Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007

This is the hourglass lace sock pattern that I started on Friday night. Every new pattern I try teaches me something. What I learned this time is that I take a long time to learn a pattern and become comfortable with it. There is a lot of frogging in the beginning but usually I have success if I persevere. This is nice and stretchy and should fit my rather wide feet nicely without stretching the pattern all out of wack. I like it and I like working with the white yarn. It is so pretty and soft when knit up.
The sky is quite threatening right now. They are predicting heavy downpours today and I am looking forward to a quiet day indoors with Harry and the sock. I am going to put dinner in the crockpot very soon so even that will be taken care of. Now, if I could just get someone to do the little bit of ironing there is to do, the day would be perfect.
Have a peaceful day everyone.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
I chose a sock pattern for my prize yarn. I am trying hourglass eyelet pattern from Magknits. I say trying because I have ripped it out twice because my stitch count seems to be off. I, of course, will keep trying until I get it. Kate is wearing her orange and red monkeys today and they look fabulous on her feet. I'd photograph them if she stood still long enough.
A good knitting weekend coming up. The weather is supposed to be rainy and yucky. Oh darn...
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

This was waiting for me when I got home from work today. Well, actually, it was in an envelope but I forgot to photograph it before opening it and the good stuff was all inside anyway. It is my prize from the drawing on the first rest day of the Tdf kal. There is some very soft white yarn for some socks for me (yay) and some point protectors shaped like little yellow socks. These are very cute and will come in handy when using the knitpicks dpns (the yarn tends to slip off of them when I put them down). Thank you Meg and Debbie! I have to finish these

In other knitting news, Olivia and I are involved in a swap and let me tell you how hard it is to find yarn that is local to New Jersey. I finally found some lovely yarn but it is from Pennsylvania. Since it is within a day's drive, I figure it qualifies as local. My family is having a good time suggesting local items to put into the box. Unfortunately, it is high summer here and I have to be careful not to put anything meltable in there. Sending yarn to Australia seems a little strange, 'cause don't you all have lots of sheeps there? Anyway, I am waiting for my order to arrive and then I will pack it up and ship it out. I love sending packages. It feels like Christmas.
Monday, July 23, 2007

Sunday, July 22, 2007
Now for the reason the sock is not finished. First, I made a Christmas gift this weekend while my daughter is away at her anime convention. I wish I could post a photo because it is great but she reads this and I am determined to hang on until Christmas. I am not good with the whole waiting thing. I like to give gifts and want to give it to her NOW but I am really trying. The second reason is that after 25 years of marriage, my darling husband still likes to hold my hand and I cannot knit with one hand so I put the knitting down and held his hand while he drove. I know, I know but I like holding his hand. I had to rip out three rows of the sock when I discovered I had made a mistake I could not figure out (hard to do in stockinette stitch) and I am in the process of finishing the last bit before the toe decreases. Hopefully today will be the day and I can post a finished product tonight.
Today is just as lovely as yesterday but the chores are screaming at me. Someone has to do the laundry(I already went shopping) and the house needs a sprucing up if not a full on cleaning. I straightened and lightly dusted and cleaned the floors. Isn't that enough? Can I knit now?
Thursday, July 19, 2007
"Your spirit animal is the Grizzly Bear. No other spirit animal matches it's size and strength. This creature is among the noblest and most respectable, and you are truly fortunate. It is both fearsome and awesome to behold. It will serve you well, and shows that you have a deeper understanding than most. It is quite rare indeed to have a Grizzly as a spirit animal!
***Wondering how this animal was chosen for you? These questions were carefully thought out to see how important you hold certain virtues such as: humanism, self-knowledge, rationalism, the love of freedom and other somewhat Hellenic ideals. Some of the questions were very subtle. Your score was then matched with an animal of corresponding nobility. However, you shouldn't think this was a right/wrong sort of test, but more of an idealistic values test. It's ok to not hold these values, you'll just get an animal spirit of lower stature if you do!*** "
I am knitting away on the hiking sock. I was at a seminar yesterday and got to tell the women around me all about the kal and what I was doing. It was cool because I think they were really interested. At least, they asked a lot of questions.
I think the antibiotics are working although it's hard to tell. In the past, I have been fooled into thinking things were getting better when the little germs were working their way down into my skin so we will wait to make a judgement.
I must do some work now. They do pay me afterall.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Which was good because now I have to go to the doctors to get some lumps checked out. I have a history of cellulitis from bumps near my lymph glands in my armpits. Three emergency room visits and two hospitalizations worth of history. It is no end of fun to lift your (usually unshaven because it is sore and infected) armpit up to the light so lots of doctors can look (and poke) at it. My doctor and I have a deal. I call him when I find a bump, he calls in an antibiotic and I call him if it doesn't seem to be working. Unfortunately, he is on vacation and I have to go into the office and be seen by his physician's assistant. She is a very nice person but now I have to go and show her my armpits. At this rate, every doctor in south jersey will have seen my underarms! And 10 days of antibiotics to look forward to. I know there are worse things and there are people out there truly suffering so I will stop whinin

