Peter Kevin walked down to my office to wait while I finished the call and he remarked on the fact that my neck and face were red. And this was just a rehearsal. Sigh. I think I may need some of my anti-anxiety meds before this thing on Friday. The Director said to me today, "I owe you for this one". She surely does.
On Sunday, Kate asked me if I wanted to go to the yarn store. I thought about it for a hot minute and said "of course" and we went to Woolbearers, our favorite lys. She bought some lovely sparkly yarn and I walked around and around. I didn't really want to spend money but I found myself drawn back again and again to this "skein" of Crazy Zauberball. Yes, the colors are actually that bright. There were three color groups, pink/grey, blue/purple, and red/orange/green. I went with the bright one thinking it would make amazingly colorful socks.
It's a bit splitty to work with and not terribly soft. That's probably a good thing since soft yarn doesn't always last very long.
They won't be twins that's for sure. And they'll probably only get worn with jeans, but that's ok. I love these socks already. And I'm grateful for the signature needles. The very sharp stilletto tips make it easier to use this splitty yarn. I am finding it very amusing.
I'm listening to The Mists of Avalon (Marion Zimmer Bradley), a version of the King Arthur tale that focuses on the women. It's read by Davina Porter who has a wonderful voice. (She reads the Outlander books, too). It is such a good telling of the story and so different from the many, many versions where the women are mostly background fixtures. There's spinning. The women are always pulling out a spindle and spinning. It made me realize again how lucky I am that I do not have to provide all the fabric for all my family's clothes. I like to spin but don't want to do it ALL the time.
We are going to go find a Christmas tree this weekend and Pk and I will do some of our shopping. We usually shop once together and then the rest separately. It seems like there's loads of time till Christmas but I know how fast that time will pass. I haven't found my holiday spirit, yet. It just hasn't clicked in my head that tomorrow is December. I guess the fact that the temperature has been spring-like hasn't helped.
How warm is it? Well, this is a forsythia bush that was outside of the yarn store. They bloom in the Spring. November is NOT spring around here. The cold snap we had in October (with frost) and then the almost 70 degree temps this week must have confused it. It's more seasonable today with highs in the 50's (12.7C).
Otherwise, we are doing well. Pk is learning to get along with Siri but it's a rocky relationship. He calls her names and she responds with "Peter, I will not respond to that kind of language". It makes me laugh. Technology is an entertaining thing.
How are you finding your holiday spirit? (that is if you've found it). Is there a thing that does it for you? I didn't put out the decorations the weekend after Thanksgiving like I usually do since it seemed a bit early. Maybe this weekend. Maybe I'll find my spirit tucked away inside those boxes.