Although I try to not wish it were Friday every day because I don't want to spend most of my week wishing my day away, I can't ignore the extra bit of sparkle that Friday brings. It's humid and still outside this morning and the sky is uniformly grey. No big storm in the offing but it looks like we're in for a rainy afternoon (followed by a rainy weekend).

Did you ever hear that expression, "too dumb to walk and chew gum at the same time"? Well, I was walking down the street this morning and looked down. (this is not an actual photo of the sidewalk I was on but it could be. It looked just like this) All those black spots represent a piece of gum. And the sidewalks in Philadelphia all look like this.
It indicates a serious number of people who are very uncoordinated! And now that I've noticed it and thought about it, it sticks out more. I see old gum on all the sidewalks. It's pretty disgusting.
Last weekend I finished Kate's dress. Here it is hanging on a door. Kate has tried it on and it fits perfectly. As soon as she decides on shoes, we can pin the hem and I can finish it up completely.
She loves it. She put it on and twirled around. "It twirls!". This made her happy (which of course, made me happy). She looks amazingly beautiful in it and will make a lovely bride.
And now that Kate's dress is done, I can think about what I'm going to wear for a wedding in the woods. I'm thinking jeans and hiking boots but will probably have to go a bit dressier.
I am getting ready for the last section on my Fir Cone Shawl. It has knit up so much faster than I anticipated and is so soft. Unfortunately, it's a large lapful of wool and I can only work on it when A) the a/c is on in the bedroom or B) we have one of our rare cool days in the summer.
Last Friday was one such cool day. Pk and I took ourselves on an adventure to the Groff and Groff lumber yard. He bought a few small pieces of lignum vitae. Sounds very impressive, doesn't it? It's wood that is hard and dense enough that if you throw it into water, it will sink. It's heavy as all get out. He's going to make some wooden mallets for his shop.
We then went to the Dansko outlet so I could get some shoes for the fall/winter. I got a pair of blue suede sneaker-like shoes, and two pairs of enclosed clogs. One is a sage green with brown roses embroidered on it and the other is ruby red patent leather. Peter Kevin insisted on those. "These are fun". They ARE fun and out of character for me which is part of the appeal.
The day was warm and sunny and low humidity and just about perfect. We rode with the windows down and just enjoyed the day together. The grocery shopping got done and then we had pizza with Kate and Patrick for dinner.
This weekend we have no plans other than to finish up Kate's birthday present (description of which will come later) and relax. I think we're in for an uncomfortable one so there will probably not be too much moving around.
Life is moving on slowly but surely. Pk is still sending resumes out into the void of the internet. He sends out tons of them every day and doesn't hear back. It's so frustrating because he doesn't know why they don't answer and is left trying to figure it out. Job hunting sucks.
Time to get to work. I haven't been terribly productive this week and I'd like to correct that today. Happy Friday!