For date night last night, Pk and I went to dinner with Kate and Patrick. It was nice but a little weird to double date with our daughter. We then went to Borders and I found a book. Actually, I found three books. One was My Lobotomy by Howard Dully. I heard Mr. Dully speak on having a lobotomy on npr about two years ago. It was one of the most moving pieces I have ever heard. Mr. Dully's step mother and a doctor worked together to have him lobotomized when he was 12 years ago (in 1960, yes, lobotomies were still performed until 1968). He's a tour bus driver and happily married now but had a harrowing time of it as a child. I found the book on sale and snapped it up. I'm going to figure out a way to share it with my group. We've talked about it often and they're fascinated (in a morbid kind of way).
I also got a knitting/spinning book. I know I don't need another one but this one was different. It's called A Fine Fleece by Lisa Lloyd. There are a lot of really good patterns and they made each one with commercially spun yarns and then handspun so you can compare. Funny thing is, I like the handspun ones better almost every time. There's something more organic and textural about them. I found a pattern for a hat (I gave the last hat I made to Kate since it doesn't fit me) and cast on for it last night. So far, so good.
(The third book? The Four Agreements by M. Ruiz. I lent my copy and never got it back. We also bought two calendars for 1 dollar each. The Dangerous Book for Boys and the Daring Book for Girls. Elanor asked if they were for my niece and nephew but I said no, they're for Pk and I.)
The Evenstar kal began last night. I got my clue but didn't feel ready to cast on. It needs a circular cast on and I need to watch videos since I have never done it. I wasn't in the mood for all the complicatedness.
We spent today running errands. We had to find a new snow shovel, some snow melt (more snow is due early next week), and groceries. We also decided to treat ourselves to tiny mp3 players to use at the gym. Something small that could be kept in the gym bag and if it got broken, wouldn't be too big a loss. We decided on the Sansa Clip. It weighs less than an ounce and holds 4 GB. I've been ripping some music to exercise by and I'll put a book on it so if I'm just sitting in the whirlpool, I can listen. They are so cute! And they'll clip right onto the collar of our shirts and not be in the way. You can buy a tiny little card already loaded with 1000 songs for working out which I may buy in the future. My problem is that I love to sing and if I am listening to music I know, I'm afraid I'll forget where I am and sing. So, if I buy the little card, the odds are I won't know that music and won't be able to sing. For now, I went looking for some upbeat music and found enough to keep me moving.
Tomorrow will be laundry day. We're thinking of going to the gym and doing some light workout and then swimming or sitting in the whirlpool and then having brunch. Whatever we do, it'll be slow and easy. I like my Sundays to be slow.
How're the Olympics going? Everybody knitting away at a breakneck pace?
Saturday, February 13, 2010
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Good morning and welcome to my January. I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...
Happy 2010! (That's said 'twenty-ten'.) We finally got out of the '0's' and now can move on. Pk and I had our u...
I didn't mention in my last post (probably because I'm not always comfortable with my own sexuality), but having Pk look at me in th...
The taxes are done ! Yay! I had a great sense of satisfaction hitting that "submit" button. (I have visions of my tax forms going ...
No Knitting Olympics for me. Too much pressure and I haven't been watching so that might make it even more confusing for me! :)
I hear a rumor that we might get some snow this week. Think you might want to keep that down your way? Just a thought...
Good idea to buy a little mp3, that'll be great for the gym. Not sure if this is your type of music, but AC/DC's "It's a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll" is a GREAT song for working out to - especially walking. Really good quick beat, you can't but help go fast with it!
Knitting with handspun is a lovely experience, not that I do it often, but with the right pattern, it's great!
No, actually, I think I've finally had enough. You are welcome to this one. I did hear we are getting some snow on Monday/Tuesday....
i have struggled so much with circular cast ons but for Elijah this morning I learned this one that was the easiest I have ever tried!
ps I can't believe RoseRed recommended AC/DC. That cracks me up. So didn't pick her as an AC/DC girl!
Hooray for you for going to the gym!
Sounds like you found some great books. Score! WHY would a person want her child lobotomized? I'm gonna look for that one!
Happy knitting and spinning, and good luck for the next storm system.
I'm a Knitting Olympics spectator this year.
I'm interested in stuff to do with the brain - I'll have to look for that book.
I LOVE my Sansa Clip. I've got one that's "older" (maybe 2 years old) and it's still going strong. Much better than that any trendy iJunk out there IMHO. ;-)
I had been thinking of finding an mp3 player like the Sansa Clip, but it now appears that I have figured out the mechanics of using my full-sized iPod Classic without flipping it off any of the stuff that I use.
I've started my Olympic project, but have barely touched it. Then again, I haven't been home and not exhausted since the Games started. Hopefully that'll turn around tomorrow.
I didn't do the KO this year either... I think I'm going to dedicate myself to finishing some of my WIP's... maybe designing an iPod case... whatever!
I know what you mean... sometimes, I cast on a hat or a sock just because I don't want complicatedness in my life!!!
No knitting 'lympics for me either. I love my ipod for the gym, i have a strap i put roind my arm. but I dont think AC /DC would work for me, I use club music and completely zone out. Good for you even leaving the house!
The books sound interesting. Knitting Olympics are going slow. Not sure I'll make my goal.
Sounds like a nice date night - and the books sound interesting!
Hope you don't get too much snow today!
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