Thursday, April 2, 2009

Look! An FO! Right here in front of your eyes! Here's a photo of the baby sweater I made for a coworker's new daughter. I am pleased with it. I ended up adding a few rows of garter stitch around the neckline across the back to strengthen it. It was rolling a lot and felt weak. The yarn is a cotton/acrylic blend and is so soft to the touch. It should wash up nice and be easy to wear in the summer months. I took amy's suggestion of being aware of the difference in the gauge and used slightly larger needles for the sleeves and it worked out fine. (bad photos, nightime with flash)

See the little chicken buttons? Aren't they cute? I like the pattern and would do it again but would use firmer yarn. I think this was too soft to hold the firm shape of the sample. The pattern called for 100% cotton which, I think, would have made a firmer fabric.

Since April is my blogiversary month, I'm going to follow Bells' example and try to post every day. It was a challenge during Octoberfest but a good one. It made me look around more carefully at my world to come up with things to write about. This being National Poetry Month will help since I can use favorite poems if I get really stuck.

I am working on the Primavera socks and I'm not sure I like them. The bfl is making such a heavy fabric. These will be socks that will stop bullets! I'll finish them because I'm part of the group and once again, it's a challenge. I don't think I'll be able to wear them until next winter!

Yesterday, April 2nd, was my Emily Jane's birthday. She is 23. I want to know how that happened. How did the wide eyed little one standing at the front door with her nose pressed against the glass, get to be 23? It went by so very fast. And now she is a lovely and talented young woman who is making her way in the world. All she ever seemed to want was to see what was going on outside that front door. She wasn't happy sitting or lying in my arms. She wanted to stand, to be held upright, even as an infant. Since she was a 9 and 1/2 pound baby, it was no easy thing to hold her upright! Emmy Jane was a happy kid who grew up into a happy young woman. I love you, baby. You mean the world to me.

It's raining and chilly this morning. But it's Friday and that counts for a lot. I have a good bit of paperwork to get done today and then it's home to make a birthday cake for Em. She asked for a chocolate torte (last year when I tried to make one for her, the oven broke and I had to buy a cake) and I'm going to have a hard time getting it out the door since it's Pk's favorite. "Can't we tell her it fell on the floor and then buy a cake?" I don't normally make this except for at Christmas and I really don't want to make two but I think I may have to.......


sheep#100 said...

I love the ducky buttons!

Alwen said...

mmm, chocolate torte.

Now I am hungry for chocolate.

teabird said...

What a good idea - changing the needle size for the sleeves.

Of course, you could sew those buttons onto anything and it would be cute, automatically.

amy said...

okay, my comment was exactly what Alwen already wrote.

Amy Lane said...

The ducky buttons are awesome! Happy Birthday, Emily Jane--that torte is DEFINITELY made with love!

Bells said...

Em has the same two names as Emily Bronte! Happy birthday Em. That paragraph about her growing up brought a tear to my eye, Donna Lee. Beautiful.

I'm so glad you're blogging daily, too. I love the challenge and the results!

Bells said...

oh and the little buttons are adorable! Great choice.

Denise said...

Gorgeous chicky buttons!

Congrats on the blogiversary, and having a daughter who is 23 - it is a bit of a mystery isn't it, how they suddenly get all grown up?

The chocolate torte sounds DIVINE and WICKED :)


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...