrounded by a warm cloud. It's unprocessed alpaca that Emily gave me. The yarn is Patons Shetland Bulky in a Charcoal tweed. I learned that if you want neat, perfect thrumms you should probably not use alpaca. It's so soft and slippery that little fibers escape and get onto the surface of your knitting. If you are at all OCD, you should probably use something less wispy and more dense. I am not terribly OCD and I love the way the alpaca feels. I've cast on for number two and hope to finish it soon.

It's really cold here today. Yesterday we had an intense snow shower. I was in the store and couldn't see my car which was only about 20 feet away because of all the blowing snow. It lasted only a few minutes but lightly covered the ground with frosted-sugar looking snow. It's gone today and not a cloud mars the beautiful blue sky. I have a nice long weekend and I'm looking forward to more spinning and knitting and napping and maybe a little visiting. I like dragging out the holiday feeling as long as possible. Come January it's a long, cold slog until Spring.
Stay warm, stay safe and have a happy day!
You got a snow shower, we got another half foot. Sigh. Same winds, though, and I'm glad the power is still on. We seem to be in a sheltered area as far as winds go (although the home insurance people say otherwise).
I've been wanting to get Handknitting with Meg Swansen. I hear there's a glove recipe in there that uses i-cord for the fingers. I haven't made gloves for the same reason--it'd be like five thumbs! But I've heard good things about Meg's recipe.
You have a wonderful, romantic, darling man, and if someone ever gave me such a sweet poem, I would frame it and hang it where I could see it every day. Grab him and give him a big smooch, just because you can!
What a cute scarf and poem to go with it! Love it!!
Yeah it's COLD here. I've got the heat set to a mere 60 (we upped it from 58 to 60 when we brought the kid home from the hospital!) and it was on all night long!!
PK is a romantic and deserves a beautiful, warm new scarf.
Enjoy your long, lazy weekend. I'm holding off for one more day on my January "to do" list and plan to spend the day knitting and watching movies.
Your husband keeping that scarf all this time is just about the sweetest thing ever! I'd say he deserves a new one. But don't be surprised if he clings to the first one. I kind of have a feeling that he will...
Happy New Year!
Gorgeous handspun scarf! Love the mittens too...I hope you have a wonderful 2009!
PK still wears the scarf 30 years on? Oh be still my beating heart. What a dude - and a poet. he he
I LOVE that scarf pattern. Have done it several times now and it just works so well. And in your handspun? Gorgeous. Just like the mittens. I'm going to try thrumming this year.
Oh and i"m with you on the ten finger tubes. Yuck.
I need to teach everybody how to knit flattened tubes on two straight needles.
Okay, I'll let go of the OCD urge to convert the world to double knitting. But it's hard!
Happy new year to you - I love the scarf story and the new scarf you are making - although I bet it will be hard for PK to stop wearing the old one!
I love the scarf story, and that he still wears it! That one-row scarf pattern is brilliant, isn't it? And those mittens look like soft clouds - gorgeous!
Good luck with the extremely cold snowy weather. In my few years living in the States, I really loved snowy winters - a novelty to most Aussies - but the frozen water pipes, black ice on the roads, and other difficulties and dangers weren't such fun.
OH wow-- on all fronts. The scarf that wouldn't die is just precious! And the newer scarf is actually gorgeous--and very metaphorical. Not as bright and shiny (or squeaky) as new love, but softer, more real, and more organic, showing all of the wonderful things you've learned about eachother, knitting, and life... (run away, it's a sap river gone over the banks!!!!!)
May your New Year be beautiful:-)
OH wow-- on all fronts. The scarf that wouldn't die is just precious! And the newer scarf is actually gorgeous--and very metaphorical. Not as bright and shiny (or squeaky) as new love, but softer, more real, and more organic, showing all of the wonderful things you've learned about eachother, knitting, and life... (run away, it's a sap river gone over the banks!!!!!)
May your New Year be beautiful:-)
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