I saw this on teabird's blog and was intrigued.
I know these quizzes are ubiquitous (I love that word, almost as much as "calipigous") but this one at least has great art in it......small redeeming fact, I know.
Your result for What Your Taste in Art Says About You Test...
Balanced, Secure, and Realistic.
15 Impressionist, 14 Islamic, 11 Ukiyo-e, -10 Cubist, -10 Abstract and -8 Renaissance!
Impressionism is a movement in French painting, sometimes called optical realism because of its almost scientific interest in the actual visual experience and effect of light and movement on appearance of objects. Impressionist paintings are balanced, use colored shadows, use pure color, broken brushstrokes, thick paint, and scenes from everyday life or nature.
People that like Impressionist paintings may not alway be what is deemed socially acceptable. They tend to move on their own path without always worrying that it may be offensive to others. They value friendships but because they also value honesty tend to have a few really good friends. They do not, however, like people that are rude and do not appreciate the ideas of others. They are secure enough in themselves that they can listen to the ideas of other people without it affecting their own final decisions. The world for them is not black and white but more in shades of grey and muted colors. They like things to be aestically pleasing, not stark and sharp. There are many ways to view things, and the impresssionist personality views the world from many different aspects. They enjoy life and try to keep a realistic viewpoint of things, but are not very open to new experiences. If they are content in their live they will be more than likely pleased to keep things just the way they are.
Take What Your Taste in Art Says About You Test
The emphasis is mine. I think I'm fairly socially acceptable. No one's tried to stone me or tar and feather me lately. I bathe regularly and try not to belch or fart in public. Parts of it are true. I tend, when content, to leave well enough alone and not seek out 'the next thing'. I am a homebody and while travelling is nice, I'd rather putter around my own home.
Well, the heater came on and it works and we are all glad. Now we can turn it off until we really need it. I am a big proponent of the "put on a sweater, we're not supporting the gas company" philosophy. Pk is alright with that, he has the "blanket with arms" that I made for him a few years ago. This is the largest sweater that I have ever seen and he loves it. The sleeves are way too long but he likes that because he can pull them down over his hands when he is at the keyboard and it is almost a wrap sweater on him. The fact that he likes it is all that really matters. That and not wearing it out of the house.
I spent some time working on his socks last night. I have come to realize that I will never reach the perfection that is Thorlo socks but I can make nice, soft, warm socks for him. The yarn is thicker than fingering but not quite worsted and I'm using 2.25 needles so I have tight, thick fabric. And they're plain feet with ribbed cuffs. Boring, yet comforting to knit.
I ordered some books and they came yesterday. It was a nice surprise since I didn't expect them to even ship until today. And yesterday was a less than stellar day at work so the surprise was doubly nice. I ordered It Itches by Franklin Habit and Free Range Knitter by Stephanie Pearl McPhee and Custom Knits by Wendy Bernard. Franklin's book is like his blog only better because it's expanded. The cartoons are funny and his prose is laugh out loud worthy. Stephanie's book, which I've just started reading, is her usual well written and observant style. It is a "book about knitters" as she puts it. And Wendy's book is full of patterns for fun and comfortable sweaters. The best part of it for me, as a beginning knitter, is that she gives advice and lots of hints on how to take a pattern and alter it to suit your body and style. And it's not condescending but entertaining. So, I'm set for a little while.
It is what it is. This phrase seems to be coming out of my mouth with increasing frequency and I can't decide if it's a good thing or not. I remember reading something somewhere that said that situations are neither bad nor good but it's our perception of them that judges their quality. I think that's true sometimes. But I also think some situations are bad (abusive relationships and the like) and should be avoided or changed if possible. I am using the phrase at work more often because I feel frustrated with a situation within which I find myself. It's hard when you explain your position over and over and it's misinterpreted again and again. I don't know how to make myself any clearer but it's not getting through. So, I say to myself, "it is what it is" and walk away. I was called into a "meeting" with my two immediate supervisors yesterday so they could tell me that they don't want me to volunteer to be a trainer for our new computer program that we are rolling out in January. This was hard to hear because I like to teach and I'm good at it. And I'm one of the few people in the building who supports the change to computer records and is really comfortable with the computer as a work tool. I can't really fight it, I won't win and I'll just get frazzled. So, I say to myself "it is what it is". And I will let it go.
