Friday, August 29, 2008
If I ruled the world, there are more than a few things I would change but they are too numerous to go into now. I'll just expound on one of the things that really irritates me. Well, it's something that is irritating me at this moment.
Today is Friday. Not an irritating thing. In fact, since I don't work weekends, a rather good thing. I came into work today at 7:30 am and managed to finish my work by 10:00 am. I mean really finished. As in, nothing to do. Nothing. No extra paperwork or treatment plans or phone calls. I have been sitting at my desk playing on the computer and reading the newspaper and walking around visiting people and now I am sitting here watching the clock. Ok, it's now 1:15 and I have to stay here because I work for a place that believes that it's important for people to be at their desks whether or not they're busy.
This drives me crazy! So, when I become Empress of the Universe (maybe not in this lifetime), I would make it so that people were 1) paid fairly for the work they do and 2) when they were done their work, they could go home. I think it would encourage people to work more efficiently and ultimately get more work done. There are some days when I have more than enough work to keep me busy for the whole day and I work hard those days. But on days like this, it's like a punishment to have to sit here. I can play on the computer at home if that's what I wanted to do. If it were more private I suppose I could knit but I'd rather do that at home, too.
Sigh. So now I am waiting for Pk to tell me he's ready to go home and then I'll leave anyway (we drove in to the train station together. Rather nice actually). It's a holiday weekend here in the US and a long one. Lots of folks took today off so it's rather quiet. I took Tuesday off so I'm looking forward to a 4 day weekend and it's killing me to sit here. I feel like a kid.
On the knitting front, I finally finished the socks for my aunt. Plain stockinette socks with blue and grey self striping yarn. And I am almost finished a pair destined for someone's Christmas stocking. I wound three skeins of laceweight yarn into balls last night. Each one is just over 100 grams. It took a long time. There are a lot of yards in there. I am chomping at the bit to cast on for a shawl from Folk Shawls. I can't decide between the Japanese kimono shawl or the Fir cone shawl. Anybody ever make one of those? I'm forcing myself to wait until I finish the Wildflowers Shawl and hopefully I'll hear from Teresa this week with some more yarn.
Well, I hope you all have a good weekend whether it's a long one or not. Here in the US it's the unnoficial last weekend of summer because school starts and the pace of life picks up again. Parking lots at the train station will go back to being crowded and so will the trains.
Well, it's 1:30 now. Thanks for letting me spend some time with you all.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
#87CEFA |
Your dominant hues are cyan and blue. You like people and enjoy making friends. You're conservative and like to make sure things make sense before you step into them, especially in relationships. You are curious but respected for your opinions by people who you sometimes wouldn't even suspect. Your saturation level is lower than average - You don't stress out over things and don't understand people who do. Finishing projects may sometimes be a challenge, but you schedule time as you see fit and the important things all happen in the end, even if not everyone sees your grand master plan. Your outlook on life is bright. You see good things in situations where others may not be able to, and it frustrates you to see them get down on everything. |
I stole this from Joan who is away on vacation and used it as filler. I just thought it was interesting. I'm not sure what color I thought Iwould end up.
I just want to say something regarding televison because I made a comment on rosered's blog that caused some consternation.
It's true. I do not own a television and have not watched for almost 5 years. I know it sounds like we are Luddites but the reality is we have 5 computers in the house. There is access to information and entertainment whenever someone wants it. We didn't start out (nor are we now) anti-television. It was more of a gradual pulling away. The tv was never in a central location in the house. We wanted the girls to read books and entertain themselves. They grew up watching cartoons and other shows and there was never a limit on the amount of television they could watch each day. I love cartoons and would watch with them. We also enjoyed Mr. Rogers and Sesame Street and the Discovery channel and lots of movies. As the girls grew, they did more reading and less tv watching and when computers entered the picture, there was no contest. Why watch a static box when you could interact?
After a while, I noticed that I was paying what seemed to me to be an exorbitant cable bill to a company that I wasn't fond of for a service no one was using. So, I turned off the cable and when Em moved out last December, she took the tv with her. I can honestly say, I don't miss it. We watch movies on the computer monitor and I listen to recorded books on my mp3 player as I knit or I talk to Pk. We do a lot of interacting sometimes and others we are each lost in our own computer worlds.
I am not on a crusade to stop television watching. I only know what works for me. I hear about shows that people are enjoying and if I'm interested, I can get them on dvd and watch them at my leisure. I don't seem to have the compulsion to turn on the set and sit in front of it that I had when I was younger. I can't explain it but I know it gets an amazed reaction if I say it to anyone.
So, there you have it. One more weird thing about me.
Monday, August 25, 2008

