I am grateful for the things I have learned from all of you and the time you take to share your thoughts and ideas with me. And I want to leave you with this thought as the holidays descend upon us and we get carried away with it all:
People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within. -E. Kubler-Ross
Go out and be the light. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
Well, I want to know who decided that the temperature should take a nose dive off the cliffs of fall and right into winter. It's 27 degrees this morning (-2.7 C) and windy. It's only November. Last Saturday it was 70 (21 C). This came on much too fast and I want to protest. If I only knew who to protest to.
So, how many people do you need to have an official Knit Night? Would 2 count? That's how many people showed up last night. Emily and I walked into Borders and didn't see anyone with sticks and string. I asked one of the workers if they had knit night here. She said "well, last month one or two people came." Hmmm, doesn't sound promising. We decided to sit in the cafe where we could be seen if anyone else showed up. Here I was worried about crashing into an established group and it turns out, we were the group! We sat and had mochas and I had a rice krispie treat (I love them) and Em had a warm brownie with whipped cream. We knitted and talked. A trio of women came in and commented on my sock and one showed off the scarf she paid "over 50 dollars" for because it's "handmade with some yarn that is mala- something". I told her it was Malabrigo and yes, it is expensive yarn. The scarf was about 6 inches wide and garter stitch. Plain garter stitch. The yarn was attractive but nothing special. But she was proud of the fact that she bought it from an "artist". Emily and I decided we would make it a monthly event whether anyone else shows up or not. We are the Succulent Wild Knitters. In honor of a book by Sark called Succulent Wild Women that we really like. It was enjoyable despite (or maybe because of) being just the two of us.
I'm starting to plan the menu for Thanksgiving. I say plan but in reality we'll have the same food we always eat. I just need to make sure that we have the ingredients for the pies and relishes that we don't normally eat. And a turkey. Must buy a turkey.
It's time to go to work. I have supervision in a few minutes. Go out and make it a good day!
Now, I am not one for wearing a lot of jewelry. In fact I wear the same jewelry every day. I wear the same earrings (I don't take them off), my wedding ring, my mother's ring (with my girls' birthstones) and my watch. That's it. I occasionally wear a pin but only occasionally.
When I saw this bracelet in the catalog (pyramid collection), I had two thoughts. First, it was too expensive and second I don't wear silver (although my watch is stainless steel). But I loved it. e.e. cummings is one of my favorite poets and the bracelet is engraved with one of his poems. Peter Kevin saw it and knew I liked the poem (He gave me the complete collection of cummings poetry right before we got married 27 yrs ago) so he ordered it for my birthday.
The description says it fits wrists up to 7 1/2 inches. I measured my wrist and the widest part of my hand and it should have fit but it didn't . I couldn't get it over my hand. I was very distressed.
This is where all the investment I have made in Pk's tools over the years pays off. He took the bracelet and made a small cut and turned it into a cuff bracelet instead of a bangle and now it fits. It is beautiful and I love it. I will wear it every day as part of my wardrobe.
Here is the poem that's hand etched on the outside and the inside:
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go, my dear and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate, my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)
e e cummings
I think his poetry is an acquired taste or maybe he's just one of those poets that people either love or hate. I haz love, srsly. I think he would have loved lolcats because he was in the habit of making up his own words and syntax. Just like a lolcat.
Happy Sunday everyone.
Here's hoping that the day will come when these will become a curiosty and not something that we all instantly recognize.
My dad served in Korea and my husband spent 6 years in the Navy. Neither was harmed and for that I am grateful.
Today is our chance to say thanks to the men and women who serve. All of them, all over the world.
Thank you.
Here is a glimpse of the glory that is my first spun and plied yarn and the scarf it is growing up to be. It has a soft shimmer from the silk and is soft and dense. Very dense. This will be a scarf of armor to keep out the winter chill. It's funny how it is not spun terribly evenly, nor is it plied very evenly, but when it is worked over with the needles, it behaves itself and looks nice and even.
I had a birthday dinner at the local Chinese restaurant. They know us there and always treat us well. At the end of the meal, they brought a plate of oranges and pineapple bits (which they often do) but this time there was a candle in the pineapple! And there was singing. I felt loved and special. Em gave me a basket for my bike. Now I can do my local errands on my bike once Pk installs the basket. It comes off and has a handle so I can take it into stores and save on bags. Good for the environment and good for me.
I am home from work today. For some reason I had a hard time sleeping last night and this morning Pk insisted I go back to bed and sleep some more. So, I called out. I feel slightly guilty for being home without being sick but his rationale was that I wouldn't be able to do my best work and give my clients what they need if I am not at my best. I fell for it. I am also suffering the aftereffects from the antibiotics I took a little while ago. Whenever I take them, I end up with a yeast infection. I have medicated myself and am waiting for it to work. I should remember to just ask the doctor to write a prescription for diflucan when he writes the antibiotic. I just always forget.
I hope you are all having a good Monday. The weather is cold here, well, cooler than it was. Feels like fall.
This is what my neighbor's tree looked like on Thursday afternoon. It's such a beautiful tree. I think it's a lovely shape and I enjoy watching it change colors each year. After two days of rain and wind, the tree is naked. It didn't last very long.
It continued to rain today but was very warm. Almost 70 degrees (21 C) which is a little warm for November. I'm not complaining because it will keep the gas bill down for a while longer but still.....
I keep trying to type but Hobbes is rubbing all over the computer and moving the screen and trying to rub against my hands. He just came in and is very needy. The funny thing is that he has only recently become friendly. He used to be stand-offish and didn't let anyone pet him. Now he has become very demanding and wants attention RIGHT NOW.
Today was a peaceful, productive day. We did the house cleaning, grocery shopping and laundry. PK and I went to the diner for a burger and now we are relaxing. Tomorrow Em and Jim are coming down so we can all have dinner at our favorite Chinese restaurant for my birthday. I was going to cook but decided that this way, we can all just enjoy the food and have a good time and no one has to work that hard. There will be cake and ice cream (birthday parties demand cake) and no doubt laughter.
There has been some knitting. I am knitting Pk's socks toe up to use up as much of the yarn as possible (and because I've only done it once before and wanted to try it again). I have about 6 out of 8 inches done on the foot. As we're sitting in the diner, the waitress asked me if I was crocheting a bag. I said no, I'm knitting a sock. She said, "it's the same thing, really. You just have wool and hooks". Pk interceded and said that socks were much better than bags and that the family all owned several pairs of hand knitted socks and they were very grateful for them. I wanted to take the opportunity to educate this poor deluded woman but our food came and I wanted to eat my burger while it was hot. Now, she'll never know.
You Should Be a Mechanic |
![]() You're rational when things are chaotic, and for you, reason always prevails. And while you are guided by logic, you aren't a slave to it. You're flexible when it counts. You are always open to being wrong. You do best when you: - Work with your hands - Can use tools, machines, or equipment You would also be a good architect or carpenter. |
Good morning and welcome to my January. I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...