I meant to upload some photos for this post but I forgot. The memory is just not what it used to be. It seems that if I don't write something down, I don't remember it. I carry a colorful notebook around with me at work to take notes and write messages to myself. It helps (it saves my sanity most days). I figured I can write the words and add the photos when I get home tonight. If I remember......
Friday nights's dinner date was wonderful. We met after work at a bar called The Standing O (for ovation, Broad St is The Avenue of the Arts and there are several theaters). The bar is attached to the lobby of a Hilton hotel with an interesting art/light fixture hanging from the ceiling. Fiber optics are a wonderful thing and I can watch them change color for a long time. (easily amused).
We sat in the bar for about an hour talking and watching the lobby fill up with young folks who looked like they were in town for a competition of some sort. You know the rifles that a marching band/drum corps uses? Well, they had some of those but no instruments in sight so probably not a marching band. Maybe a drum corps?
We walked across the street to the restaurant and were seated in the section served by one of my clients. I knew she worked there but figured the odds were good she might be off. I was afraid of awkwardness but there was none. We had a delicious meal of arugula/apple salad, (Pk had salmon) and then amazingly tender filet mignon in a slightly sweet sauce and banana creme brulee.
The food was good but the company was better. There was flirting and silliness and lots of laughter. We sat there for about 2 hours and watched the place slowly fill up and get busy. By the time all the tables were full, we were done. We walked back to the train and went home.
Saturday was chore day and we got the shopping done and had time to get some crafting in. I finished Elanor's January socks so one down, eleven more to go. I also worked on my mittens and an alpaca scarf I'm making for me. Fortunately, it's been a bit too warm for either of them so I have time. I'm afraid we'll get hit with a blast of honest to god winter in February. Some of our heaviest snows were in Feb.
We watched two movies this weekend. First was Cowboys and Aliens. If it had been a serious film, it might have been ok. If it had been campy, it might have been entertaining. But despite the Names (and both stars seemed to be phoning in their roles), it was awful.
Sunday, Pk spent some time out in the workshop. I used my swift for the first time. It works great. It's got a bit of a squeak which Pk intends to fix. He likes it when my spinning wheel squeaks. He says he finds it comforting to hear me spinning wherever he is. But, he doesn't want the swift to squeak. I think all it takes is a bit of wax.
We popped some pop corn and watched RED. It's such a good movie. Great cast, good writing, good acting and a wonderfully plausible/implausible story. I like seeing older actors doing their thing on the screen. They bring a depth to a character that isn't always possible when the actor is still young. We whiled away the afternoon laughing and munching buttery corn goodness.
And back to work and to a state inspection. I've turned in my "perfect" charts (ones that have all the appropriate documents with all the correct signatures and dates on them) and there's nothing else to do but my job. I know we do good work but having to produce perfect paperwork makes everyone nervous. In two weeks, we are inspected by the people who pay us to provide service. THAT one is nerve wracking since if the documentation is not perfect, they want money back. No one wants to give money back.
I finished The Hunger Games. I guess I'd say I liked them but they were a bit preachy. Kind of like Starship Troopers by Heinlein. And I agree with what most everyone else said. The first one was good but the other two were a bit thin. The Hunger Games had a lot of politics in it as well. I'll have to ask my niece what she thought. I'd be interested to see if kids pick up on the same themes. Like Game of Thrones, you don't want to get attached to any characters since a lot of them die.
Well, as you can see, I remembered to add the photos. I forgot to take one of El's January socks. Her Feb socks are started. She admired some red/white/blue yarn so I've cast on to make her a pair of socks that looks like blueberries, strawberries and cream. The colors are deep and rich and these will be nice socks. I'll keep working on the scarf and mittens, you know, in case we get to have some actual cold weather.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
We went outside last night hoping to see the aurora from the CME (coronal mass ejection) but were disappointed. No lights for us. Partly because we're too far south and partly because of all the 'trash lighting' from the city nearby. There we were standing out front looking at the sky. One of our neighbors drove by and I could only imagine what he/she was thinking, "what are those strange people doing outside staring at the sky?" Well, that's who we are.
The hats/socks went over well. I didn't go to the shower. I have a clinic in both the morning and afternoon on Monday and that hour at lunch is my only time to just relax. I didn't want to give it up. Especially since neither of these young women are people I'm close to. I did hear that squeals were involved and so I assume they liked them.