And just so it isn't a completely photo free post, here is one of my favorite space pictures. If I didn't get air sick I would have been an astronaut. I so wanted to go to the moon and be on a ship like the Enterprise. This is called "a stellar jewel box" and is available from nasa on their astronomy picture of the day website. It's so beautiful, it gives me goose bumps.
Sunday, July 15, 2007

Friday, July 13, 2007

Thursday, July 12, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

This is my cat Hobbes showing his disdain for my knitting endeavor. I am 1 inch away from finishing the cuff of sock number one of my hiking socks. The yarn band says it is "fine" but I think it is rather thick. This could be because I have been knitting with sock yarn for months now and anything would feel thick! It is yarnart brand , crazy color #102. It is a mixture of brown, beige and ivory. Since Peter Kevin didn't want snowflakes on his socks (as per the pattern), I tried to get a thicker yarn that would make them interesting but still "manly". They are knitting up fairly quickly and I love the way they feel. They are a bit hard to work with and I am glad for my knitpicks needles. I just know I would have used a forest worth of bamboo needles by now.
I have been trying to describe what a kal is to the folks at work who see my ziplock bag of yarn in my work bag and want to see "what's new". I think they all think I am a bit eccentric, well, maybe A LOT eccentric but that's ok. No one on the train has said anything for a while although I can see them looking out of the corner of my eye. Maybe I should get a button that says "ask me about my knitting!"
Sunday, July 8, 2007

Thursday, July 5, 2007
My monkey socks are tooling along. I am almost finished the first one and it looks great. No progress shot, the weather is lousy today and the light is nonexistent. I plan to spend much of the next couple of days finishing it and getting as much done on number 2 as I can before the Tour de France kal begins.
Thanks to everyone who offered tips and info on proper knitting technique. I am doing ok with the "new" way but once in a while, if I am not paying attention, I slip. Much cursing and ripping ensues!
Sunday, July 1, 2007

Here is my first monkey sock after 3 repeats of the pattern. I had a hard time with it. I don't think the pattern is difficult and it does move along quickly as everyone said. I think the needles are so slick( which is usually wonderful) that when I put it down, I am losing stitches off the ends. I love the knitpick needles but I think the combination of the slippery needles and the superwash/nylon sock yarn is dangerous. I had to rip out so many rows because I couldn't pick up the stitches that had fallen off. Sometimes it wasn't so bad but others, well it was just easier to rip it out and start over. I am also trying to knit this correctly (in the front loop) and sometimes I forget what I'm doing and have to rip out a row because I knit in the back loop for the whole row. It is frustrating trying to retrain my muscles to do something differently. I never found the ktbl to be difficult. It was what I knew.
I love the way the yarn is working with the pattern. It is a colorful, lightweight sock and I can't wait to wear it. Of course, I have to finish the first one and then knit number two. This might be hampered by the start of the Tour de France kal which is July 9. I have just over a week to finish these socks or put them aside in favor of the hiking socks I am doing for the kal.
I have one other small gripe about the knitpick dpns, although overall, I love them and prefer them over bamboo or other woods. They don't print the size of the needle anywhere on them. I have a gadget which tells me which size my needle is by sticking it into the hole but it is so much easier to just print the size on the needle. All in all that is a very small thing and I am not going to complain (too much).
Good morning and welcome to my January. I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...
Happy 2010! (That's said 'twenty-ten'.) We finally got out of the '0's' and now can move on. Pk and I had our u...
I didn't mention in my last post (probably because I'm not always comfortable with my own sexuality), but having Pk look at me in th...
The taxes are done ! Yay! I had a great sense of satisfaction hitting that "submit" button. (I have visions of my tax forms going ...