Thursday, May 3, 2007

Yeah!!!! Sock number one is done. I finished it today during a staff meeting. My coworkers were impressed. I really like how well it came out. I started #2 already so I should be able to get it done by June 2nd. That's when the intended recipient is having a party and I would like to give them to her then.

Today I made efforts to try to change my speech patterns. I usually try to be sensitive to everyone's feelings and watch not just what I say but how I say it. For instance, people are not schizophrenics, they have schizophrenia. It is so easy to fall into the label trap and I am trying not to. I had a discussion with a coworker about a research study we are taking part in (not quite voluntarily). It has to do with aids and health. I am all for education and often give my clients information or help them find what they need but I don't like this intervention and now I have to be observed as I present my information. I guess I think we are aiming at the wrong population...

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Well, hello friend. It’s almost Hallowe’en and I am looking forward to it.   this year we have a new addition to our family.  Well, actually...