Which was good because now I have to go to the doctors to get some lumps checked out. I have a history of cellulitis from bumps near my lymph glands in my armpits. Three emergency room visits and two hospitalizations worth of history. It is no end of fun to lift your (usually unshaven because it is sore and infected) armpit up to the light so lots of doctors can look (and poke) at it. My doctor and I have a deal. I call him when I find a bump, he calls in an antibiotic and I call him if it doesn't seem to be working. Unfortunately, he is on vacation and I have to go into the office and be seen by his physician's assistant. She is a very nice person but now I have to go and show her my armpits. At this rate, every doctor in south jersey will have seen my underarms! And 10 days of antibiotics to look forward to. I know there are worse things and there are people out there truly suffering so I will stop whinin

And just so it isn't a completely photo free post, here is one of my favorite space pictures. If I didn't get air sick I would have been an astronaut. I so wanted to go to the moon and be on a ship like the Enterprise. This is called "a stellar jewel box" and is available from nasa on their astronomy picture of the day website. It's so beautiful, it gives me goose bumps.
I am so sorry about your bumps... I hope that it is all nothing, and that this extremely embarrassing story helps: I just had to have my um... bum checked by the most stunningly gorgeous young doctor because of my raging hemorrhoids. I'm not spell checking that because I'm so embarrassed that I typed it. Needless to say, I feel your pain - and hope you're OK!
I used to have a problem with an unusually large number of unusually large cysts in my breasts. Before my mamogram, I would go to my surgeon and have needle aspiration done on the biggest ones (34cc of fluid from one cyst was my personal best) and since I was unusual, he kept calling in interns to let them feel what a clearly defined cyst felt like and practice sticking and draining them. In the interest of science, my breasts have been palpated and pierced by about 24 young men and five young women. It really wierds them out if you give nicknames to prominent and recurring lumps. "That's the golf ball. And that's Rollie - hard to get a needle into him. Over here is the booster seat, . . . "
Menopause has put an end to the freak show. In about two years, all the collage left my body, everything went saggy, and the cysts gave up entirely.
You can get used to just about anything, and being who you are, you can turn it into entertainment. Laugh, dear heart. It's the best medicine. And good luck with that antibiotic.
The lumps are scary - I hope they respond to the antibiotics1 My husband has had cellulitis, and I know it's no picnic.
sock #1 looks good - and congratulations on winning the TDF prize!
Lumps and bumps are kinda scarey, even if you know what causes 'em and what makes 'em go away; there's always the possibility of a suspicious one. Good for you that you keep on top of 'em. Roxie's lump report made roar laughing. Another reason to look forward to menopause?
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