Monday, March 9, 2009

I sent off my sock roulette sock last week and hopefully it will get there soon. I wish I had taken a photo but I forgot. My sock came in the mail today and it is gorgeous! It's from Gemma and she set me up for a challenge!

The pattern is Garden Path and it's a toe up, which I've done before, but it has a heel flap. I've never done a toe up sock with a heel flap. I love the color and the pattern. And she sent me a date book for 2009 with Aussie birds. It's beautiful. Thank you Gemma! And thank you Julie (and Amy Lane) for thinking of this.

I also got a box in the mail full of baked goods, yarny goodness and cooking items. It's part of a swap on ravelry. Each box has to contain one skein of yarn and some baked good. The rest of the box is up to the individual. My box had a cookbook, a cookie gun, some hand towels, a handknit potholder, some glitz to put in my handspun, a recipe box and some kitchen utensils. It was a box full of treasure and I had great fun opening it.

I'm not quite finished putting together my box but it'll go out this weekend. I have to bake the cookies and purchase some yarn.

Pk is going to a tool auction in Maryland on Saturday. He's leaving early (3 am!) to get there early and to look over the vendors before the auction. I'm not going to this one. I have to put together my swap box and I'll use the time he's gone to do that.

Em's biopsy results haven't come back, yet. The hospital lab cannot identify the tissure bits and have sent them to the Mayo clinic. If you're not familiar with them, they are the number one medical facility in the US. We Woods don't do anything halfway. If we are going to have an alien baby, then we are going to have a unique one! Em is taking this remarkably well. And my brother's little girl's best friend's father (following me?) is a pediatric oncologist. He offered to talk to Em and help her decide what to do. He also offered to give her a second opinion. "He wants to jump in and take over the treatment" said my brother. I let Em know and she and I are both grateful for this offer. The man gave us his cell phone number and said to call if she has any questions or needs help deciding what to do. How wonderful is that? The amount of good wishes and offers of help has been overwhelming. The next time someone says that people are cold and uncaring, I will point out all the goodness that is pouring over Em.


Rose Red said...

What lovely packages you have received! I have done heel flaps on toe up socks and they are really neat! I hope you will enjoy giving it a whirl with the second sock of your roulette.

That is a lovely offer from the nice doctor man - so good to remember people really are good.

Anonymous said...

Very nice swap packages - the sock is gorgeous!

Galad said...

The mail showered many fun things on you. The sock looks lovely and might just be a fun learning experience.

Glad to know Em has a medical advocate in her corner. It never hurts to have someone who speaks doctor to help interpret.

amy said...

Thanks for continuing to keep us posted on Em.

And what Rav group does a swap of baked things? Yum!! I'm on a huge baking kick lately. It's something I can do with the boys while the baby is in the sling, and I still get to satisfy some of those frustrated creative urges. And then we eat. At this rate we will all get fat, though.

Dianne said...

What a wonderful offer from the doctor-friend. Things like that restore your faith in human-kind. And then you have to deal with insurance companies, and it all goes backwards again...

Sheepish Annie said...

People really are good, for the most part. I'm so glad that there are so many around for you and Em to lean on.

Bad Alien Baby! Go!!! (I'm now using a more "stern" strategy with this. Alien babies seem to need a firmer hand...)

Lovely gift packs you have there! It makes the mail seem so much more friendly when there's nice stuff mixed in with the bills. :)

roxie said...

So what other group sends one another splendid generous gifts in the mail? Knitters are the best presenters!

Caffeine Faerie said...

Thanks for the sock, I got it today - will post a photo tonight.

The funny thing is - I know HappySpider, and her yarn, its from Canberra too.

I look forward to knitting its mate. :)


Good morning and welcome to my January.  I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...