Thursday, August 30, 2007

Monday, August 27, 2007

I definitely think I have earned this badge. I knit on the train and have had folks sit and watch me knit and just before they get off, they ask, "what are you knitting"? I proudly share whichever sock I am working on at the time (they are always socks on the train, no room for anything else). I also knit at lunch and am teaching some of my folks in my social rehab group how to knit. I am slowly spreading the word....
The photo session went well. They made my short reddish brown hair slightly curly and pretty. And I had on more makeup at one time than I think I have worn in my entire lifetime, all together! When I looked in the mirror, I was floored. I never wear much makeup, just enough to protect my skin and cover skin flaws. This was strange. I didn't recognize me in the mirror. They reassured me that in order for my features to show up in the photos, they had to put that much makeup on me. It was not ugly, just heavy handed. And those red lips.....how did women manage to keep the lipstick off their teeth? The photographer managed to get some garter shots without showing off the cellulite on the back of my thighs (thanks celeste!). In about 2 weeks the photos will be available for me to view online and I can choose the pose I like and she will touch them up and I can frame them for Peter Kevin. It will be just in time for our anniversary. It was an adventure and I know he is pleased I did it.
Sunday, August 26, 2007

Here is the finished monkey sock and the newly started second sock. I love the way the colors spiral down the leg. But I think the second one is not going to look quite the same. The stripes look wider. I started in what I thought was the same spot in the pattern repeat but maybe there really isn't a true repeat. There are the same number of stitches and the same size needles. They are for Emily and she doesn't care if they are matching. She is an "original" herself and doesn't care if her socks are originals as well.
I will be working more on sock 2 today as I make my debut as a pinup model. Yes, you heard me right, a pinup model. You know, Betty Grable, Vargas? In June, our local paper had an article about a photographer who takes 1940's style pinup photos. My husband said "Oh hon, if you get one of these done, I'll never ask for another present again" (I'll remind him of that when he wants to update the video card in his computer!). I called and made an appointment. I have met with the photographer and chosen clothes and told her the kind of "look" I want and today I go and have the pictures taken. I am not thrilled with having my picture taken so this is truly an act of love. I am not the skinny, young thing I once was and usually don't like pictures of myself. So, today I show up clean and unmade up and they do the hair and makeup and provide the wardrobe. She said wear black lace underwear, she has the garters and hose. If you are interested in looking at some of her work here is her address: Celeste Giuliani. She has done some really nice stuff.
I hope your Sunday is as interesting! Peter Kevin just brought me one of his famous omelettes. Breakfast in bed, and it isn't even my birthday!
Thursday, August 23, 2007

Monday, August 20, 2007
Well, it's Monday morning and it's time to go to work. It's raining which made it that much harder to get out of bed and that much harder to actually do any work.....
Thursday, August 16, 2007

Unfortunately, unless you look really close, you cannot see the coat hanger I used for this arts and crafts project. You can see the scotch tape I used to hold the edges together after I cut off the curvy hanger bit. Peter Kevin assures me he can fix that with something so that it holds together better. I took this photo and the one above outside on my front step. You can see the lovely cement there in the photo. What you cannot see is the nest of Cicada Killer Wasps that is under the steps. Now, I am an allergic person and try to avoid stinging insects but I wanted to get a photo of the color of the socks in "natural light" to show how beautifully the charcoal color spirals around the red/pink colors . So, I went out front, quickly snapped the photos and ran back into the house. We have never had these wasps before and didn't know what they were. They are BIG suckers, bigger than my pinky and ugly as all get out. We tried the natural insecticide recommended by some university (oil and vinegar poured onto and around the holes they make) and it seems to be working but I still am wary of being out there. And the front of our house smells like salad....
Monday, August 13, 2007

