I went out looking for a pink bike but it became quickly clear that the color was the least important part of the bike. Instead of looking for beauty, I got comfort. Literally. It's what is called a 'comfort bike'. The seat is wide to accomodate my wide self and it has shock absorbers to help keep the ride comfortable. And the handle bars are not flat so I have to lean way over. I was afraid that would hurt my back and I figured if it hurt to ride, I wouldn't do it.

They spin around as I ride. Oh, yes and a helmet. It's the law in NJ for children under the age of 14 to wear a helmet but it just makes good sense to me. I kinda value my head and if I fall off the bike or get hit it might make a difference. And a bell. I love bells.
I haven't ridden a bike in over 35 years and was a little nervous but it felt wonderful to be zooming (well, maybe not zooming) along! I remembered how much I loved my bike when I was a kid. And then I got off and my legs felt like rubber bands. Talk about out of shape. It's going to take lots of short rides to get some muscle back in my legs and to regain stamina. I think I might have found exercise that will help me be healthier and I'll enjoy at the same time. Pk likes to ride, too but he's been riding a lot longer and he'll have to have some patience with me until I catch up.
Last night we went out for dinner for our anniversary to a cuban restaurant situated in a large old house. The atmosphere was lovely, all oranges and yellows and dark woods. The food was meh. Pk ordered paella and thought the chicken was overcooked and the scallops were so miniscule that in the dim light, he thought they were kernels of corn! I had chicken in a citrus sauce that was also rather overcooked. Tasty but over done. We had a good time anyway. It doesn't really matter where we eat, it's the company that's important.
Bells and Georgie came up with the word transform for today's blogtoberfest. I love the word transform. It holds a world of possibilities in those letters. In my field (mental health), we are transforming a system of "treatment" into a system of "recovery". Much more positive and life affirming.
In my life, I am trying to transform my soft, nearly 51 year old body into a somewhat healthier one. I am trying to eat less/better and now I will be getting more exercise. That can only be good.
Have a good and safe Saturday.
Is it wrong that I squealed when I saw the streamers? I always wanted streamers on my bike as a little girl, but never got them!
I love the bike and especially the flashy lights and streamers. I wish our house didn't sit on the top of a hill. There is no way to ride in any direction without having to do the uphill return. UGH. Maybe I'll start with walking and work up to the beautiful bike.
I am all for wonderful birthday presents. I often finish working on my sewing machine for the evening, get up, kiss my husband, and tell him how much I love my birthday present.
Definitely a yes on the helmet!! It drives me crazy when I see families on the bike path and the kids are wearing helmets and the adults are not. I wonder how their kids let them get away with being so hypocritical. I doubt mine would, but on the other hand, I don't typically ask them to do things that I won't do. If a helmet makes sense for them, it makes sense for me. Duh!
I'm fond of your head, too.
I used to love to ride my bike, but it's an old 10-speed that is all forlorn off to the side of the shed. I was just thinking I should buy new innertubes and ride it again.
I tend to not like exercise, but it's fun to be in motion! Zoom, zoom!
yay for new bikes and accessories! So cute.
That sounds like an awfully disappointing meal. I was all excited to read about Cuban food but what a let down. Appalling.
I love the bike - especially the idea of comfort - and of course the streamers! Now I want a bike...
What a great gift - love the bike and the accessories - and now I want a bike too...
Your new bike looks great. It's an amazing feeling isn't it - riding along feeling free. I love bike riding too.
I can't quite put into words how much I adore my shiny new road bike that I bought this summer. It is now "wintering" in my garage here at home, and it makes me mildly sad every time I see it sitting in my garage here. I have to drive to ride up here, so there's virtually no chance I'll take it out again until June. So sad!
Enjoy your new ride. It looks fabulous!!
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