Sunday, March 29, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Since this is nominally a knitting blog (well, I do knit sometimes and I even manage to post photos of said knitting on occasion), I have a knitting question.
When you make a top down sweater that is a cardigan and therefore not knit in the round, and then you pick up the stitches to knit the sleeves , how do you make the sleeves, which are going to be knit in the round, look like the body which is knit back and forth?
I finished the body of the baby sweater I was making for a coworker. The edges are curling up, but that's another matter. It is a kimono style sweater that was knit top down and the sleeves were put on waste yarn to be picked up and knit seamlessly to the cuffs. I finished one sleeve and realized that I can very clearly see where I picked up the stitches and then knit in the round. So, how do you do that? Do I knit the sleeve in stockinette like the body and then seam the underarm? Will the stitches even out and match after it's washed? It's funny, but it never occurred to me that this would be a problem until last night when I finally picked up the sweater thinking I would be able to finish it this weekend. I used a cotton/acrylic blend and it's nice and soft (and washable). But the stitches look so different.
This is a serious problem because I realized the pattern I picked for Em's sweater is knit the same way. If it's that noticeable, I won't be pleased with it and I don't know what I'll do.
So, help!?!. Is there a work-around for this, or do I have to choose another pattern? It's probably obvious and I just can't see it. I'm going to try to research it tonight but if anyone has any thoughts, they are more than welcome!
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Pk and I got up and went out for brunch Sunday morning before heading to the grocery store to forage for food. I felt like someone had beaten me up, all sore and tired, but I soldiered on.
Monday I got up and went to work and my throat hurt, my head and ears hurt, my throat was sore and I felt feverish. Ick. I made it through the morning and then left early to go home and crash.
And that's what I've been doing since then. Crashing. I wake up in the morning, shower, eat and take a nap. Then I wake up, eat some more, take a nap. I make dinner and then get ready for bed. If I were covered in fur, I'd be a cat!
I called out of work Tuesday and today and found out today that we have a new policy. Anytime an employee is out for 3 days ( I think technically, my third day should be tomorrow but they counted Monday since I took half a day), HR is notified and a letter is sent home which has to be filled out and signed by the primary care physician and brought back. If they decide that yes, indeed, this person has been truly sick, it won't count as an occurrence. It makes me feel like a kindergartener bringing in a note from my mommy. I didn't go to the doctor because I have a cold. Colds do not always necessitate a visit to the doctor. I don't want antibiotics and I have some cough syrup so I'm good. Fortunately, my doctor is a good guy. I'll call tomorrow and ask if he'll sign the paper. Once he hears my voice, he'll sign. I sound terrible. So, my supervisors told me I might as well take the rest of the week and get really well (I was intending on going back tomorrow) since I had to fill out the form anyway. Just another hoop to jump through.
Em met with a thoraxic (I know this is spelled wrong but for the life of me I can't figure out how to spell it right now) surgeon today. They can't make a date for the procedure until they're sure what the growth is. Since there is a chance it's a form of cancer, they have to wait for the test results to come back and that may take a little time. Needless to say, we are all anxious for this to be over with. Especially since I had to go and google the type of cancer and it's scary.
I am hoping to have some more energy tomorrow and maybe get some spinning or knitting done. Right now, I keep falling asleep in the chair. Not conducive for being productive.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009

Ok, all together now, breathe in, breathe out. Deep, full breaths. Yes, for the first time in 4 weeks I feel like I can breathe (when my eyes aren't filling up with tears, that is).
Em's tumor is benign. At least that's what they're saying at this point. There is a small chance it's a form of cancer but it seems to be contained and it can be removed. It WILL be removed as soon as she gets an appointment with a surgeon. You know, life is never smooth. There are ups and downs and sometimes it feels like it's just downs and more downs. This past month has been one long breath-holding waiting period. And now, finally, the news is positive. That sound you hear is my heart as it starts beating normally again.
Thank you all so very much for the support and love. It has made this a little easier knowing all the positive energy that has flown our way. Surgery isn't fun but at least there is a plan and Em can look forward to getting back to her normal (or what passes for normal in her world) life. And I can go back to my normal life. But things won't be the same. I won't take things like health for granted. I've felt like we've lived a charmed life in that department with only minor things going wrong. But that feeling is gone. I feel vulnerable and it'll take some time to get over that.
