Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Good morning and Happy Christmas Adam!

What?  You don't have Christmas Adam?  You don't know what Christmas Adam is?  Well, if Adam supposedly came before Eve and tomorrow is Christmas Eve......

So, Happy Christmas Adam.

I am off for the next week.  I know the week will fly by but I'm determined to enjoy as much of it as I can.  It's a sunny day today which means it's blinding because of the snow.  The temps have been slightly above freezing so it's slowly melting.  We're due for some rain at the end of the week and since my house is at the bottom of a hill we're going to be inundated with rain and melting snow.  Good thing we have a sturdy pump.

Pk walked down and met me after work yesterday and we went to a place that is close to Heaven on Earth (at least to me), Lore's chocolates.  It's a small store in downtown Philadelphia where the chocolates are handmade.  We bought some chocolate covered cherries and some chocolate straws.  We restrained ourselves and only bought what we went in there for.  I know lots of folks don't like chocolate covered cherries because of the sweetness factor.  But, these are dark chocolate and the coating is not too sweet so it balances out the cherry inside.  We love them (probably more than is decent).

We got home and had some dinner and pretty much vegged all evening.  Today Pk is shopping and I am baking.  I have eggnog to make and the fixings for some wine punch.  As a wedding gift we received a beautiful punch bowl.  It's cranberry colored glass and looks like someone made a sphere and cut in half.  It's plain and smooth with a design blown into the glass.  We've used it a handful of times and I wanted to use it this year.  I'll make some wine punch (now that my children are grown this is a more practical idea than when they were little and it was only Pk and I) and serve it on Christmas Eve. 

So, things here are moving inexorably toward the holiday.  I don't feel overwhelmed, just excited.  Christmas seems to bring out the child in me, not that she is ever very far from the surface anyway!  I have half a sock to finish in the next two days.  I think I can do it but I pricked my finger while putting the name on my coworker's stocking and it hurts.  It slows me down somewhat and I am not a fast knitter on the best of days.  I remain hopeful.


amy said...

Merry Christmas, Donna Lee! I'm excited too. Dare I say it, but Christmas is under control over here. We're expecting no company until Saturday--we're all to ourselves until then and I'm delighted. The presents are wrapped, we'll bake (eggless)cookies for Santa tomorrow. Whee!! It's almost Christmas!!!

Bells said...

christmas adam! Of course! I can't believe it's not more commonly known - you guys are so funny!

I'm off for a week now so won't be checking in til then, but have a fabulous week off! Much happiness to you all!

Rose Red said...

Well, Christmas Adam is better than Christmas Eve Eve, which is what I heard it called on the news yesterday!

Wishing you all a fab Christmas!

Sheepish Annie said...

Enjoy that break and Happy Christmas Adam to you, too!

Bezzie said...

Ha ha, I have heard that one before--but I had forgotten about it! Merry Christmas!

Galad said...

Merry Christmas! Enjoy your time with family. Being excited for the holidays makes it so much more fun doesn't it?

Jeanne said...

Merry Christmas! I hope you have a wonderful holiday, and a wonderful vacation from work!

roxie said...

Christmas Adam? LOVE it! You could pose for Norman Rockwell with that Christmas you have planned. And I want pictures of the wine punch in that gorgeous bowl!!

Amy Lane said...

You and PK are charming-- I'm sure the trip to get that lovely chocolate was almost as wonderful as the chocolate itself. *snicker* Christmas Adam!


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...