This week is Restaurant Week in Philadelphia. It's a way to get people to eat out and try a restaurant they might not try otherwise. It's a fixed price meal, 35 dollars for 3 courses. We are going to The Palm. We've eaten lunch there once before and it's rather expensive but really good. I think it'll make for a nice Date Night. We'll meet for drinks at a bar across the street from the restaurant after work. Then we have reservations for 5 (the only time other than 9:30 they had left and I don't like to eat so late). Dinner out with my best guy. Can't wait.
I'm listening to The Hunger Games.(Suzanne Collins) Anyone else ever heard of it? At Christmas, my 11 year old niece told me about it and said she loved it. I got it on audio book and it's amazing. Do you know The Lottery by Shirley Jackson? (if not, this is one short story you shouldn't miss). It's kind of the same premise but way more complicated. I got finished the 3rd part and the story took a huge leap forward. It wasn't until I stopped and looked at my player that I realized I was missing part 4. I went back to the library website and redownloaded it. That hour made a difference. Now I understand what's going on better. I highly recommend the book(s). I think there are 3, maybe more but I've only listened to half of book one. I'm not sure I want to get to the end because I like several characters and the story line is that they will all (but one) die. If this were a book with pages, I'd flip to the last page and read it but I've never done that with an audio book.
Did you realize that January is almost over? Work is a bit crazy since we have a state inspection next week, a county inspection in early February and the Joint Commission on Healthcare Accreditation has to come some time between now and April. I'm kind of hoping they just come soon and get it over with. All the stress and angst and anticipation is WAY worse than the actual inspection. We have to meet the same standards as a hospital and it's a bit rediculous sometimes. For instance, no magazines in our waiting areas. Why? Because people lick their fingers to turn the pages and that leaves germs. No cellophane tape on doors/walls. Why? Germs can stick to the tape. And it goes on and on. All of our bulletin boards have to be covered in plastic. I have no idea why, probably the dreaded GERMS. Like I said, I wish they'd just come and get it over with.
It's been near 50 degrees here again all week. It means that we're seeing insects that we don't usually see until Spring. There were flies! In January. And the damn stinkbugs. They're everywhere because it hasn't been cold enough long enough to kill them off or send them into wherever they go. They give me the creeps.
My hair continues to grow. My hair stylist keeps it all layered for me so it looks ok. I'm still getting used to it. Pk likes it. That's what makes it worthwhile.
So, that's all the news from here. I'm off to check on the soup on the stove and put some haircolor on my grey roots. I've decided I'm just not ready to let it go yet.
One day but not this day.
The hats/socks went over well. I didn't go to the shower. I have a clinic in both the morning and afternoon on Monday and that hour at lunch is my only time to just relax. I didn't want to give it up. Especially since neither of these young women are people I'm close to. I did hear that squeals were involved and so I assume they liked them.
This week is Restaurant Week in Philadelphia. It's a way to get people to eat out and try a restaurant they might not try otherwise. It's a fixed price meal, 35 dollars for 3 courses. We are going to The Palm. We've eaten lunch there once before and it's rather expensive but really good. I think it'll make for a nice Date Night. We'll meet for drinks at a bar across the street from the restaurant after work. Then we have reservations for 5 (the only time other than 9:30 they had left and I don't like to eat so late). Dinner out with my best guy. Can't wait.
I'm listening to The Hunger Games.(Suzanne Collins) Anyone else ever heard of it? At Christmas, my 11 year old niece told me about it and said she loved it. I got it on audio book and it's amazing. Do you know The Lottery by Shirley Jackson? (if not, this is one short story you shouldn't miss). It's kind of the same premise but way more complicated. I got finished the 3rd part and the story took a huge leap forward. It wasn't until I stopped and looked at my player that I realized I was missing part 4. I went back to the library website and redownloaded it. That hour made a difference. Now I understand what's going on better. I highly recommend the book(s). I think there are 3, maybe more but I've only listened to half of book one. I'm not sure I want to get to the end because I like several characters and the story line is that they will all (but one) die. If this were a book with pages, I'd flip to the last page and read it but I've never done that with an audio book.
