So, it's hot here. Again. Still. And I am tired of thinking about it. I'm tired of hearing people complain about it. I KNOW it's hot. It's JULY. It's hot in July around here. (although it's usually not this hot for this number of days in a row). We've had over 30 days of over 90 degree heat and summer is only half over. Usually, we get maybe 15 of these days for the entire season.
So, yeah. It's hot. I think I would like to pay attention to something else for a while.
Knitting? Yes, knitting continues to go on. I finished the pink/burgundy/grey striped socks. They matched all the way up to the toes. I must have been knitting the second sock tighter at the toe. They're only off at the last half inch of toe decrease so it's not bad. I started another gift for the holidays. I'm trying to be organized about this. I am not a fast knitter so I figure if I start now, I can whip up lovely knitted gifts and not go crazy in the fall/winter. It's too hot to pick up Pk's alpaca sweater so that will have to wait for a bit.
I love Netflix. Yes love. I enjoy their dvd service but the Instant Play feature is genius. I am suddenly involved in the show Bones. I love Kathy Reichs' books about a forensic anthropologist and her show is pretty good too. Although I wouldn't watch it while I was eating. The bodies seem a bit too realistically grisly for dinner time watching. Pk watched an entire season of Dexter inside of a week. Genius, I tell you.
My brother gave me some cans to make Boston Brown Bread but it's been too hot to bake so I'll wait for a break in the heat. We are going to the diner for dinner tonight (they make really good burgers and they have a/c) and then having sandwiches at the river tomorrow. No heavy duty cooking. We are spending time in the bedroom with the small window unit pumping away and I close my eyes and try not to think of the electric bill.
I didn't go to the gym once this week. As much as I don't want to focus on the heat, the reality is that it makes me tired and I think I don't drink enough and get dehydration headaches. We are due for a bit of more normal weather next week so I'll get my rear back onto the elliptical machine. I don't want to become one of those people who start an exercise program and then crash and burn 6 months later.
Not much else going on. We're going to try to take Lulu to Atlantic City next Friday. I took a half day off from work and we'll go down to the boardwalk and have some dinner and have a photo op with the lovely Lulu. After that, she goes travelling up to Canada for one more stop before she wends her way home. We may let her see the inside of the casino but there won't be any photos. Casino security does not allow photos (ask me how I know that).
My Kate will be 21 in early August. How did I get so old? When did she get so old? My baby will be 21. It boggles the mind. She bought herself a bass guitar a little while ago and for her birthday, we are going to try to find someone to teach her to play and give her some lessons as a gift. (it's ok. she already knows). We figured it would be a good birthday gift to help her learn to play her guitar.
favorite Katie story:
When Em and Kate were small, they shared a room. One time, Kate lost a tooth (and the tooth fairy forgot!) and was upset when the tooth was still under her pillow the next day. I felt inspired and said, "Well, I think the tooth fairy was afraid of the fan in the window and that's why she didn't come in. We'll take the fan out and she'll be able to come in through the window" (never mind that there were two windows in the room and only one had a fan) The tooth fairy came that night and Kate was relieved.
And no, I don't feel the slightest bit guilty about lying to my children. I also told them the car wouldn't start if they didn't have their seatbelts on. And since I drive a stick shift, I could turn the key without depressing the clutch and it wouldn't start. They believed me for the longest time and they all wear seatbelts.
Well, that's all we've got. It's time for dinner and I have to brace myself to leave the nice, cool bedroom.
Have a good weekend!
Friday, July 23, 2010
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Good morning and welcome to my January. I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...
Happy 2010! (That's said 'twenty-ten'.) We finally got out of the '0's' and now can move on. Pk and I had our u...
I didn't mention in my last post (probably because I'm not always comfortable with my own sexuality), but having Pk look at me in th...
I finished the first sock in my strikke-along pair. It fits well, almost a little big but it's wool and may shrink a little when it...
Oh, I like that seatbelt trick. I have a standard, too. But my kids don't really protest the seatbelts. The girl does insist on trying to buckle her car seat herself, and of course it's not made so that 1yos can buckle themselves, and it's a negotiation every single time. I have to make it look like she is helping me but doing most of the work herself.
PS Is it hot, Donna Lee? ;)
Sending cool Pacific breezes and clear brisk nights your way. We have iced beverages and Netflix. Our pioneer foremothers had to spend these days canning and preserving all the fruits and vegetables their families would eat over the winter, working over a woodstove while weariing seven petticoats and a boned corset. Ahhh, the good old days. No wonder they died young!
I think you were a very wonderful mom. (Love the seatbelt trick!)You certainly have produced some wonderful women.
Lulu in a casino? Oh, you are a braver woman than I am!!
I love the Netflix streaming too! I have watched all of the available seasons of Bones and 2 seasons of Heroes. Awesomeness!
I love the seatbelt trick! (We just said the tooth fairy was running behind and snuck that dollar in when the kid wasn't looking!) And I LOVE getting involved in a long term series when there's lots and lots of episodes waiting for me in the wings!
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