Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Just a quick post to let you all know that Nancy over at Days go By is having a contest to celebrate her 300th post. She is looking for tips that you have learned that make your knitting life easier. Check it out.


Amy Lane said...

oooh...My favorite tip? As long as you knit or crochet every day, no stash is wasted space:-)

roxie said...

You stand a better chance of winning if the rest of us don't jump in with out ideas. But, if you knit a child's sweater fairly roomy, you can add length at sleeves and hem with complimentary colored ribbing, and extend the wear for a few more years. (Or months, depending on how fast the kid is growing.)

Happy Sunday!  I am sitting here working on my sweater made with the cashmere yarn my husband gave me for my birthday last year. I’m further...