Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Terry, at started a Haikai - sort of a poetry game. And Lucia passed it on to Roxie and I took it from there.
Steam heated
Lightning splits dark skies
Dramatic summer storms.
Winds howl through the leaves
Bird clutching branches tight.
Clouds dance in circles
Clean laundry snaps on the line
Warm rain falls in sheets
Blue skies brighten the day
Time to head to the beach
Sparkling blue-green wave
Zips me shoreward at top speed
The world's best thrill ride
Except for that night
with Bacchus in the woods
The leaves that tickled
Green and cool against our skin
Oh to be there now.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sunday, July 27, 2008

I took this just a few minutes ago. I have been trying to catch the colors but it's impossible. The yarn is Knitpicks Shadow in Oregon Coast Heather. The color on the website looks lighter on my monitor than the color is in person. There is red and orange and blue and green and gold woven in there. My camera just won't pick it up. I am on repeat number 14. Only 10 more rows (each repeat is 10 rows) and then 10 rows in chart number 3 and I will be done. I'm starting to feel optimistic here.
This was started as my Tour de France kal project. I was working toward a polka dot jersey as lace is quite challenging to me. I have worked as hard as I could even when "working" meant "ripping out and starting over." It is so thin and light and warm. Being a team leader on the Tour was interesting. I found some new blogs to read and new talent to be amazed at. One of my team members finished not one but two sweaters! Melanie finished a Molly Ringwald sweater and a knitted bed jacket. She is amazing. Oh, and the sweaters are beautiful.
They kept my cousin in the hospital for some medical monitoring and to do a psychiatric evaluation. And they are sending in the social worker to help her fill out the papers for disability so she can get some health coverage and be able to buy her medicine. Keeping her diabetes under control should be a priority. People don't realize that uncontrolled diabetes can cause brain damage as well as a host of other problems. My concern is what the stress is doing to my aunt. She is fragile and can't be taking care of everyone anymore.
Today is considerably more humid. Moving around is sweat producing work. I think I'll let the machines cook dinner tonight. Food in the crock pot and flour in the breadmaker and I'll sit and knit. Sounds like a plan.
Saturday, July 26, 2008

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Monday, July 21, 2008

And speaking of crisis management trainings; last Thursday at one of our All Staff meetings, I got an award. My two co-workers and I were given the first Executive Director Awards for outstanding service. We got polar fleece jackets with Hall Mercer and the Univ of Pennsylvania health system logo on them. They're quite nice and I'd wear it if it weren't 95 degrees today. It was a surprise and we were glad to be acknowledged for the amount of work that we put into the program.
My weekend was uneventful. That is not a bad thing. I did the housecleaning, laundry and grocery shopping on Saturday morning so I was done by the heat of the day. PK and Jim went to pick up some more tools. My uncle had a shed full of power tools and PK was glad to take them off his hands. We have now tipped the balance from garage to shop. There are too many tools in the area for it to ever be a garage. The really good news is that PK now has enough tools to make all kinds of neat wooden things. Like, say, spinning wheels. He has been looking at them in the store and online and is planning to make me one. This may take a while but I have Saraspunda in the meantime.
It's been too hot to spin in our house that does not have a/c. We finally put the window units in the bedrooms. Not because the people were hot. No. The COMPUTER was hot. Can't have that. I am steadily working on my shawl. It's hard to photograph and besides, it looks the same. I have two weeks until the wedding. I think I'm being optimistic.
But I am an optimistic, glass half full kinda person so maybe I will finish it in time. Let's all make it a good week.
Thursday, July 17, 2008

You Are the Greek Goddess Demeter You are an Earth Mother, provider of delicious food and beautiful children. You prefer the company of the young, but you have a decided wanderlust, which makes being tied down lead to periods of depression. You are conscientious, law-abiding, and spiritual.
Monday, July 14, 2008

Friday, July 11, 2008
To distract you from my lack of progress, here is a seasonally appropriate blogthing:
You Are a Retro Swimsuit |
![]() You love your body as is. You believe sexy is a state of mind. You are truly glamourous. You take good care of yourself. You are the type most likely to stay out of the sun. |
At least I'm not a thong.....
Have a good weekend everyone! Perhaps there will be a shawl photo on Monday or maybe a pile of yarn. Who knows?
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Good morning and welcome to my January. I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...
Happy 2010! (That's said 'twenty-ten'.) We finally got out of the '0's' and now can move on. Pk and I had our u...
I didn't mention in my last post (probably because I'm not always comfortable with my own sexuality), but having Pk look at me in th...
The taxes are done ! Yay! I had a great sense of satisfaction hitting that "submit" button. (I have visions of my tax forms going ...