Did you realize that January is almost over? Work is a bit crazy since we have a state inspection next week, a county inspection in early February and the Joint Commission on Healthcare Accreditation has to come some time between now and April. I'm kind of hoping they just come soon and get it over with. All the stress and angst and anticipation is WAY worse than the actual inspection. We have to meet the same standards as a hospital and it's a bit rediculous sometimes. For instance, no magazines in our waiting areas. Why? Because people lick their fingers to turn the pages and that leaves germs. No cellophane tape on doors/walls. Why? Germs can stick to the tape. And it goes on and on. All of our bulletin boards have to be covered in plastic. I have no idea why, probably the dreaded GERMS. Like I said, I wish they'd just come and get it over with.
It's been near 50 degrees here again all week. It means that we're seeing insects that we don't usually see until Spring. There were flies! In January. And the damn stinkbugs. They're everywhere because it hasn't been cold enough long enough to kill them off or send them into wherever they go. They give me the creeps.
My hair continues to grow. My hair stylist keeps it all layered for me so it looks ok. I'm still getting used to it. Pk likes it. That's what makes it worthwhile.
So, that's all the news from here. I'm off to check on the soup on the stove and put some haircolor on my grey roots. I've decided I'm just not ready to let it go yet.
One day but not this day.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
I'd also like to make a quick hat for a coworker who's leaving. He's one of my favorites and has taught Handle with Care with me for 3 years. I joke that he's the only man other than my husband that I allow that close! (we get "uncomfortably close" when we're teaching restraint training). I have some soft black wool that knits up nice and soft. Just a plain ribbed cap. He's going to a job that will actually allow him to use his degree and he's happy. He just recently shaved his head and he always looks cold to me.
Thursday morning as we were leaving the house, this was the sky. Deep and clear and beautiful. The moon was still up and it was gorgeous.
Then we got up Saturday morning to this. Not much snow (about an inch and a half) but it rained on top so it was a layer of ice on top of the white stuff. I went outside to meet the mail man and had to step carefully. The forecast called for a Wintry Mix and thankfully we had no real plans and were able to stay inside and avoid the ice. We did clear the car off for tomorrow morning and it's supposed to rain and be 55 degrees tomorrow so this will all be gone in another 24 hours.
This day flew by. Partly because I didn't sleep last night and allowed myself to sleep in this morning. By the time I got up and made breakfast, it was more like brunch. I worked on the small striped socks (and I will admit, I am truly tired of making small socks) and watched old television shows and when I looked at the clock I was shocked to see it was 4:23 pm. I don't know how it got to be so late so fast. Pk says that's what happens when you stay in bed all morning but I didn't have much choice. For some reason, I was awake most of the night and was just lucky that today was Sunday.
Kate's back is slowly getting better. The doctor says it seems to be a muscle spasm and nothing to do with her spine. He gave her some muscle relaxer and told her to take it easy but that she should move around. We're pleased that it wasn't anything more. And we're pleased that I could put her back onto the insurance so she'll just have to pay 50 dollars for the ER visit.
I had my employee evaluation on Friday. I am pleased with it. I know my supervisor thinks I'm a good employee because he tells me often. I was not surprised by the eval. One of the things I like about this guy is that he goes through the whole thing and says "for this one, I gave you this because you do this". He takes responsiblity for what he puts on the paper. And I get to see that he is really paying attention to what I'm doing.
Now, if I just don't get sick anytime soon, I'll be ok.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
One baby hat. Actually, it's the second hat I've made this week. I first made the Sweet Baby Cap which I happen to adore.
There are two women on the verge of giving birth at work. At least that's how they look. I think they have another few weeks. Anyway, I am not particularly close to either one but wanted to make something for their babies to be. I made the Cap and then had second thoughts. It's a very old fashioned hat and these are young women.
I thought maybe something hipper would be more appreciated. I love this little hat. Something about the idea of the tassels bouncing along. I just cast on the second one and have until Monday to finish it. I'd like to make some booties but we'll have to see about time. These things are so quick to whip up! And I am not a fast knitter.
I used some stash yarn. This is cotton/acrylic and very soft to the touch and of course, washable.
I am excited to learn that Janet Evanovich's One for the Money is a movie! And it comes out next week! I am a Stephanie Plum fan and hopefully the movie won't let me down. The trailer looked interesting. Kate offered to go with me so it lets Pk off the hook. He would go but I don't think it's his kind of movie.
