First off, let me explain about the comments that have been "deleted by administrator". I never delete comments written by real people. But more and more the spam comments are showing up and I don't want to subject any one else to them. So I delete them. I wouldn't delete comments that disagreed with me or thought I was a twit. Hey, you're allowed an opinion. I will, however, delete spambots. Nuff said.
I spent the last three days home with a strange virus. No fever, or low grade fever, sinus pressure and congestion, sore throat and overall exhaustion and fuzziness. I felt silly staying home when I don't have real fever but I was so unable to focus on anything that it would have been a waste. I tried to knit but had to rip out whatever I knitted. I can't count to 2 or 5. It's a ribbed sock for goodness sake! But I had trouble wrapping the fuzz in my brain around the complicated concept of 2/5 ribbing.
ntil last night. The fog lifted and I was able to finish the lace edging of the shawl. And a great cheering was heard across the land (well, from Royersford, after I texted Emily that I was casting off 607 stitches). Then I had to rip out the original white textured part because I messed up the counting and the center back was crooked. I wasn't sure it would show but it did so out it came. I have the center back clearly marked and am making sure to keep it straight as I re knit several rows. Then I just have to knit on the top border (and try to knit in all the ends) and block it. I think I will forgo the crocheted edging because I don't really like it. Maybe once it's blocked I'll change my mind.
You can see how now I have to reknit the middle part of the back. Each row has a couple of k3tog in the middle of the row to shorten the rows until there are no more stitches left. I am so excited. I have never blocked anything before and PK wants to build a blocking frame. I told him I would use the mattress on the spare bed and pins but he found a frame online and is determined that he can "make my life easier". So, this weekend he is buying the wood and hammering lots of brads into it. If you've never seen a blocking frame, knitpicks has information about one on their website. I'm a lucky woman.

And now I am going to go to the drugstore and pick up my prescriptions and go to the Mac machine for some money and maybe treat myself to something unhealthy for lunch. I hope you are all in good health and the weekend is fine. (Once again we are in for some "wintry mix"). Spring can't get here fast enough.