Saturday, August 23, 2008
Sometimes that works out and sometimes not. This week it did not. I didn't actually volunteer to help our IT dept. when they have a lot of people asking questions on how to access schedules in our new computer program. My supervisor told the IT person that I would probably do it if she asked. She asked and I said "of course." So, I decided to make sure that I could access the schedules and that I understood what I was doing (it always helps when you understand what you're doing) before the doctors started clamoring about access to their schedules. I tried but it didn't work. I couldn't access the data so I called the IT person and she was in the middle of another problem and got very upset. Just so happens that a "person in charge" was there in her office (the same person who made the comment about me having time to read a book at work). I quickly got a phone call from my supervisor saying "please don't call the IT person if you have a problem, just stay out of the program". Sigh, another wrist slap. My wrists are getting sore.
I felt hurt and angry and ready to give into stress tears but I managed to swallow this and get on with my day. Kate and Holly came over to Philadelphia and we had lunch with a friend. Good food and good conversation. I went back to work determined to keep my head down and just do my job. I finished and left to come home.
Of course when you swallow feelings like that they eventually come back out. And they did when Pk asked about my day. The tears starting rolling down my cheeks and I couldn't stop them. When I finished telling him all of this, I was so drained but felt better. I know that the stress will dissolve over the weekend and when I go back to work, I'll go back with a different attitude. On the plus side, the IT person called me to apologize and ask if we were still friends. I said of course. I do understand that she is under a lot of pressure to make this amazingly un-user friendly program work and the last thing I want to do is to add to her stress.
I do think of finding a different job. I am very good at what I do but this is not a good time to job hunt and I have such good benefits that it's hard to leave them. I plan to start looking but not count on anything happening soon.
In other news, I have been working on my Wildflowers shawl. I wasn't afraid of having enough yarn until someone (Roxie) put the idea in my head. Now I see she may be right. I contacted Teresa Ruch the designer of this lovely yarn and she will try to match the sam

Today's buddhist inspiration said "reach for your dream and it will reach for you". (hana rose zadra). What a pleasant and happy thought that your dream is out there reaching for you. Kinda exciting.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

There is not a yellow tree in sight, yet. But it's coming. It's only the middle of August but already the weather feels like it's changing. Every day, ever so slightly, you can feel the difference. Usually by this time of year, we are all ready for the fall. This summer has been unusually wet and the temperatures have not been excessive. There were a few days when we needed the air conditioners in the bedrooms but those were very few. Most nights we get by with window fans which bring in the cool night air (last night the temp gauge on the fan said 54 (12 C)degrees. (Thank goodness for the online converter for temps! I can't do it in my head). I have enjoyed this summer. I like the unscheduledness of it. We are lazier and spend more time outside and just having fun. (Though, as I wrote that, I realized that I don't have kids in school anymore and so the schedule that ruled out lives for so long is no longer. ) I also like wearing shorts and having bare legs and feet and not having to put shoes on to go outside to get the newspaper in the morning. Once summer is over it seems the "holiday season" is upon us and it's nonstop for months.
I am working away on my Wildflower shawl and am loving the pattern. It's easy enough to be 'comfort knitting' but has a little challenge in there. The fabric is soft and drapey. It will be beautiful when it's finished.
I made a supreme effort to get myself into work this morning. It's predicted to be 80 (26 C)degrees and sunny. Just about as perfect a day as you could ask for. A nice day to drive through the woods and take a picnic. But I came to work. I had a conversation with a supervisor yesterday that made me depressed and not want to be here. He said that even though the head honchos know that I do my work and volunteer for everything that needs doing and all in a timely fashion, if I'm reading a book at 8:00 in the morning, why aren't I doing another social rehab group? In other words, because I manage my time efficiently and get my work done so that I am not frazzled and flustered, I should do extra work to keep myself busy. I should be punished because I am good at time management. I already do as much or more work than most members of my department. And if I'm reading a book at 8 in the morning, it's for a group I have to run later in the day.
This really demoralized me. I know that I am not the only one who feels this way and I'm not sure what to do about it. It doesn't seem to matter what I do or how much I do, it's not enough. I have toyed with the idea of changing jobs over the years but never seriously. I like the people I work with, I like my job (mostly) and I have great benefits which include 5 weeks of time off each year. That is almost unheard of around here. I can't go to the person who made the comment because I got it second hand and I don't want to get the person who told me in trouble. I just wish he had kept his mouth shut and not shared this with me. I know this feeling will go away and I'll feel better about everything again but I'm getting too old for this stuff.
But it's Wednesday and the sun is shining so it will be a good day. Well, I'll make it a good day.
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