And speaking of Kate, she spent last night in the ER getting her back xrayed. It's been hurting and not getting any better. She finally got it checked out. Nothing showed up on the films so it's off to a specialist. I warned her that this had better not be an alien spine baby. One per family should be enough. Although, as Em said, we've got experience in that area.....
It was frigid over the weekend and then warmed up to almost 50 degrees in time for the rain to hit yesterday. This is more normal for us. It's freezing and then it warms up and rains. It may be icy tomorrow morning but probably not bad. The last two winters with all the snow were abberations. Cold rain is our usual fare. It's sad really. I like snow but I will say I am enjoying not being cold all the time.
I made Pk chili for dinner and made extra for Kate and Patrick so she wouldn't have to stand and cook dinner. Pk's is spicy and Kate and Patrick's not.
I'm heading to a short training tomorrow on dually diagnosed individuals. Individuals with mental retardation and mental illness. Like it's not tough enough to have one, some poor souls have both. I work with individuals who are dually diagnosed. It can be frustrating and trememdously satisfying. It's only a two hour training but it will break up the week. It's within walking distance so I can take the bus there so as not to be late, and then take my time walking back in the (hopefully) sunshine. I'm looking forward to it.
I've been doing some program testing at work for our IT department. Our electronic medical records program is having some problems and they want to put a patch on it but the patch seems to have more bugs than the program it's supposed to fix! I'm glad I'm not responsible for it. By the time it's finally working the way it's supposed to, we'll be ready to upgrade.
We're halfway through January already and how did that happen? Pk and I are planning a long weekend around his birthday. No plans, just some days off to have a break. It's the end of February and we'll be ready for a break by then.
So, how's your 2012 going so far? Are you still writing 2011? I'll admit, I am and I write it lots of times all day. Usually by the end of the month I've got it down so two more weeks and I should be good.
There are two women on the verge of giving birth at work. At least that's how they look. I think they have another few weeks. Anyway, I am not particularly close to either one but wanted to make something for their babies to be. I made the Cap and then had second thoughts. It's a very old fashioned hat and these are young women.
I thought maybe something hipper would be more appreciated. I love this little hat. Something about the idea of the tassels bouncing along. I just cast on the second one and have until Monday to finish it. I'd like to make some booties but we'll have to see about time. These things are so quick to whip up! And I am not a fast knitter.
I used some stash yarn. This is cotton/acrylic and very soft to the touch and of course, washable.
I am excited to learn that Janet Evanovich's One for the Money is a movie! And it comes out next week! I am a Stephanie Plum fan and hopefully the movie won't let me down. The trailer looked interesting. Kate offered to go with me so it lets Pk off the hook. He would go but I don't think it's his kind of movie.
And speaking of Kate, she spent last night in the ER getting her back xrayed. It's been hurting and not getting any better. She finally got it checked out. Nothing showed up on the films so it's off to a specialist. I warned her that this had better not be an alien spine baby. One per family should be enough. Although, as Em said, we've got experience in that area.....
It was frigid over the weekend and then warmed up to almost 50 degrees in time for the rain to hit yesterday. This is more normal for us. It's freezing and then it warms up and rains. It may be icy tomorrow morning but probably not bad. The last two winters with all the snow were abberations. Cold rain is our usual fare. It's sad really. I like snow but I will say I am enjoying not being cold all the time.
I made Pk chili for dinner and made extra for Kate and Patrick so she wouldn't have to stand and cook dinner. Pk's is spicy and Kate and Patrick's not.
I'm heading to a short training tomorrow on dually diagnosed individuals. Individuals with mental retardation and mental illness. Like it's not tough enough to have one, some poor souls have both. I work with individuals who are dually diagnosed. It can be frustrating and trememdously satisfying. It's only a two hour training but it will break up the week. It's within walking distance so I can take the bus there so as not to be late, and then take my time walking back in the (hopefully) sunshine. I'm looking forward to it.
I've been doing some program testing at work for our IT department. Our electronic medical records program is having some problems and they want to put a patch on it but the patch seems to have more bugs than the program it's supposed to fix! I'm glad I'm not responsible for it. By the time it's finally working the way it's supposed to, we'll be ready to upgrade.
We're halfway through January already and how did that happen? Pk and I are planning a long weekend around his birthday. No plans, just some days off to have a break. It's the end of February and we'll be ready for a break by then.
