Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Kate and I went to see Jule and Julia last night. I'll admit, I was reluctant. I am a huge fan of Julia Child and was a little nervous about seeing her portrayed on the screen.

I shouldn't have been. It was wonderful. I like to cook and it was fun to watch Amy Adams (who is so cute) whipping up these marvelous dishes. Ok, except for the aspics. Jelly made out of calf's feet does not float my boat. And I loved the insights into Julia and Pauls's lives. It's a fun movie.

Other than that, nothing much is happening. Pk and I are taking a long weekend over the Labor Day weekend (Sept 7 here in the US). He wants to go camping one night (I really don't) so I'm going to drop him and his backpack off in the woods on Thursday afternoon and then pick him up with a picnic dinner on Friday. Then we'll have three more days to just enjoy.

M1k1 (Jen) very generously sent me a small hank of malabrigo merino laceweight yarn. (I mentioned in a comment on someone's blog that I had never seen malabrigo in real life. Since then, my lys's newsletter says they are going to start stocking some in the fall!) It's leftover from a shawl/scarf she made for herself. It's called Emerald but as Jen says in her note, it looks more teal to me. It's soft and there's enough for maybe a small scarf. My non-knitting daughter said "oh that will make some nice socks." I laughed and said no, it wouldn't. They would wear out in the first wearing! Then I had to explain the concept of weight and why laceweight yarn is NOT used for socks. She'll eventually know more than she wants to about yarn.

In October, Pk and I will celebrate our 28th wedding anniversary. I know. I was a child bride. Actually, I was 23 which seems awfully young to me now. I found a special train excursion on October 17 that is an all day ride on this train. (I borrowed the photo from The ConRail Historical Society's webpage) . It's a restored diesel engine from the 1950's and has passenger cars which have all been restored as well. It'll ride through the Susquehannah Valley and Lancaster and up to Harrisburg then pick up the express rails and zip back to Philadelphia. Pk is a lifelong lover of trains (and planes but not automobiles) and he is excited about this. I am too but more for the excitement he'll get out of it. And I do get to spend the day with my best friend. I hope the weather is fall-like and the leaves are changing.
So, that's what's happening. It's been a quiet summer. No complaints, here. I'm off to eat my yogurt and granola for lunch. I wish I liked yogurt.......


Rose Red said...

tee hee, I don't like yoghurt I don't eat it!

I think the train trip will be lovely - if nothing else, it's great for knitting!

amy said...

A train ride sounds like fun, and I was thinking the same thing--knitting time.

I have just slowly begun eating yogurt again, because it's good for me. When I was pregnant with my second, I was eating tons, because I was nursing too, and I wanted to load up on calcium. And then at maybe six weeks or so I just couldn't eat anymore. The very smell of it made me feel ill for years.

Olivia said...

I can't stand yoghurt and never eat it. Except with Indian food or in cooking - that can be good. People always think as a vegetarian I must love it (same goes for eggplant).

23 does seem young but my parents were 20 and 21! This was 1974 and they were married much younger than most of their friends and siblings. I always liked having young parents - my friends thought they were pretty cool(!)

Bezzie said...

Now that I'm older I'll eat yogurt. Couldn't stand it as a child bride myself--at 21 ;-)

Sounds like a fun trip...but be careful, don't want to have all the fun before the big 3-0 in two years!

Galad said...

The train sounds great!

I'm with you on the aspic but Julie and Julia was a fun movie.

Bells said...

how nice to be sent some malabrigo! looking forward to seeing what you make of it.

And thanks for the write up of J&J. Can't wait to see it since I loved the book so much!

What a great way to celebrate 28 years!

Louiz said...

I love yoghurt, have you tried really fresh yoghurt? You can make it at home, and it tastes so very much better than the rubbish you can buy. Full fat greek style yoghurt is the closest I've found in flavour, which is yummy.

and the trainride sounds fabulous!

Alwen said...

I love trains, too! My great-grandfather was an engineer, and when my little brother was born, he slowed the train as it went by our house and tossed a baby present out to my mom. (Soft stuff, a baby sweater or something.)

MadMad said...

OK, I'm cracking up over Olivia's comment - that vegetarians are supposed to like yogurt and eggplant. Too funny! But I like it - especially the Greek kind, and with honey... Oh, and I've been meaning to tell you! We ate the empanadas Monday night - DE-LISH. My whole family thanks you!

roxie said...

Yup, I take my plain yogurt with local honey and call it desert!

That train ride looks like such a treat! Which knitting project will you take? Something fairly simple I would think, so you can enjoy the scenery and the company.


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...