This is the Wildflowers Shawl pattern (scroll down the link). It's not very big or even very complicated but I love the simple femininity of it. (photo stolen from Posh Yarns website). This story of failed monogamy started simply enough. I was working on plain socks for my aunt and I got bored. So, I started some lace socks for a Christmas gift for someone. I got bored with socks period so I put them down. Both pairs are 3/4 done. I started the felted bag that is an obligatory knit. It's boring to the nth degree. Just row after row of knit and purl. 168 long rows worth of endless red. I make myself do 8 rows each day and then let myself do something more challenging. I kept thinking about the beautiful bamboo yarn that Roxie sent me and I wondered how it would work for this pattern. So, without much thought, I wound the skein into a ball and cast on. It's a simple pattern and so far after 16 rows I am able to follow it easily. (SHHHH! You didn't hear that in case the knitting goddesses are listening and want to cast me down for my hubris! They are always casting people down for hubris.) The bamboo yarn, dyed in Oregon by Teresa Ruch designs, is interesting to work with. It looks and feels like embroidery floss but knits into a soft fabric. Everything I've read about bamboo yarn says it will completely soften once I wash and block it. I can't seem to find much info on blocking it but I'm going to give it a try. The colors are so clear and gorgeous. The stitch definition is amazing and it's an exciting thing to watch grow. I just can't figure out whether the pattern is from the top down or the bottom up. It's shaped strangely on the needles and the pattern doesn't say. I'm not good enough to be able to pick up a pattern and just tell by reading it. No matter. I am going to keep working away and eventually I figure it'll become clear.
I have two groups to prepare for today and don't have a single idea what to talk about. Sigh. At least it's Wednesday.
(edited to add: Right after I posted, I had thoughts of ideas for groups today. I like to think it's the positve effect of the internets! Thank you internets!)
Saturday, August 9, 2008
When I signed PK up for his flight back in June, I had no idea what the weather would be like. I only knew it was likely to be hot. It is August in the Northern Hemisphere after all. But we really lucked out. He was so excited as we drove down the Garden State Parkway to Rio Grande NJ and Big Sky aviation. He signed in and they put him in the plane. This plane.

After we finished at the airport (we purchased the video they took because PK totally forgot he had the video camera in his pocket. When it gets transferred to DVD, I'll share it if I can), we went to the Wildwood Naval Air Station Museum. They have examples of dozens of planes from Russian MiGs to the helicopters that flew the wounded to MASH hospitals. It helped PK to let some of the adrenaline wash out of his system and he was able to have a coherent conversation again.
We had breakfast at a diner and then went to spend a few hours here

Now we are home and thinking of what to eat for dinner. PK is having some of the shrimp salad I made for lunch (that no one ate) and I am going to scramble some eggs and make a sandwich. We have eaten like little piggies for the last couple days and are planning to go out and have a lavish brunch at Smithville Inn tomorrow so sandwiches for dinner is not a bad thing.
You know, when you plan a special day and it comes off well, there's almost no better feeling. I read a definition of love once that said it was putting someone else's happiness above your own. Well, today was all about love. It was about making a dream come true for someone I love. And I feel so good.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Here I am in all my finery ready to go to the wedding. It was hot as all get out but I wanted to get a photo with my shawl. I wore it during the reception because the a/c was on full blast. This is one of my favorite dresses because it doesn't wrinkle, it looks colorful and it's generally flattering. The photo isn't the best but like I said, it was hot.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Good morning and welcome to my January. I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...
Happy 2010! (That's said 'twenty-ten'.) We finally got out of the '0's' and now can move on. Pk and I had our u...
I didn't mention in my last post (probably because I'm not always comfortable with my own sexuality), but having Pk look at me in th...
The taxes are done ! Yay! I had a great sense of satisfaction hitting that "submit" button. (I have visions of my tax forms going ...