So, how's your 2012 going so far? Are you still writing 2011? I'll admit, I am and I write it lots of times all day. Usually by the end of the month I've got it down so two more weeks and I should be good.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Know what the cool thing about belonging to an arty sock yarn club is? If the owner is a talented dyer, you end up with really beautiful yarn and the colors are often outside your comfort zone. And Roxanne is a talented dyer.
These are some of the selections from her ArtWalk Yarn club. While I probably would buy the green (and the one on the right is shades of green) and maybe the purple/brown one on the left, I would probably not make the red, white and blue or the yellow and red and brown ones my own. But, because I admire her ability to look at a piece of artwork and pick out visually interesting bits, I buy the yarns sight unseen each month. I look forward to seeing how she'll interpret the art work and I'm never disappointed when I open the envelope. These will all get used eventually and what usually happens is that whatever I make with them turns out wonderfully.
In fact, Elanor has expressed admiration for the red/white/blue one and that will be her Feb socks. I've already got a pair otn for January that she likes.
Over Christmas I finished one of my mittens. I have small hands. Em told me once I had "peasant hands" (I think they were talking about hands in a genetics class in high school). My palms are square and my fingers are medium and chubby (in reality, they'd probably be called short and fat!). Kate has long, thin, elegant hands but not me (She had a good time as a kid holding her hands up against mine to show off how much longer her fingers are).
This mitten is a bit long on my hand. My fingers come up to where the decreases start so there's a good bit at the top. I'm about 4 inches into the second one and I'm trying to decide if I can make it shorter. I could probably start the decreases one repeat earlier but I don't know if I can work it out in the pattern without making a mess of it. Then I'd have to rip this one out and re do the top.
It'll take a bit to get there so I'll decide then. I'm working on it steadily again but I do have to finish El's socks as well. I don't want to get to November and owe her 11 pairs of socks!
Work has been tough this week. The psychiatrists tell me that the first few weeks of the new year are always hard on people. It must be true because folks who have been stable for along time are having problems and seeing an increase in symptoms.
Otherwise, things here are moving along. It's not nearly as cold as it should be and that's a bit odd but not altogether bad. Pk and I are looking forward to date night on Friday. We try to have date night every Friday but that doesn't happen all the time. Sometimes, the week has been difficult and we just need to come home and relax. All I know is that this Friday has to include burgers. He just drove by a burger place and was enticed by the smell emanating from the grill.
Burgers for date night. We are living so large.
These are some of the selections from her ArtWalk Yarn club. While I probably would buy the green (and the one on the right is shades of green) and maybe the purple/brown one on the left, I would probably not make the red, white and blue or the yellow and red and brown ones my own. But, because I admire her ability to look at a piece of artwork and pick out visually interesting bits, I buy the yarns sight unseen each month. I look forward to seeing how she'll interpret the art work and I'm never disappointed when I open the envelope. These will all get used eventually and what usually happens is that whatever I make with them turns out wonderfully.
In fact, Elanor has expressed admiration for the red/white/blue one and that will be her Feb socks. I've already got a pair otn for January that she likes.
Over Christmas I finished one of my mittens. I have small hands. Em told me once I had "peasant hands" (I think they were talking about hands in a genetics class in high school). My palms are square and my fingers are medium and chubby (in reality, they'd probably be called short and fat!). Kate has long, thin, elegant hands but not me (She had a good time as a kid holding her hands up against mine to show off how much longer her fingers are).
This mitten is a bit long on my hand. My fingers come up to where the decreases start so there's a good bit at the top. I'm about 4 inches into the second one and I'm trying to decide if I can make it shorter. I could probably start the decreases one repeat earlier but I don't know if I can work it out in the pattern without making a mess of it. Then I'd have to rip this one out and re do the top.
It'll take a bit to get there so I'll decide then. I'm working on it steadily again but I do have to finish El's socks as well. I don't want to get to November and owe her 11 pairs of socks!
Work has been tough this week. The psychiatrists tell me that the first few weeks of the new year are always hard on people. It must be true because folks who have been stable for along time are having problems and seeing an increase in symptoms.
Otherwise, things here are moving along. It's not nearly as cold as it should be and that's a bit odd but not altogether bad. Pk and I are looking forward to date night on Friday. We try to have date night every Friday but that doesn't happen all the time. Sometimes, the week has been difficult and we just need to come home and relax. All I know is that this Friday has to include burgers. He just drove by a burger place and was enticed by the smell emanating from the grill.