I'm off to the dentist to (finally!) get the crown put back into my mouth. This should end the dental saga. Yay!! Have a good Wednesday everyone.
I borrowed this from galad. I own a set of tarot cards and used to read them for friends and family. It's been ages since I did. I always found them fascinating.
Happiness, Content, Joy.
The meanings for the Sun are fairly simple and consistent.
Young, healthy, new, fresh. The brain is working, things that were muddled come clear, everything falls into place, and everything seems to go your way.
The Sun is ruled by the Sun, of course. This is the light that comes after the long dark night, Apollo to the Moon's Diana. A positive card, it promises you your day in the sun. Glory, gain, triumph, pleasure, truth, success. As the moon symbolized inspiration from the unconscious, from dreams, this card symbolizes discoveries made fully consciousness and wide awake. You have an understanding and enjoyment of science and math, beautifully constructed music, carefully reasoned philosophy. It is a card of intellect, clarity of mind, and feelings of youthful energy.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
My favorite knit. This is the first sock I ever made. It's not the first garment I ever made but it's the first time things like gauge, needle size, and type of yarn all came into my world.
Before this pair of socks, I had made some acrylic sweaters. Really just rectangles sewn together and I was inordinately proud of them. I happened to hear about a craft show nearby and I went and the scales fell off my eyes and I was reborn as a knitter. I wanted to make socks and found a booth where they were more than willing to sell me yarn and needles and a simple, basic pattern. I was not a "knitter" at this point, only a person who made occasional things. That day I learned there is a difference. This pair of socks made me into a knitter.
I chose the yarn having no idea it was self striping. I didn't know what self striping was. I only knew it was colors Kate would like. It cost me 17 dollars which I thought was outrageous at the time ( little did I know!) That ball of Opal yarn opened the door for me and invited me inside the world of yarn and needles and gauge and stitch markers.
I was so excited when the stripes started forming! You'd have thought I invented them. I showed them to everyone and they were suitably impressed. And then it came time to turn the heel and I couldn't figure it out. I didn't know about yarn stores and finding help. I turned to the internet and found a wonderful tutorial called Socks 101 with clear directions and lots of photos. And when I figured out that it was ok to have stitches left on the needle when you turned to start the next row, there was no stopping me. I powered onto the toe and have never looked back. This is my first gusset and first heel.
This sock made me look at knitting as more than square blankets for babies. It's opened the door to so much enjoyment and new friends.
And all of that from one little ball of yarn and four wooden sticks. Not too shabby.
Your result for Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Or Someone Else? Mad Men-era Female Icon Quiz...
You are a Doris -- "I must help others."
Dorises are warm, concerned, nurturing, and sensitive to other people's needs.
How to Get Along with MeHeehee! I'm a Doris. I'm also a Tarzan and Kermit the Frog depending on which test you prefer!
Tooth update: The dentist did all the prep work for reinstalling my crown yesterday and then discovered the crown had a pinhole in the top. AAGGHHH! She is sending it to the lab to be re-enameled and will put it in next week. In the meantime, she drilled and put in a screw and "built it up" to hold in the crown. A little sore in there today.
Lace update: The Triad Scarf and I are divorced. I got custody of the yarn and needles and will search for another partner. Don't cry. We weren't meant to be. In fact I've already moved on and am contemplating another relationship.
And that's all for Thursday.
I had so much trouble falling asleep last night. I dozed off and on until about 3 and then finally fell soundly asleep. I think it's probably because I am going to the dentist today for the final round of preparation to have my crown replaced. Yay! I can get rid of the little metal cap and get my tooth back and then I can chew on both sides of my mouth. An underrated feat if ever there was one. I also always have trouble sleeping this time of year. As the daylight grows scarce, my internal clock takes a while to reset. And the end of daylight savings time isn't for another week. That always takes me days to adjust to mentally.
