Why am I blogging from home on a Tuesday morning? Because I have a dentist appointment in 45 minutes. I had a crown pop off about a week and a half ago and the dentist replaced it. Ever since there has been intermittent pain when I chew. This isn't supposed to happen. The crown was in place for 18 months with no trouble and now it hurts. I'm afraid it's an infection underneath. It's already had a root canal so it's not the nerves.
So, I'm off to see the dentist. I like my dentist. She used to be a Philadelphia Eagles cheerleader which makes me smile everytime I think about it. Sort of blows the idea of cheerleaders being airheads right out of the water. There will be xrays involved. I have a small mouth (she uses children's instruments) and the xray thing gags me. Traumatic. But if it's an infection, I can take an antibiotic (thank goodness for modern medicine) and that should take care of it.
El's birthday was wonderful. We were a party of 10 and they kept the meats coming. You come in and help yourself to the buffet where there are vegetables and salsa to die for. Then they come around to the table with meats on swords and ask if you want some. They slice it onto your plate and it's amazingly succulent. The meat keeps coming, a carnivore's dream. The best was the sirloin which was the best I've ever tasted. They made a birthday cake with strawberries and cream. It was so rich that I almost couldn't appreciate it after all the meat. They lit the candle and brought it to the table singing all the way. It was great. Elanor had a good time and I had no clean up or mess! Perfect all around. She is getting tickets to the Philadelphia Ballet production of Cinderella (March of 09) so she's got to wait for her gift.
My supervisor got verbally beat up in a manager's meeting last week and has taken a few days off. I spoke to her last night because we are scheduled for a conference on Wednesday and I wanted to remind her. She is going to Human Resources to talk to them about the 'hostile work environment' policy. It's possible she has a case. I'm going to be as supportive as I can because I think the upper mgmt of our building is getting carried away and the atmosphere is getting downright poisonous. In the meantime, I am sending out resumes and keeping my head down.
Well, time to leave for the dentist. Sigh. One thing after another.
ETA- The dentist said I have an infection in the bone around a 20 year old root canal. The bone has calcified and there is space there. I have a week's worth of antibiotic which will probably knock the infection out. Then she said some words that struck fear in my heart, "we might have to re-do this root canal". Cross your fingers for me.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
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Good morning and welcome to my January. I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...
Happy 2010! (That's said 'twenty-ten'.) We finally got out of the '0's' and now can move on. Pk and I had our u...
I didn't mention in my last post (probably because I'm not always comfortable with my own sexuality), but having Pk look at me in th...
The taxes are done ! Yay! I had a great sense of satisfaction hitting that "submit" button. (I have visions of my tax forms going ...
Football cheerleaders at that level, I think, need to be intelligent to understand the intricacies of the game. I remember reading a thoroughly sexist blog post in which the blogger, a male, was interviewing a New England Patriots cheerleader and made many comments about how shocked he was that she understood the game. Um, really? It's her job.
I also remember in high school that the hockey cheerleaders were given a test on the rules of hockey and were irritated that they were expected to know them. How else do you reliably know when to cheer?
Hope the dentist went well. The boys and I have cleanings next week. This afternoon is my annual derm exam. Fitting everything in now...
The three kiddos are going to the dentist tomorrow... we must all be on the same 6 month cycle.. LOL I hope you are pain free very soon.
Job stress, I have been there... and it's a horrible place to be. I hope wonderful opportunity will come your way.
How sad that I am hoping it's an infection for your sake!!! Nothing bothering you at all would be better!
Those toxic work environments are the worst. HOpefully the Karmic EPA will clean things up or you can move on to greener pastures!
I am keeping my fingers crossed for a simple antibiotic doing the trick for your tooth.
I'm also keeping a good thought for your work life. It is so stressful to be in a toxic environment and be powerless to do anything about it. Hopefully a fulfilling job with good pay and great benefits is out there for your :-)
Another root canal? Ugh. Let's hope the antibiotics do the trick.
Oh Gosh! Feel better!
Oh ugh - root canal! I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you - although I am glad that dental practices are a lot better now than when I was a kid - not nearly so bad (or maybe that's called growing up!). But yeah, I'm another dental phobic person currently ignoring the 6 month dentist reminder on my fridge!
Oh dear God...the dentist! And a root canal? Those words strike horror in my heart. I've had only one and it was the worst experience of my life. I tried to tell the man that Novacaine doesn't always work for me. I really tried...
I'm sorry to hear that work is still going so badly. I can't believe that people in this day and age are allowed to get away with that sort of behavior. Good luck!
Ugh! Fingers crossed, fingers crossed fingers crossed!!! (I understand that kombucha helps fight infection, but I haven't wanted to try fungus tea yet...) Sounds like an awesome b-day party for a very deserving person:-)
Fingers still crossed though it makes it hard to knit :-)
Oh I hope not! Root canal procedures sound just dreadful. Hopefully the infection clears up.
My goodness that meal sounds absolutely huge and fabulous!
Keeping my fingers crossed that you won't have to do another root canal - never fun! Hope you feel better soon - and hope the work situation gets better soon too!
Oh, dear! Good luck with the dental work. Please take all those anitbiotics, even of they make you queasy. Infection in the bone is SOOOO nasty! I bet, when you get this cleared up, you will be amazed at the pep and energy you regain.
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