It's Thursday morning and I woke up with a toothache. Well, I went to bed with a vague achey feeling in the tooth that has no nerves (because of the root canal) but I ignored it. I'm learning that as I get older, something always feels vaguely unsettled. This morning I bit down and owww.
Now I'm waiting for the dentist to call me back. I probably should have explained to her that I have had several infections over the past few years (two were MRSA and required hospitalization for a week at a time for IV antibiotics and surgery) and I tend to get nasty infections. I think the antibiotic she prescribed was not strong enough and not of long enough duration. I hate the thought of starting another round of medicine but I hate the thought of losing my jaw bone to an infection even more.
I have decided to keep the current pair of socks I am knitting for myself. I am
loving the pattern and the intended recipient is "meh" about it so they will be mine. Like that is a hardship. I like the colors and I like the pattern. The bamboo/wool blend will only get softer once they're washed. This is not a stretchy pattern nor does it race along. I wonder why some patterns seem to fly off the needles and some leisurely mosey along. I already have something else in mind for gift giving so it's all good.

Oh, and I knew I liked Brigitte Bardot for a reason (not because she could act). She was quoted as saying that Sarah Palin was saying things that were "so disconcertingly stupid that she is an insult to women". Gotta love people who just put their thoughts right out there.
Nothing profound today. Too many thoughts of the dentist poking around saying "just a little pinch...."
ETA: I've tried several times to break up the preceding paragraph to make it easier to read but blogger seems to think it knows best. Sorry.
Ouch! Poor you. I hate pain in my mouth. And all those antibiotics. Are you taking acidophilus to balance it out?
Ouch, ouch, ouch. I hope the dentist has called you back by now.
Ooh, sorry about the tooth.
I just fell in love with Brigitte Bardot, too - she said it plain and true!
Hope they can get you on an appropriate antibiotic soon so you can enjoy your weekend.
Nooo! I had a similar problem just a few months ago, and ended up with a big jaw infection. It was grand. You've had MRSA?! TWICE??!! Slap that dentist round if you need to until she gives you something incredibly strong!
p.s. I love the socks!
Oh that sounds painful!!
Love the socks. Definitely keepers.
And I loved the BB comments too. Someone had to say it!
Ack! Toothache! I am pretty sure that they lie about the tooth being dead after a root canal. In fact, I'm certain of it. Dentists seem to lie to me a lot...
Or maybe I'm just a little bit paranoid and scared of the whole tooth pain thing. Whatever...
But you'd better get that taken care of! We do not want you to get another infection!!!
Awww--bummer on the teeth! And WOOOOT! to Brigit Bardot!
Aaah - I am a tooth and gum sufferer too - I really feel for you! Hope you feel much better soon - gotta love BB and her insightful comments!
Ouch! I hope that you got to the dentist and got some medication -and I hope you feel better soon!
Eh, I've known she's an airhead from Day 1, but that's the joy of being an Alaskan "insider"...but I can't condone what BB said--she's not exactly a walking role model for womankind herself.
Hope your tooth resolves soon! You sound like you've got human petri dish syndrome! OUCH!
Yow. My dentist keeps telling me I have five teeth he'd like to put crowns on. So far I have one crown (that would make it six, total), and it's been replaced once and then had a root canal through the crown.
Anyway, I think I knitted that sock pattern in my half-circle Pi shawl! I love both it and your choice of yarn, pretty.
Do let your dentist know about your MRSA history, that's important!
dentist - yukky. sorry to hear about that.
I know what you mean about some patterns flying off the sticks and others are plodders. I don't know why that it - entertainment value I think. I really like those socks so lucky you!
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