Burgers for date night. We are living so large.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
"Life is Wood" or so says WoodWorker magazine. I know this because yesterday (which was a 64 degree day - a 17.7C- day in January, a rare occurrence here in NJ) Pk and I traveled 2 hours to attend a wood crafters' show down near Baltimore.
He had plans to attend with his brother in law who had to back out at the last minute due to a back injury. I didn't want him to drive all that way alone so I went along for the ride.
It was just about 5 and I was putting the last of the laundry into the dryer (I kinda forgot about it) when I saw the moon rising. It was huge and glowing and I wish my camera did it justice.
And now the house smells of roasting chicken which makes me hungry. It's hard to believe the weekend is over already. But that's the way it always seems. This is a full, normal, back-to-work week.
And no holidays off until May. I don't get any of the federal holidays but Peter Kevin gets some of them. I'll just have to make my own holidays. National Knitting Day anyone? (should be a day off with pay!)
We passed over the Susquehanna River and drove south. When we got to the place (where the state fair for Maryland is held each year), we were able to leave our coats in the car and just wander around in sweatshirts.
It was crowded with woodworkers. There were demonstrations of power tools which are noisy things so unlike a knitters' crafty convention, this one was loud. Men with microphones (and more than a few women) were demonstrating lathes and table saws and techniques (like parquetry-very cool). I enjoyed seeing some of the projects on display and it smelled like freshly sawn boards. A Very Nice Smell.
The Holy Grail of the show according to Peter Kevin. He drools over the Lee Valley catalog like I drool over WEBS. We wandered the show but after a while, I was creating a log jam since I was waiting while he looked at things in the stalls. I was watching people but I felt like I was in the way.
Fortunately, I was prepared. I took myself out of the main show room and sat in the food court with a sock and my mp3 player. I didn't want to make Peter Kevin feel like he had to rush through the show. He got to browse the tools and I spent some quality time with my yarn. Not a bad deal.
He bought an attachment for his drill press and we headed home. It was a beautiful day for a drive. The laundry got started and we had some leftovers for dinner and were settling in for the evening when Em called and cancelled our visit for today. She had a craptastic week ending with some car trouble and was not in a "company's coming" mood. (She seems better today. We had a text conversation and some of her innate Emilyness seemed to have returned)
Today was not as warm as yesterday, but still a nice day. Pk spent the day in the garage and I spent some quality time with the spinning wheel. I probably should have taken down the tree but I couldn't. It looks so beautiful and even though it blocks the light in the room, I love the look of it. I haven't put away any of the Christmas stuff yet. Peter Kevin asked if we could leave it up "just one more week?" and so we will.
It was just about 5 and I was putting the last of the laundry into the dryer (I kinda forgot about it) when I saw the moon rising. It was huge and glowing and I wish my camera did it justice.
And now the house smells of roasting chicken which makes me hungry. It's hard to believe the weekend is over already. But that's the way it always seems. This is a full, normal, back-to-work week.
And no holidays off until May. I don't get any of the federal holidays but Peter Kevin gets some of them. I'll just have to make my own holidays. National Knitting Day anyone? (should be a day off with pay!)
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
It's late Wednesday (I keep thinking it's Thursday, this shortened week after a long holiday is throwing me off) and even though I should be in bed asleep, I wanted to show you the swift my talented woodworker husband is making for me.
It's cedar and the grain is just beautiful. I wish you could feel the wood. It feels like satin, so smooth and silky. I just want to keep touching it but it needs many coats of shellac (which is made from crushed bugs but I try not to think about that-Pk doesn't understand why I refused to use the coffee grinder for coffee or any other food after he used it to grind shellac) to protect the surface.
It's cedar and the grain is just beautiful. I wish you could feel the wood. It feels like satin, so smooth and silky. I just want to keep touching it but it needs many coats of shellac (which is made from crushed bugs but I try not to think about that-Pk doesn't understand why I refused to use the coffee grinder for coffee or any other food after he used it to grind shellac) to protect the surface.
A few years ago, he made one for Kate and one for Em out of Australian lacewood. Both are striking. He is not pleased with this. There is a small crack in the wood of one of the arms. It won't make any difference in the performance but just like that small flaw in a knitted piece that continually draws the eye of the knitter (when no one else would ever see it), his eye is drawn to that crack. Craftsfolk are all the same at heart, aren't they?