I sat through one of the most uncomfortable meetings ever yesterday. It was supposed to be a chance for our interns to talk about their experiences in social rehab groups and talk about when they would like to run groups. It turned into a debate on recovery in mental health and I watched two professionals who should know better debate in front of the students. One of the girls said to me afterwards, "I've never been so uncomfortable in my life". I challenged what one of the people was saying because he was not making any sense and he didn't respond well. (He is my supervisor and I'm afraid I'll pay for that. ) I wish now that I had kept my mouth shut but I couldn't help it. He kept making statements that contradicted themselves and I couldn't stand it. I have supervision with my other supervisor today and I'll have a chance to talk about it.
There was (is) a huge fire burning in our neck of the woods. The Wharton Tract is on fire. We were driving in that direction last night but were still 20 miles away but could see the huge cloud of smoke. And as it got dark, we could see the glow from the fire. That's one of my favorite spots in the world and it hurts my heart. It's been really dry the last few weeks and the woods are ablaze. The winds aren't helping either. As of this morning, over 1300 acres have burnt and it's not under control yet. This happens now and again and I know that the woods will come back but it's hard to watch. This time there are houses and people in the way of the fire.
Have a good Wednesday. The World Series starts tonight. If I didn't live in the Philadelphia area, I wouldn't know that. But because the Phillies are playing, you can't miss it. There is a distinctive red cast to everything!
I ordered some alpaca/silk blend from Knitpicks in the spice color. The patern looks interesting and it's supposed to be a "quick little knit". Those words and "lace" don't belong in the same sentence where I'm concerned! I'm looking forward to it.
Well, I've dallied too long. Today is a "hit the ground running" kind of day. I have charts to prepare, a meeting on the psych ward and a crisis mgmt class to teach this afternoon.
Have a good day!
If you've never visited this site, you're in for a laugh. It is funny and never fails to make me smile.
Today it's standing in for me as I struggle to stay awake. I went to the endodontist and he took an x-ray and said he wouldn't touch the tooth until I had been on an antibiotic for a few days. So, he prescribed clindamycin (which makes me very drowsy) and rescheduled the procedure for Friday morning at 8 am. I started the medicine (thus the drowsiness) and will take Friday off from work and have the procedure. It means getting my courage up to return to the office a second time. They are all nice folks in there but they have sharp, pointy instruments and they want to work inside my mouth.
I am given 11 sick days each year but pay a penalty at evaluation time for using them so I dragged my sorry self into work today. I think I am getting a cold and along with the medicine, I feel like something the cat dragged in. I'm going to finish up and leave early and go home and sleep. I am such a cotton head today.
Even though one of my girls likes the Opal sock, I am frogging it today. I think I might like it if it were done on smaller needles. The pattern calls for 2.75's and I think they are too large for the thin yarn. I'm going to give it a try on smaller needles and if that doesn't work, we'll let the yarn marinate for a while. I ordered some silk/alpace laceweight yarn yesterday to make a shawl to participate in the southern hemisphere's lacey summer sort of knit along. It's all very loose and has no deadlines so I'm in. I ordered a color called "spice" so we'll see. It looks like it's browns and reds and manogany.
Have a good Wednesday. Someone around here is cooking bacon and it's killing me it smells so good! Bacon is something I indulge in only infrequently and just the smell makes me hungry.
Look, we made the funny papers! Pearls Before Swine is one of my favorite comics. (And yes, I read the comics first each morning). Rat is so cynical and Pig is so simple. And sweet. I used to read the news first and then I went to a seminar and the speaker said that he liked to start his day with a smile so he read the comics first. That made so much sense to me that I now reach for the comics first and then if I have time I read the "hard news". It never hurts to laugh in the morning.
Today is the day I go to the endodontist and have the root canal retreated. I didn't sleep well last night, too nervous I guess. Today I woke up with raging allergy symptoms. I have medicated them as best as I can and now I just have to wait for the meds to work. My tooth hurts which is a good thing. At times over the weekend when it wasn't hurting, I had the thought that I could cancel the whole thing and just forget it. Not the smartest idea but appealing nonetheless. Today it's not a choice.
