I just passed my 18th anniversary of working at my job. Things seemed to be going along fairly well. We were just waiting for the axe to fall and let us know how big a hit our budget was taking. Well, it took an extra 8 weeks but the city finally let us know it would be in the realm of 1.2 million dollars.
Yes. Million. Dollars. That's a lot for any organization to absorb (well maybe not for the Sultan of Brunei or Bill Gates but for a small community mental health center-it's huge) and the impact will be felt by everyone. 9 people are being laid off and 2 are being moved into different jobs. I know of two of the lay offs but the other 7 are a mystery. I only know they are not me.
I managed to keep my job and I am grateful since I like what I do (and it's getting interesting again). I'm not sure what's going to happen in the near future. I think some programs are changing or merging but since the process is just beginning, it's all up in the air.
In the meantime, let me share some photos of some wips and fos. First up, Elanor's July socks. They're footie socks and made out of one of the first balls of sock yarn I bought. It's Opal wool/nylon blend. Without trying, I managed to make them almost match. It's such a different feeling yarn, almost string like. There's no pattern, just a plain sock with a Dutch heel. And now I have started August's. They will be the ever popular Lacy Mock Cable socks. El saw an old pair of mine and asked for some so I am obliging her. I forgot how easy the pattern is and how quickly it moves along.

Another fo. This is my yak/merino yarn. It has now been washed and wacked and is a soft, spongy yarn. I navajo plied it to make a 3 ply out of it. With only 2 ounces of roving, it's not a large skein. I'm thinking I'll make a pair of fingerless mitts for my niece, Maggie, since she was so fascinated with the idea of yak. Actually, she's fascinated with the idea of yak MEAT (she is so my brother's daughter!) but I think she'll like the mitts anyway. Something lacy and pretty I think.

A very different fo. A loaf of homemade molasses oatmeal bread. I made stew for dinner on Sunday and thought some bread would be good. Peter Kevin does not like oatmeal but he loves this bread so I made it for him. I made two loaves. One is gone and one is in the freezer for another meal.

And now a wip. Remember the yarn I spun for the TdF? It was called Fallen Leaves (or something like that). I had planned to use it to make a Forest Canopy Shawl, figuring the fallen leaves colors would work with a leafy shawl pattern. Well, here is the beginning. I'm further along but this one shows the color of the yarn off better. It's coming out just as beautiful as I imagined it to be. There are some thicker and thinner spots but that's ok. If I wanted perfect, I wouldn't be using my handspun. I made myself finish something before I started this so when I finished El's socks, I indulged and pulled out the pattern. It's an uncomplicated pattern and I am enjoying the simple pleasure of working with my handspun yarn. I have enough to make a good sized shawl.
One of the women I made a baby sweater for came in with the baby today. She told me that when she puts the sweater on her daughter, she gets many compliments. That made me feel good. Now I have to finish the one I have almost done and make a few more. You know, in all my free time. I need thicker yarn so they don't take quite as long. I think I'll go back to booties and hats.
So, that's where my life is at the moment. The work environment is weird since we're all waiting for the other 7 shoes to drop. It's a good thing my home environment is safe and secure and comforting. I am so lucky that I get to come home to someone who cares about my wellbeing. Next week is our anniversary. 31 years (yes, I was a child bride). No big celebrations since we're doing some work on the house, just the two of us being together. That's celebration enough for me.