And then there were two. Voila! This is my first pair of socks that I knitted for me. I have knitted socks for several other folks but these are mine, all mine. Even though Emily wants to get her hands (feet!) on them, they are mine. They fit very nicely and make my feet feel loved. Now I am waiting for my darling Peter Kevin to finish untangling the mess that is my Art Walk Sock Yarn (the cat had a hand in this and it is now a large tangle) so I can start some socks with that. Fortunately, he likes puzzles and looks upon this as a challenge.
We never got to the park. Some intestinal distress that continues to plague me kept me home and near the facilities. The lake is only open for a few more weeks (closes Labor Day) and I feel like we have not taken advantage of it enough. Summer is almost gone and while I will not miss the weather (I am tired of being wilted and sweaty when I get to work in the morning) I will miss the lazy quality to the days. Nothing seems as urgent or important in the summer.
This fall I will be 50. And while I know in my head that it is just a number, it feels like a fairly significant number. Somehow I am not where I always thought I would be at 50 and no, I don't know where I thought I would be but this does not feel like it. Makes no sense, I know. I am a fortunate person in a lot of ways and try to be mindful of that. I have my family and a job that is fulfilling and enough hobbies and things to keep me interested. I still like to learn new things and meet new people. I guess I always thought I would feel more grown up. I still have trouble remembering sometimes that I AM the grown up. How weird is all that? I don't want to be 18 or even 25 again. I don't mind my age, I just wish I felt my age (mentally). I still feel insecure and vulnerable and scared sometimes. I guess that is something that never goes away.
Enough. It is enough to know that I am loved and able to love and there are people to whom I am important. The rest of it will have to sort itself out when I finish growing up. "Growing older is not an option, growing up is...."
Saturday, August 11, 2007

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Did you ever sit in a meeting and have someone, say a supervisor, ask for a volunteer for something that was not particularly odious but you didn't want to do? And then you find yourself starting to think, I should go to this 2 day training on how to fill out Soc Sec Disability forms, even though I really don't want to and what can they possibly talk about for two whole days? Well, that happened to me today. Now, I like to go to some trainings because I get a day out of the office and often learn something new and interesting about my job. But, I have no desire to spend TWO WHOLE DAYS learning to fill out a form. That sounds about as interesting as, as, I can't even think of anything more boring. And yet, I found myself almost volunteering because NO ONE ELSE DID. That's right. My co-workers are all smarter than I am and kept their mouths shut and their eyes down. Why do I feel like I have to step in and do this? I have enough things to do without being the person who knows the forms. I have new interns coming in a month and they require frequent care in the beginning. I need strength to not feel guilty...
Otherwise things here are flowing along like honey in August. When the weather is this hot and humid, you just got to let things go and slow way down. Although, if I get any slower, I will be moving in reverse.
Monday, August 6, 2007

Now I have to find a pattern that will do it justice. Hmm, any thoughts? I am thinking maybe something out of my new Knitting on the Road book but it has to be a fairly plain pattern to show off the yarn. Of course, there is always another pair of monkeys.....
Saturday, August 4, 2007

This is my beautiful Katie who turns 18 tomorrow. The hat is the monkey hat from knitty (sorry, lost the link). I finished the hat while she was away at her convention in July. It is the first time I have done two color knitting where I didn't just do stripes that I knotted together. It was a small challenge but it is so darn cute. I just couldn't wait till Christmas to give it to her. Happy Birthday Katie!
(You'll notice she's knitting in the picture. My needles, my yarn, I guess 18 doesn't mean grown up.)
Friday, August 3, 2007

PS Sorry about there being no breaks in the text. I have tried to put them in several times but blogger won't allow them. I think it's easier to read with some breaks.
Good morning and welcome to my January. I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...
Happy 2010! (That's said 'twenty-ten'.) We finally got out of the '0's' and now can move on. Pk and I had our u...
I didn't mention in my last post (probably because I'm not always comfortable with my own sexuality), but having Pk look at me in th...
The taxes are done ! Yay! I had a great sense of satisfaction hitting that "submit" button. (I have visions of my tax forms going ...