I kept working on the Opal sock and turned the heel last night. I had forgotten that I used Opal for another pair of socks and really like them now. It does bloom when washed so I'm going to finish them. The pattern is pretty but like all lace, is hard to appreciate until you stretch it out.
Have a good Tuesday. I'll be at the dentist if anyone needs me.
This is a pattern I've wanted to try for a while and some yarn that I had in the stash (or boodle if you prefer). It's an Opal yarn, I forget the color but it's white with little bits of blues and purples randomly placed on the yarn. The pattern is Snowflake socks from the departed Magknits. (I don't know if it ended up somewhere else.) These are the laciest socks I've ever done and they're fairly easy. My problem is that there is an 12 row repeat and the rows are just similar/different enough that I can't easily remember it and have to keep looking at the directions. I am not enjoying the pattern, though.
As I was walking down the street toward work this morning, I realized that I don't enjoy knitting the pattern and I'm not sure I like the way it looks. I have 2/3 of the cuff done and would hate to rip out all that work but I knit for pleasure and it's not giving me pleasure. I'm going to let it sit for a few days while I try to figure out why I don't like it (it looks pretty enough, maybe it's too thin). In the meantime, I have finished one of the Reims pattern socks and started sock number two. I'm looking forward to finishing all the holiday gift knitting so I can go back to the Wildflowers shawl and finish the edging.
I had a good pj day yesterday. I lost some of it when I fell soundly asleep on the couch with knitting needles in my hand. When I woke up, I was disoriented and out of sorts for a bit so I know I was deeply asleep.
My plan is to work all day and go home and put dinner in the oven (meatloaf and roasted potatoes) and then take a short spin on the bike and then finish up the dinner and relax. I figure I need a routine so I get used to riding the bike before the weather gets too cold. I'd like to be able to ride a little distance and not feel like I'm going to fall over when I get off.
It's Columbus Day here in the US. It's a federal holiday which means no mail, no recycling pick up, and for lots of people, no work. The train was empty this morning. Sigh. As the powers-that-be remind us frequently, we are a healthcare institution and not entitled to every little holiday as people may need us.
Well, I'm off to check the phone messages and see if anyone needs me.
It was a lovely weekend. With the sheep show and the flea market and the perfect weather. I almost don't mind that it's Monday and I am sitting at my desk listening to the phone ring. I don't answer before 8. I think some of my clients think I live here in this office.
Today is the deadline for registering to vote in the November election. Every 4 years someone says how important this election is and how we have to "get out the vote". I think every election is important because that is what a representational government is all about. So, if you live in the US, remind people around you that if they want to be part of the solution, they need to be registered to vote. Things just keep getting scarier economically and a change in leadership is sorely needed.
I didn't knit much this weekend. For some reason, I am having trouble following the sock pattern I'm using and have had to rip out rows several times because of my lack of counting skills. I have some baby socks wrapped up for the shower this week and the red bag is crossed off the to-do list and I put the Wildflowers shawl on the back burner to work on some knitting for others so I am concentrating on the socks. Fortunately, the bamboo is soft and pleasant to work with. I spun a bobbin full of the silk/baby camel and oh my god, it's the fluffiest and softest stuff I have ever touched. Of course, this means that bits of it fly all over and my nose was itchy for hours because I had bits of fluff all over. I am grateful for the individual who invented the rolls of sticky stuff that pick up fluff and lint!
I bought a toy for my desk on Saturday to add to the collection of wind up toys I keep there for my amusement. I bought an old metal wind up spaceman who walks and waves his arms menacingly. He joins the fuzzy bunny that hops, the monkey who jumps and does flips, the robot who does the twist, the crab who sidles, the egg who dances, the peep chick who runs across the floor and the airplane that turns somersaults. Just looking at them makes me smile and playing with them can be very therapeutic.
So, how's Monday treating you?
Good morning and welcome to my January. I’m not sure quite where to start so I’ll start with the thought that brought me back here today. ...