Today is my and Pk's wedding anniversary. 27 years. More than half my life spent with the same person. And never once have I regretted it. No, we're not perfect but it's the realization that we are not that makes things work. I believe that you can have more than one love in your life and I know lots of people who found love the second (or third) time around but I wonder if it would be possible to feel the same level of affection/closeness/connectedness to someone I met at this stage of my life. Pk and I have grown up together. We were 23 when we got married and while legally adults, we were so young. But we got to learn together. And boy, did we learn. Some lessons were harder than others. We are still not good savers. We are still rather impulsive. We like to laugh and we do it several times each day. We both like bad horror movies (especially when zombies are involved) and enjoy good books. We both have found hobbies that are fulfilling and we can do separately and then share with each other. (I am learning far more about woodworking tools than I care to know and Pk shocked me at the sheep show when he said "look, they have drum carders there"). We both like comic books and the humor section of the bookstore is the first place we go. Neither of us likes brussel sprouts or liver. And we love our children to distraction.
For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part.
Vows we took all those years ago and they still resonate. He still makes my heart beat faster and brings a smile to my face faster than anyone else on earth. The emails that arrive at work with "to the most beautiful woman in the world" in the subject line, make my whole day. I am a very lucky woman and I know it.
BTW, on Tuesday I am having the root canal "re-treated". I think this means it is being re-rooted. Needless to say, I am filled with joy and excitement at the prospect. The dentist rightly says that if I don't deal with the cause and just keep throwing antibiotics at it, it won't get better. Knowing she's right doesn't make the dread any less. In my mind, root canals were one time forever deals. Evidently, I was wrong. Bones shrink with age and things shift around. Who knew? Then a week later, she gets to go back in and finish it off with a new post. And the fun just keeps coming.
Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your day. Stretch it out all weekend!
Happy anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! And best of luck for your dental appt on Tuesday.
Happy Anniversary! What a wonderful event to be celebrating. Hope you and PK do something you both enjoy and have a wonderful weekend.
Happy Anniversary! ~ksp
Happy Anniversary!
I was given a temporary root canal following 3 visits to the dentist with toothache. I didn't know they did temporary ones!
Congratulations! Don't worry about the dental treatment - think of the day after it, when you have no more toothache.
Congratulations, I'm so glad you are celebrating your very happy marriage.
Best of luck with the tooth, I'm sure it will be worth it but if a little complaining helps, go for it!
I was 21 when I got married and it does seem so young doesn't it? Happy Anni! May the afterglow see you thru the re-root!
oh you are lucky. To share each other's lives the way you have, with shared and separate interests, is how I intend to spend the rest of my married life. it's working out so far.
All the best with the dental stuff. It's not a barrel of laughs, is it?
Happy Anniversary! Sounds like a wonderful marriage!
Good luck with your dental work - sending positive thoughts!
Happy Anniversary! So wonderful that you found each other and complement each other so well.
Happy anniversary. I agree with you that part of the beauty of a good marriage is accepting that there are things about both of you that aren't perfect and deciding to forge ahead together in spite of the faults.
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