Thanks for all the support and good wishes. (and that offer of an alibi, Julie). I wish I could say that knowing when the surgery will be has made it easier. Pk and I are trying not to dwell on it and just get through the next 4 days. What makes me angriest is that if the doctors who make the decisions were paying attention, this would have been taken care of 6 weeks ago and by now, Em would be healing up and picking her life back up.
And bec
ause I want to share something pretty here is a roving I bought in Lancaster
at a lovely shop called Ladies of the Loom. They were extremely nice and very knowledgeable and had a huge Kromski Polonaise wheel there that I know is worth about a thousand dollars. It was impressive and gorgeous. I don't know how many ounces the bag held but this is a merino/silk blend by Louet. It is soft.
I've managed to spin it into a laceweight yarn (22wpi) and I have a little over 100 yards already spun and maybe the same yet to spin. I need to find a small lacey thing to make out of it. Maybe a small scarf. When Em is feeling well, we'll take a trip there. I don't think she'll be up to a trip to Maryland Sheep and Wool this year. I'm sorry about that since we missed last year because of my surgery. I was looking forward to going with her and Kate but I guess she'll have to wait until next year.
Early Tuesday morning, they will go in with a camera and take a look around. More samples will be taken and analyzed and then the surgeon will decide how to take it out. Em says the oncologist told her it does not look like sarcoma. The odds are all in her favor that it's a fibrous tumor and can be taken out. That's what we're hoping for. Depending on what they see with the camera, they'll decide whether to go in through the front or the back. Em is hoping for the back because she figures she can get a "kick-ass tattoo" back there to cover the scar. I think PK is afraid I'll go for another tattoo at the same time. I'll admit, the thought has crossed my mind......
We'll be sitting with Jim during the procedure. I'll take the brown striped socks to work on. Nice, mindless ribbed socks. I think I can probably handle that. And I have to get a move on with Em's sweater.
Isn't technology amazing? Years ago, exploratory surgery involved huge, long incisions and lots of messing around. Now it involves a little puncture and a camera. How cool is that? I am fascinated by this stuff and would love to be there to see the pictures.
And bec
at a lovely shop called Ladies of the Loom. They were extremely nice and very knowledgeable and had a huge Kromski Polonaise wheel there that I know is worth about a thousand dollars. It was impressive and gorgeous. I don't know how many ounces the bag held but this is a merino/silk blend by Louet. It is soft.
Have a good Friday. Keep safe and stay well.
you spun that into laceweight? Donna Lee you're my hero. Knit something beautiful!
Tuesday is a big day for your family. A huge day. Thinking of you all.
I don't blame you for being angry at the doctors who dropped the ball on this. There is no excuse for this kind of thing. None. I'll be sending you all lots of support and good thoughts.
Beautiful handspun! Blue like the skies today!!!
Soon you'll be the proud grandma of an alien baby!! ;-)
Magnificent spinning! Bravo!!
While sitting in that waiting room, remember that we are all there with you, knitting and hoping and holding your whole family in our hearts. Hope it's a big room, 'cuz there are a LOT of us!
I think I have the easiest job out of all of you guys. I just have to show up and get put to sleep. Though, you get to know sooner than I do. Jim said he'd leave a big sticky not on my forehead that said BIG CUT with a happy face or LITTLE CUT with a sad face. Here's hoping it's the big cut! And hey, you don't need to worry. My chances are great and the risks are amazingly tiny. I have finallyfinallyFINALLY got this thing's number. I'm coming for it, and Ima kick it's ass! And then get an awesome tattoo. I might drag Amy out for her first when we go. (gotta bring you, you're my tattoo buddy!)
Wow, the yarn is beautiful. I am both knitting and seeing a lot of blues on blogs lately.
Roxie is absolutely correct about how many of us will "be there" with you on Tuesday!
That yarn is absolutely beautiful. You are getting really good at spinning.
Don't forget that knitting, and bring extra just in case you need it. In that situation there's no such thing as too much knitting.
WOW--that roving is beautiful, and you are taking this really well... crossed fingers for you and your lovely family.
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