Going back to work was difficult but work itself has gone well. Only 12 messages on Tuesday and I dealt with them. Today, the phone was ringing off the hook but I dealt with that, too. I miss taking my afternoon naps and actually fell asleep at my desk this afternoon. I need to get back into the habit of going to bed earlier.
Knitting group tomorrow. I hope folks show up. I'm looking forward to it. I need to cast on a second sock for Elanor's January socks. It's simple enough to take to group.
It was 15 degrees here this morning (-9.4C) after a week of 55 degree days (12.7C). Quite a shock to the system. My toes were cold all day and are just now warming up. It's supposed to moderate a bit for the weekend with some sunshine in the forecast.
I didn't get to the gym this week. I wrenched my lower back and it was just too sore to contemplate exercise. It's slowly getting better and won't keep me down for much longer. Moving around is important, I just have to move slow. I'm so grateful for the analgesic patches!
Kate just sent us a text saying Snow! She got the gene that loves snow from her father. I enjoy snow, as long as it doesn't stop me from getting to work. Weekend snow? I'm all for that. We were due for flurries/snow showers tonight but nothing much. The last two winters with all the snow have made us all wary.
Time for bed. I can't keep falling asleep at work. G'nite!
Monday, January 2, 2012
Here it is January 2 already. It feels like a day out of time, if that makes any sense.
Pk is outside in the garage finishing up a swift for me. It's a table top model made of cedar. It smells good and the grain is just beautiful. I'm not sure how much longer he'll last out there since it's actually cold today. We've had such moderate weather that it's difficult to remember that it's winter.
We went to see Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (movie made from John Le Carre novel) on Wednesday. It was sloooooowwwwww. I think a dialogue box in the beginning reminding people what life was like in the late 70's with the cold war going on might have helped somewhat. There wasn't much action, it's a talking spy movie. Peter Kevin liked it but admitted it would have made a better television show and really didn't need to be a large screen movie.
Friday we went to Winterthur. It's one of the Du Pont family holdings in Delaware that have been turned into a museum/cultural center. Another one is Longwood Gardens. This family seems to have owned most of Delaware at one point and their name is on lots of things in our part of the country. They were big into philanthropy.
But, Winterthur. (for some reason, loading photos is a long process this morning so I'll do the best I can). We got up Friday morning and first headed for the post office to mail some sunglasses to DrK (she ordered them and they don't ship internationally) and to send some needles back to signature needle arts. Pk gave me some more dpns and I wanted to exchange sizes.
Then we had some breakfast at a local diner. It was ok but I am a huge fan of pancakes and theirs were only fair. After that, we hit the road south. An hour later we were turning into the drive way.
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
Mark Twain
We spent our week playing at our various hobbies and eating and sleeping and I could feel my battery recharging. Today, I am finishing up some laundry, plan to do some spinning and work on mitten number 2. There are potatos and eggs on the stove for potato salad and a crockpot of baked beans cooling on the counter. I put them in late yesterday morning and let them slowcook all night. I woke up wondering what smelled so good (which always happens). We'll have them for dinner with the potato salad and a very small ham.
Pk is outside in the garage finishing up a swift for me. It's a table top model made of cedar. It smells good and the grain is just beautiful. I'm not sure how much longer he'll last out there since it's actually cold today. We've had such moderate weather that it's difficult to remember that it's winter.
We went to see Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (movie made from John Le Carre novel) on Wednesday. It was sloooooowwwwww. I think a dialogue box in the beginning reminding people what life was like in the late 70's with the cold war going on might have helped somewhat. There wasn't much action, it's a talking spy movie. Peter Kevin liked it but admitted it would have made a better television show and really didn't need to be a large screen movie.
Friday we went to Winterthur. It's one of the Du Pont family holdings in Delaware that have been turned into a museum/cultural center. Another one is Longwood Gardens. This family seems to have owned most of Delaware at one point and their name is on lots of things in our part of the country. They were big into philanthropy.
But, Winterthur. (for some reason, loading photos is a long process this morning so I'll do the best I can). We got up Friday morning and first headed for the post office to mail some sunglasses to DrK (she ordered them and they don't ship internationally) and to send some needles back to signature needle arts. Pk gave me some more dpns and I wanted to exchange sizes.
