I have almost finished Under the Dome (Stephen King) and it's good. It's such a spot on examination of group mentality and what a few not-so-good people can do to make life hell for everyone else.
I finished the socks for Elanor on Christmas Eve. She loved them and put them right on her feet so there's no photographic evidence. Pk loved his socks and said he didn't realize they were for him although he watched me knit them. I needed a simple satisfying pattern to work on that didn't tax my hurting brain so I pulled out my favorite sock pattern, Go with the Flow (from 25 Favorite Socks). It's my go to pattern when I need something easy. I used the Patonyle that Ceri sent me and let me say, I'm in love. I looked for it online and it seems to be available only in Australia. It is sooooo nice to work with. It just feels good and the stitches look beautiful. When the meds start working and my head hurts a little less, I'll work on Pk's sweater but for now, these are it.
I wanted you to see the difference one day of rain and temps in the 50's (11 C) make on 2 feet of snow.
This is my front yard and street early on 12/19. And this is what it looked like a week later, Sunday (12/27) morning after 24 hours of rain.
It amazed us that all that snow could disappear so quickly. We enjoyed it for the week it hung around. It didn't take long to clean up the water that came in and Pk has been working in guyville the past two days. It's cold out there, only 22 degrees (-5 C) but he's getting some things ready for his package that has to be mailed off this week. Our forcast calls for more snow/rain on Thursday. I hope it's not too bad because I'd like to go up and see Em and Jim over the weekend. I shouldn't be contagious at that point.
What could be better than an evening spent with your best guy?