Kate is coming in to Philadelphia to have lunch with me today. I'm looking forward to that. If we're lucky, Pk will be able to come and have lunch with us. If not, we'll wing it. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend full of laughter and joy.
Monday, March 9, 2009
The pattern is Garden Path and it's a toe up, which I've done before, but it has a heel flap. I've never done a toe up sock with a heel flap. I love the color and the pattern. And she sent me a date book for 2009 with Aussie birds. It's beautiful. Thank you Gemma! And thank you Julie (and Amy Lane) for thinking of this.
I also got a box in the mail full of baked goods, yarny goodness and cooking items. It's part of a swap on ravelry. Each box has to contain one skein of yarn and some baked good. The rest of the box is up to the individual. My box had a cookbook, a cookie gun, some hand towels, a handknit potholder, some glitz to put in my handspun, a recipe box and some kitchen utensils. It was a box full of treasure and I had great fun opening it.
I'm not quite finished putting together my box but it'll go out this weekend. I have to bake the cookies and purchase some yarn.
Pk is going to a tool auction in Maryland on Saturday. He's leaving early (3 am!) to get there early and to look over the vendors before the auction. I'm not going to this one. I have to put together my swap box and I'll use the time he's gone to do that.
Em's biopsy results haven't come back, yet. The hospital lab cannot identify the tissure bits and have sent them to the Mayo clinic. If you're not familiar with them, they are the number one medical facility in the US. We Woods don't do anything halfway. If we are going to have an alien baby, then we are going to have a unique one! Em is taking this remarkably well. And my brother's little girl's best friend's father (following me?) is a pediatric oncologist. He offered to talk to Em and help her decide what to do. He also offered to give her a second opinion. "He wants to jump in and take over the treatment" said my brother. I let Em know and she and I are both grateful for this offer. The man gave us his cell phone number and said to call if she has any questions or needs help deciding what to do. How wonderful is that? The amount of good wishes and offers of help has been overwhelming. The next time someone says that people are cold and uncaring, I will point out all the goodness that is pouring over Em.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
I finished the Feb socks. And only 6 days into March. Not too bad. I
We are in for some more weather changes again today. Two days ago, my yard was covered in ice and snow and I was bundled up against 20 degree (-6 C) temps with wind chill of 0 degrees. Today, it is supposed to be 65 (18.8C). 65!!! It is so weird. I know it is a tease and the cold weather will be back so I'm going to open the windows and enjoy it while I can. The only problem is that the rapid change in atmospheric pressure and temp changes induces migraines. Yesterday I had a whopper and today it's just a mild headache. A little Excedrin and I should be good to go.
Em finished her tests for this week. It hurt my heart to hear how painful the biopsy was. I want to throw myself in front of her and say "NO MORE. You may NOT hurt my baby!" even though I know the tests are necessary. There is one more test, a PET scan but that is not invasive and shouldn't hurt. Then the doctor appt and the decision of what to do. I want to scream "TAKE IT OUT." Even I, without a medical degree, see that it has to come out. I know all the reasons for wanting as much info as possible beforehand but for goodness sakes. Get the sucker out of my daughter's body. Then you can poke a stick at it all you want. She is hanging in there and I am so proud of the way she is handling this. That's my girl.
Daylight savings time tonight. Yuck. A week of my internal clock adjusting to the abrupt change in light. Time to do away with it, I think. Let the light return on its own.
However you are spending your weekend, I hope it contains some laughter. And here's a thought,
The truth you believe and cling to makes you unavailable to hear anything new
~Pema Chodron
So, I'm adding being open to new thoughts and ideas to my goals. I'll bet I can learn all sorts of things.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sunday, March 1, 2009
Good morning and welcome to my January. I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...
Happy 2010! (That's said 'twenty-ten'.) We finally got out of the '0's' and now can move on. Pk and I had our u...
I didn't mention in my last post (probably because I'm not always comfortable with my own sexuality), but having Pk look at me in th...
The taxes are done ! Yay! I had a great sense of satisfaction hitting that "submit" button. (I have visions of my tax forms going ...