This is very hilly land and despite it's being the end of December, very green.
We went into the visitor's center and bought our tickets and were just in time to take the open air shuttle/tour ride up to the main house. The grounds are huge (close to 1,000 acres) and are split up into different "gardens". My favorite was the Fairy Garden filled with small houses made of stone and rushes. They are nestled in the trees and you can just get a glimpse of them, just like I'd imagine real fairy houses would be.
They have some gorgeous, old magnolias and there's a whole slope called the March garden since it's planted with spring blooming bulbs and comes alive in March. It must be something to see but I think it would be very crowded. Even on this cold winter day, the place was humming with visitors.
We were most interested in the museum and so didn't get in line for tickets for the house tour. Maybe another time. They were having a display of furniture and textiles. DISCLAIMER: There were many signs saying No Photography. I'm not sure why non-flash photos weren't allowed but since there were guides aplenty to back it up, I had to be very surreptitious. I only took pictures where there weren't obvious signs.
Amy told me to look for the Plimouth Jacket and I found it in the place of honor at the beginning of the textile section. It is one of the most amazing pieces of needlework I have ever seen. I wanted to touch it in the worst way. The sequins were hand made, each and every one of them. (first they had to make the hand tools to make them!) There's a video nearby which documents the process. 3,700 hours of work. It's a gorgeous piece and there are no words to do it justice. The link shows a few more photos. I was able to snap one before I felt guilty but how could I not share this beauty?
Pk was in awe of the furniture and we got a kick out of this "tool box". It was huge.
I was fascinated by this flax wheel with a distaff filled with raw flax. It looked like it would make for some raw fingers and the bobbins were tiny.
We wandered through the displays but after a few hours it becomes overwhelming and I stop noticing things. My brain becomes overloaded. We headed out and walked through the museum store and decided against 20 dollar jars of local honey and other rather expensive doodads. Winterthur was once a fully self sufficient working farm. It would be even more interesting (to me) if it still were.
We headed home and went to Kate's house for her first lasagna. It was delicious. She got a chance to show off her Christmas tree and her decorated apartment. Lots of lights and sparkle-a kid after my own heart.
Saturday was grocery shopping and then a trip to my brother's house for NY's eve. We watched a very very old Dick Clark count down the last seconds of 2011. I'm not sure how we'll see in the new year without him.
Yesterday we got up and went to the bookstore so I could get a new notebook for the new year (polka dots since they didn't have any monsters) and while we were sitting there, I started to experience some intestinal distress. After 4 bathroom trips in less than an hour, I decided I probably wouldn't be safe for an hour long ride to Emily's house. We called and cancelled and came home. I slept for 2 hours so I think it was a bug and not something I ate.
Today is a quiet day. I have laundry to fold but I have some new audiobooks to listen to. I just finished Patricia Cornwell's new one and James Patterson's new Alex Cross book. I'll put away the computer and put on the headphones and let them entertain me as I go throught what's left of the last vacation day. I have to check the gym bag and add a pair of sweat pants since the last time we went it was warm weather and there are cropped pants in there.
Tomorrow we start back to our healthier routine with the gym 3 times a week and less goodies in the house. I'm going to package up the cookies and put them in the freezer. I made fewer so it won't take too long. I bought vegetables and fruit at the store and we'll be eating smaller portions. I'm also taking the fish oil capsules the doctor prescribed (and boy do they taste yucky if you don't take them with food!). Nothing drastic, just small steady movements in the direction of better health.
And we are now firmly ensconced in the new year. The decorations will stay up until next weekend and then I will reclaim my house. So, Happy New Year to all of you. I hope this year is a good one bringing joy and hope and love into your lives along with something soft to knit and someone to knit it for. This year, I'm going to make myself a sweater and I have to make at least 11 pair of socks for Elanor so I'll be busy. But it's a good busyness.
Mark Twain never seemed to be at a loss for words and so here's a few of his that seem appropriate for the beginning of a new year:
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
Mark Twain
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Good morning and welcome to my January. I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...
Happy 2010! (That's said 'twenty-ten'.) We finally got out of the '0's' and now can move on. Pk and I had our u...
I didn't mention in my last post (probably because I'm not always comfortable with my own sexuality), but having Pk look at me in th...
The taxes are done ! Yay! I had a great sense of satisfaction hitting that "submit" button. (I have visions of my tax forms going ...