Monday, August 17, 2009

Wanna know what a hug looks like?

Like this.

This is me wrapped

in my

wool hug.

When I got home from work today, there was a package from Rosered waiting for me. I knew she was sending me some connectors for my Options but this was a good sized box. I opened it and there were three presents wrapped in red paper with (what else?) red roses.

When I opened the first one, there was this beautiful shawl. It's all shades of purples and dark tones. It's gorgeous. And it will be warm and wonderful when the weather gets cold again. I wrapped it around myself to feel the love and had Kate take a photo for me. There was also a package of chocolate . It's over 93 degrees (33.8) here and the chocolate had to go into the freezer for a bit. And she sent the connectors to make my knitpicks circulars one helluva big cable.

There was a card that was signed by Jane, Denise, Georgie, Bells, Shelley,Kylie and Olivia. I will confess. It made me cry. The thoughtfulness and love were so overwhelming, I had no words. Peter Kevin said, "you guys are amazing. You knitting women. You're so good to each other."

He doesn't know the half of it.

Thank you. You made my day. You make my life warmer and more colorful. And the love and good wishes that were contained in the box? They are returned a thousand-fold.

I was going to show you the buttons Elanor chose for her sweater but I'll save that for another day. Today, it's all about the love.


Denise said...

BIG HUGS. I'm so glad you love it - you know there was love in every stitch :)

Bezzie said...


And kudos to you for posting a modeled picture!!! I'm surprised it's not just a puddle on the ground wearing a pretty shawl! Hee hee!

Bells said...

I've been hanging out for days knowing this would be arriving soon! We planned it so long ago when Em was at her worst because we knew any kind of good thoughts and gestures can help in some small way. The crisis has passed but we knew you'd appreciate knowing we had kept you, all of you, in our thoughts for the duration.

DrK said...

i was so excited to be part of it, and so keen to see your reaction! it looks amazing on you, i hope it helps you get through a northern winter when it finally arrives xx

Georgie said...

There's love in every stitch, dear friend. It was fabulous to be a part of. Roll on winter!

Rose Red said...

Yay! So glad it arrived!!! I knew it might be a bit hot for the chocolate but couldn't send you a package from Australia without TimTams and various other chocolately goodies!!

I forgot to mention...the yarn (picked by Bells) is Australian merino by Fibreworks - yummy!!

Big hugs to you!

Anonymous said...

Oh you've finally got it! YAY!
It looks so good on you! Thanks for the photo. There was lots of love in that shawl, and lots of fun and happiness too.


roxie said...

Hah! What goes around comes around. You send out love and you get shawls and chocolate! Hooray for the Oz contingent!!

teabird said...

Beautiful! I can feel the warmth from here..

Jeanne said...

What a beautiful shawl - and what a nice present to find in the mail.

Olivia said...

You look HOT in that shawl! ...and a little overheated ;) Thanks for posing for that lovely photo in spite of the heat. I'm so glad it's arrived, it was a pleasure to knit on it, and my first group knitting experience too.

MadMad said...

Awww, that is awesome! What a great story. Those Aussies are really something, aren't they? And it's a beautiful shawl - it looks great on you!

Alwen said...

Well, that is just awesome. Made me cry, too! (((more hugs)))


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...