In the ever going saga that is our health issues this summer, I spent the weekend in a dim, quiet room. Yes, I had a visit from the migraine fairy. About an hour after I fell asleep on Saturday night, I woke up with a blinding headache.
Now, I don't know about you, but in my life when you have a headache, you take a pill and it goes away. That is the natural order of the thing. Not this headache. It said, "Ha! I laugh at you and your puny acetaminophen/asprin/caffeine concoction! You can not vanquish me!" And it was right. After trying every remedy I could think of (and thinking is very difficult at that point), I came to the conclusion I had to wait it out. It took until Monday for the pain to let up enough to be able to focus my attention.
When I was able to pay attention to my surroundings, I was restless. My cotton candy pink fingernails (the manicurist talked me into them "for the summer") were itchy to do something different.

Fortunately, as a long time crafting person, I had ample things to choose from and eventually landed on the Christmas Tablecloth (you know, the one I've been working on for over 20 years?).
It's a stamped cross stitch design with four angels on the corners and a center design. I enjoy it but get easily bored.

It looks like this. Each letter/symbol identifies a color or type of stitch. This is actually not a very complicated one since there are great swaths of the same color involved. My recovering brain was not up to the task. I enjoyed working on it and I think I'll pull it out some more soon.

They're the Christina mitts made with superwash/nylon yarn dyed by Roxanne at Zen Yarn Garden. (You should see this month's offering for the Artwalk group. It's gorgeous and I can't wait for it to come).
This pattern was fairly easy and I generally like it except for the way the edges roll. They are finished off with three rows of purled stitches which rolls just like stockinette would have (duh). I am thinking of pulling it out and putting in an inch of ribbing instead. I think it will make it lie smoother. I think she intended the edges to roll but I don't like it and isn't that the beauty of making something yourself?
I am still waiting to hear if Em's dress is acceptable. The suspense is making me anxious. Pk and I are having dinner with Jim's folks tonight to discuss the food for the party. I know it's supposed to be bbq and that's about it. Oh, and I am supposed to make potato salad for 35. (I'm hoping to get Kate to make half of it. I'll buy the materials and it would be great if she could make some, too).

The weather broke and we have had some lovely summer days. We haven't been able to make the most of them due to Pk's work schedule. He has deadlines and there's a mild shake up at work so he's feeling a bit of stress. I'm going to see if we can do the "order the groceries online and pick them up already bagged" at the store thing. I don't know what they charge and I will go in and choose my own meats but maybe it could make the whole grocery thing a bit easier this week.
That's about it for me. Life is exciting as always.....